Email is a very efficient, modern and powerful communication tool but need to be use with care.
Although you may have been using emails for some times, but here would like to provide some pointers.
1) For urgent matters that need immediate attention; do not just send email (and waiting for response) but also to make use of phone call to the person.
1) 对于一些紧急的需要立刻采取行动的;不要仅仅发邮件(或者等待邮件回复)而是应该利用电话告诉别人。
2) When you send mail, please check your addressee carefully before sending out the mails since you now have a very wide selection. Do note that there are two “Harry, Shirley, Edmund..etc” and please be careful in your selection.  Look at the department behind the name, if you are unsure.
2) 当你发出邮件的时候,请仔细的检查一下邮件地址,特别注意可能有一些同样英文名的同事(比如HarryShirleyEdmund..等),所以请仔细检查你所选择的收件人。如果你不确定的话,看看这个名字所处的部门。
3) When wrongly received an email meant for others, it is always good to forward it to the right person.
4) For mails to external party, please check and verify having correct email address before sending.  You should keep a copy of the external address in your “personal address book” or “contacts”  so that you do not need to key in every time which may be prone to typo errors
4) 对于邮件发往外部的公司或者团体,在发出之前请检查并检验邮件地址是正确的。你可以复制一份外部的邮件地址到你的个人地址簿或者联系人,这样你就不用每次发邮件的时候写邮件地址以避免输入错误。
5) It is a good practice to have a heading/greetings for the start of your email and ending it with your name and date.
5) 在你的邮件主题和开头写上标题和问候语,以及在结束写上你的名字和日期是个很好的习惯。
6) Your email should always have a Subject to list the content of your mail or to catch attention.
6) 你的邮件应该始终有主题以列出你的邮件内容或者引起别人的关注。
7) Also, send emails only to those who need to know or to those who can help you (unless for broadcast of a certain event or occasion).  Do not copy your mail to the “whole-world”.
7) 同样,当你发邮件的时候只发给那些需要知道的人或者能够帮助到你的人(除非是一些通告之类的邮件),不要把你的邮件发给整个世界
8) Do not miss-use the mass mailing list “Everyone at zzzz” as it is only meant for urgent/important broadcasting of messages or Alerts for use by management.  DO not write complains and any instigating mail to “All or Everyone”.
8) 禁止使用大规模的邮件清单每个人在zzz”,因为这只用于管理层发送一些紧急/重大的广播通知或者警告之类的。禁止写任何抱怨投诉或者调查邮件给所有人或每个人
For any complains, you should only write to the particular person, section or you should see your immediate superior on your issue.
9) Do not waste your email by just replying a “Thank you” and cc to the world.  This will create information system overloads, eventually. It will affect the Email system of company.
9) 禁止浪费你的邮件仅仅是回复谢谢然后抄送给所有人。这样会创建过多的系统负载,最终影响到整个公司邮件系统。
10) Do not send every single mail with “Urgent” priority.  Use it only when necessary.   Unless specifically required, you also do not need to use Read-Receipt feature as it will congest the lease line.
10) 禁止使用紧急权限发送邮件给单个人。当有必要的时候才使用。除非是特殊的请求,也不需要使用读和收,因为这会使公司的线路堵塞。
11) Do not set “Request a Delivery receipt” or “Request a Read receipt” unless for specifically top important mail. You must trust that the email system will deliver all your mails out.  For urgent and important mail, you should call the party to confirm their receipt.
11) 禁止使用送达回执或者已读回执,除非是特殊的或者至关重要的邮件。你必须相信邮件系统能把你的邮件发送出去。对于一些紧急的且特别重要的邮件,你可以打电话给当事人以确认你的邮件已让他()收到。
12) Make your message readable.  Please try to send your email in plain text if you are communicating with external world as not all email program can read HTML-format (ie with colourful fonts, characters ..etc).  Used the right font with the right size.
12) 让你的邮件成为可读的。请尝试使用简单的字体发送你的邮件如果与外部世界沟通,因为并不是所有的邮件系统都能识别HTML格式的邮件(例如华丽的字体,字符等)。请使用正确的字体和适当的大小。
13) Neat and tidy messages.  Keep you emails in simple languages and avoid sending very large p_w_uploads in one mail.  If needed, break into few parts/emails to avoid traffic congestion.
13) 简单化信息。保持你的邮件用简单的语言,避免在邮件中发送巨大的附件。如果需要,发送邮件给少数人或者少数部以避免线路堵塞。
14) Do not circulate internal mails/message to any external party, especially on sensitive informations.
14) 禁止传播内部邮件或者信息给任何外部社会,特别是一些敏感的信息。
15) Do not send your email typed in BLOCK letters as it is considered to be very impolite and deem to be shouting at the person.  Also do not use foul languages (eg 4 letter words) in your emails.
15) 禁止发送你的邮件输入BLOCK文字,因为这样回为人很无礼的并且好象是对某人大喊大叫一样。同样在你的邮件中不要使用污秽肮脏的语言。
16) Also avoid using all CAPITAL LETTERS to write your mail as it is considered to be very rude.  Also avoid using RED block letters and impolite languages. Also avoid using very large Fonts size in your email.
16) 同样避免使用大写的字母去写你的邮件,那样也会认为是非常粗鲁无礼的。避免使用红色的文字和粗鲁的语言。避免使用大的字体。
17) Do not send games, dirty pictures and large p_w_upload with your emails.  If possible, Zipped up the large files before sending. Games are strictly prohibited.
17) 禁止在你的邮件中发送游戏、淫秽图片和超大的附件。如果可能的话,在发送邮件之前压缩一下你的大文件。游戏是严厉禁止的。
18) Do not circulate any “Junk mails” or non-work mail which will slow down our mail system.
18) 禁止循环任何垃圾文件或者非工作用邮件,这样会导致我们的邮件系统变慢。
19) Do receive and read your email regularly/promptly (Best – at least once a day) and not months later.
19) 有规律的、迅速的读取和接收你的邮件(最好至少是每天),不要一个月以后才收邮件。
20) At the same time, for Production Supervisors, Technicians and Engineers, do not stuck yourself all the time in the office on the computer. Get onto the production lines where most of your time should be spend.
20) 同时,对于生产主管、技术员和工程师, 不要整天呆在办公室的电脑边。去生产线,那里才是你需要花费时间最多的地方。
Last, do not wish to see any “email-wars” in the factory where emails are used to openly attack each others.
With this new communication tool, am sure it will make you more productivity and efficient, but it is not meant to replace the good old method of voice calls or face-to-face communications for those urgent and sensitive matters.