1、修改sqlserver sa账号密码2、停止vcenter服务cd C:\Program Files\VMware\vCenter Server\bin service-control --list service-control --stop servicename #停止特定服务 service-control --stop --all#停止所有服务3、修改vcetner配置文件单击开始,
Set the OVF path to a variable: $ovfpath = "Path_to_OVA” Get the OVF configuration: $ovfConfig = Get-OvfConfiguration –Ovf 
Symptoms使用 WinSCP 连接到 vCenter Server Virtual Appliance 会出现类似以下内容的错误:Cause 由于vcsa默认的root账号shell环境是/bin/appliancesh,使用root账号登录到vcsa服务器,手动修改root的shell环境为bash即可。Resolution
#add distributed switch to datacenter New-VDSwitch -Name vds-vmotion -Location Dtarget New-VDSwitch -Name vds-prd -Location&nbs
# DNS Servers $dnspri = "" $dnsalt = "" # Domain Name $domainname = "test.org" # NTP Servers $ntpone =&
Get-VMResourceConfiguration ` -vm $vm.name | Set-VMResourceConfiguration -CpuReservationMhz 576 -MemReservationMB 1024
$username = "root" $password = "mypassword" $ipstart = "192.168.1." $ipend = 23..25 $ipnew = 11 foreach ($iplist in $ipend) { &
先决条件: 1、硬件需要支持esxi操作系统 2、目标主机网卡支持pex启动 3、ESXI安装镜像校验完整 4、需要有TFTP、FTP支持 5、防火墙运行TFTP/FTP
#批量添加交换机 foreach ($vmhost in $(get-vmhost)) { New-VirtualSwitch -VMHost $vmhost -Name VSwitch -nic nic1,nic2 &nbs
$vms = Import-CSV D:\newvm\NewVMs.csv $netmask = "" $gateway = "" $dns = "" $custSysprep = Get
#start vmhost services Get-VMHost ` | ForEach {start -VMHostService -HostService ($_ | Get-VMHostService | Where {$_.Key -e
介绍 VMware快照可保存虚拟机在特定时刻的状态和数据,包括虚拟机的电源状态(例如,打开电源、关闭电源、挂起),以及组成虚拟机的所有文件(磁盘、内存和其他设备如虚拟网络接口)。虚拟机提供了多个用于创建和管理快照及快照链的操作。通过这些操作,用户可以创建快照、还原到链中的任意快照以及移除快照。可以创建多种快照树。 &
$dnsServerName="dsnsvr.test.com" $containerName="test.com" $dns = [WMIClass]"ROOT\MicrosoftDNS:MicrosoftDNS_ResourceRecord" Get-Content C:\dnsListFile.txt | Foreach-Object&nbs
$vmhostlist = Import-Csv D:\test.csv foreach ($Vmhost in $vmhostlist) { $vmserver =&n
# DNS Servers $dnspri = "" $dnsalt = "" # Domain Name $domainname = "test.com" # NTP Servers $ntpone = 
Add-PSSnapin -Name *vmware* $date = get-date -UFormat %y%m%d $vcenterlist = "vcenter1","vcenter2","vcenter3","vcetner4" $username = Read-Host("input&n
foreach ($vm in $vms){ $name = $vm.Name $cpu = $vm.NumCPU $mem = $vm.MemoryGB
Add-PSSnapin *vmware* $passwd = Read-Host "input your vcenter password: " -AsSecureString Connect-VIServer -Server -User ad
#scp -P22 /home/test.txt root@ 本地文件test.txt 复制到远程服务器 #scp -P22 root@ /home/ 远程文件text.txt复制到本地home目录 ps: -P22&n
#!/bin/bash #vim ip.txt server ip ip_array=$(cat /tmp/ip.txt) user="root" passwd="password" remote_cmd="/tmp/test.sh" port=6122 for ip in ${ip_array[*]} do ssh
!/bin/bash #vim ip.txt server ip ip_array=$(cat /tmp/ip.txt) for ip in ${ip_array[*]} do scp -P6122 /tmp/test.sh root@$ip:/tmp/ done
#!/bin/bash #备份所需要配置的文件 cp /etc/login.defs /etc/login.defs.bak cp /etc/profile /etc/profile.bak cp /etc/pam.d/common-password /etc/pam.d/common-password.bak sed -i&n
$vmname_array = "suse01","suse02","suse03" foreach ($vmname in $vmname_array){ New-VM -name $vmname
#! /usr/bin/expect set ip_array 192.168.11. ###### 网段前缀 set username root set timeout 30 #foreach ip {81 82&nb
cp /opt/vmware/uninstallers/VMware-fdm-uninstall.sh /tmp chmod +x /tmp/VMware-fdm-uninstall.sh /tmp/VMware-fdm-uninstall.sh
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