package main
type Node struct {
isWord bool
next map[string]*Node
type trie struct {
root *Node
func generateNode() *Node {
return &Node{next: make(map[string]*Node)}
func NewTrie() *trie {
return &trie{
root: generateNode(),
func (t *trie) Insert(word string) {
cur := t.root
for _, w := range []rune(word) {
wStr := string(w)
if cur.next[wStr] == nil {
cur.next[wStr] = generateNode()
cur = cur.next[wStr]
cur.isWord = true
func (t *trie) Search(word string) bool{
cur := t.root
for _,w := range []rune(word){
wStr := string(w)
if cur.next[wStr]==nil{
return false
return cur.isWord
func (t *trie) Prefix(prefix string) bool{
cur := t.root
for _,w := range []rune(prefix){
wStr := string(w)
if cur.next[wStr]==nil{
return false
return true
package main
type Node struct {
isWord bool
next map[string]*Node
type Trie struct {
root *Node
func Constructor() Trie {
return Trie{root: generateNode()}
func generateNode() *Node {
return &Node{next: make(map[string]*Node)}
func (this *Trie) Insert(word string) {
cur := this.root
for _,w :=range word{
wStr := string(w)
if cur.next[wStr] ==nil{
cur.next[wStr] = generateNode()
cur = cur.next[wStr]
cur.isWord = true
func (this *Trie) Search(word string) bool {
cur := this.root
for _,w :=range word{
wStr := string(w)
if cur.next[wStr] ==nil{
return false
cur = cur.next[wStr]
return cur.isWord
func (this *Trie) StartsWith(prefix string) bool {
cur := this.root
for _,w :=range prefix{
wStr := string(w)
if cur.next[wStr] ==nil{
return false
cur = cur.next[wStr]
return true
* Your Trie object will be instantiated and called as such:
* obj := Constructor();
* obj.Insert(word);
* param_2 := obj.Search(word);
* param_3 := obj.StartsWith(prefix);
package main
import "fmt"
type Node struct {
next map[string]*Node
isWord bool
type WordDictionary struct {
root *Node
func Constructor() WordDictionary {
return WordDictionary{root: generateNode()}
func generateNode() *Node {
return &Node{next: make(map[string]*Node)}
func (this *WordDictionary) AddWord(word string) {
cur := this.root
for _, w := range []rune(word) {
wStr := string(w)
if cur.next[wStr] == nil {
cur.next[wStr] = generateNode()
cur = cur.next[wStr]
cur.isWord = true
func (this *WordDictionary) Search(word string) bool {
return this.searchR(word, this.root, 0)
func (this *WordDictionary) searchR(word string, node *Node, index int) bool {
if index == len(word) {
return node.isWord
c := string([]rune(word)[index])
if c != "." {
if node.next[c] == nil {
return false
} else {
return this.searchR(word, node.next[c], index+1)
for w,_ :=range node.next{
if this.searchR(word, node.next[w], index+1){
return true
return false
* Your WordDictionary object will be instantiated and called as such:
* obj := Constructor();
* obj.AddWord(word);
* param_2 := obj.Search(word);
func main() {
obj := Constructor()
3.3Map Sum
type Node struct {
next map[string]*Node
val int
type MapSum struct {
root *Node
func generateNode() *Node {
return &Node{next: make(map[string]*Node)}
func Constructor() MapSum {
return MapSum{root: generateNode()}
func (this *MapSum) Insert(key string, val int) {
cur := this.root
for _,w :=range []rune(key){
wStr :=string(w)
if cur.next[wStr]==nil{
cur.next[wStr] = generateNode()
cur = cur.next[wStr]
cur.val = val
func (this *MapSum) Sum(prefix string) int {
cur := this.root
for _,w :=range []rune(prefix){
wStr := string(w)
if cur.next[wStr]==nil{
return 0
cur = cur.next[wStr]
return this.sumR(cur)
func (this *MapSum)sumR(node *Node)int{
if len(node.next)==0{
return node.val
res := node.val
for _,n :=range node.next{
res += this.sumR(n)
return res
* Your MapSum object will be instantiated and called as such:
* obj := Constructor();
* obj.Insert(key,val);
* param_2 := obj.Sum(prefix);