1.4 Understand What is Site Server
Site Servers
A site server is the server you install through the System Center Installation Wizard.
Without a site server in your environment, you cannot have ConfigMgr installed. It’s as simple as that. When installing the site server, you also automatically install a site that is represented with a site name and a three-digit site code. Once you have the site server, you start installing site system roles. A site system role can be hosted on the site server, or you can choose to install the role on another server;
站点服务器是你通过system center安装向导安装的服务器。在你的环境中没有站点服务器,你不可能安装ConfigMgr。就是这样简单。当你安装站点服务器的时候,你还同时自动安装了拥有一个站点名和三位数代码的站点。一旦你有了站点服务器,你就可以进行安装站点系统角色了。站点系统角色可以在站点服务器上进行托管,或者你可以选择在其它服务器上安装此角色。
1.5 Understand What is Site System
Site Systems
As mentioned earlier in this chapter, a site is made up of a site server hosting the site server role and multiple site system roles. The site system roles can be hosted on several different servers, or you can choose to implement all site systems on the same server. I have seen several medium and small site installations where all the roles are hosted on the same server, and everything runs perfectly.
1.6 Understand What is Management Point
Management Point
The management point is the primary point of contact between clients and the site server. A ConfigMgr 2012 site can host ten management points, but you should not install them across a WAN link because a management point is not “site-aware.” A management point provides specific client configuration details, also known as client policies. It receives inventory, software metering, and status information from clients and forwards it to the site server.
管理点是在客户端和站点服务器之间的主要联系点。ConfigMGR 2012站点可以持有10个管理点,但是你不应该跨WAN链接安装他们,因为管理点不能进行站点感知。管理点提供了特定客户端的配置信息,还称之为客户端策略。它从客户端接收资产清单,软件统计和状态信息,并且发送这些信息到站点服务器。
1.7 Understand What is Software Update Point
Software Update Point
A software update point is a WSUS server controlled by Configuration Manager.Unlike a stand-alone WSUS solution, clients do not download or install updates directly from a software update point. The only data downloaded by the client from a software update point is the update metadata. In Service Pack 1, there is support for multiple software update points in a primary site. A client will toggle between software update points only when the assigned software update point is not responding. For that reason, you might want to configure multiple software update points before you start deploying clients.
软件更新点是由Configuration Manager控制的一台WSUS服务器。不像独立的WSUS解决方案,客户端没有直接从软件更新点下载和安装更新。客户端从软件更新点下载的唯一数据是更新的元数据。在Sever Pack 1中,在主站点中支持多个软件更新点。仅当分配的软件更新点没有相应时,客户端才会在软件更新点之间进行切换。鉴于这个原因,在你开始部署客户端之前,你有可能想要配置多个软件更新点。
1.8 Understand What is Distribution Point
Distribution Point
Whenever a client needs to install an application or a software update, the client will connect to a distribution point to fetch the software. With Service Pack 1 and R2, there are two different distribution points, on-premise and cloud based. There are no more branch distribution points or server shares. The distribution point stores packages in a new content library, which supports single instance storage for all content and thus minimizes the space required to host all packages. Another of the new cool features in this version is that you can control traffic going to the distribution point and also prestage content using any media. It’s not uncommon for a distribution point to host several hundred GBs of content. So when setting up a new distribution point at a remote location, you will find the prestaging very convenient.
每当客户端需要去安装应用程序或者软件更新时,客户端将会连接到分发点去获取软件。在Service Pack1和R2,有两种不同的分发点,在内部的和基于云端的。不再有分支分发点和服务器共享。分发点在一个新的内容库中存储(应用程序或软件更新)包,其支持所有内容在单一实例中存储,最小化了托管所有(应用程序或软件更新)包需要的空间。在这个版本中的一个非常酷的新功能是可以控制分发点的流量,同时使用媒体的预留内容。对于分发点托管了几百GB的内容是非常常见的,你将发现该预先设置非常方便。
1.9 Understand What is Application Catalog Web Service Point
Application Catalog Web Service Point
An Application Catalog web service point provides software information to the Application Catalog website from the Software Library. This site system role is installed only on the primary site.
1.10 Understand What is Application Catalog Website Point
Application Catalog Website Point
A new end-user web portal allows end users to request and install software.Applications deployed to end users are presented in the Self-Service Portal.
1.11 Understand What is Site Database Server
Site Database Server
The ConfigMgr site database server is a computer running SQL Server that stores information such as discovery data, hardware and software inventory data, and configuration and status information for the ConfigMgr sites in the hierarchy.
CofigMgr的站点数据库服务器是运行SQL Server的计算机,其存储了例如:发现数据,硬件和软件清单数据,以及在层次结构中CofigMgr站点的配置和状态信息。
1.12 Understand What is Fallback Status Point
Fallback Status Point
The fallback status point (FSP) is used by clients when they are unable to communicate with management points. There are a few scenarios in which that can happen, such as during the client installation and assignment phase, or when a client configured to communicate using HTTPS for some reason has a problem with the certificate. Before installing the FSP, you need to be aware of the fact the non-authenticated and non-encrypted traffic is accepted by the site system.
Configuration Manager 2007中的回退状态点是用于帮助管理员监视客户端部署和识别在安装或分配期间遇到的任何问题的站点系统角色