



One of our customers recently asked whether it is possible to identify, from the MySQL side, the query that is causing high CPU usage on his system. The usage of simple OS tools to find the culprit has been a widely used technique for a long time by PostgreSQL and Oracle DBAs, but it didn’t work for MySQL as historically we’ve lacked the instrumentation to match an OS thread with an internal processlist thread – until recently.

Percona added support to map processlist ids to OS thread ids through column TID of the information_schema.processlist table starting on Percona Server for MySQL 5.6.27. With the release of 5.7, MySQL followed with its own implementation by extending the PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.THREADS table and adding a new column named THREAD_OS_ID, which Percona Server for MySQL adopted in place of its own, as it usually does remain as close to upstream as possible.

The following approach is useful for cases where there is a query overloading one particular CPU while other cores are performing normally. For cases where it is a general CPU usage issue, different methods can be used, such as the one in this other blog post Reducing High CPU on MySQL: A Case Study.

主要意思是针对定位CPU的问题,Percona增加了对通过信息的TID列将processlist ID映射到OS线程ID的支持,而MySQL在5.7版本后在 PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.THREADS表加了一个THREAD_OS_ID新列来实现,以下方法适用于在其他内核正常运行时,某个特定CPU的查询过载的情况。

find out which session is using the most CPU resources in my database?


pidstat -t -p <mysqld_pid> 1  5



select * from performance_schema.threads where thread_os_id = xx ;
select * from information_schema.`PROCESSLIST` where  id=threads.processlist_id



