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Client Architecture We had a brief look at MINA based Server Architecture, lets see how Client looks like. Clients need to connect to a Server, send message and process the responses. 让我们看看客
Server Architecture We have exposed the MINA Application Architecture in the previous section. Let's now focus on the Server Architecture. Basically, a Server listens on a port for
MINA based Application Architecture It's the question most asked : 'How does a MINA based application look like'? In this article lets see what's the architecture of MINA based appl
Chapter 2 - Basics In Chapter 1, we had a brief glimpse of Apache MINA. In this chapter we shall have a look at Client/Server Architecture and details on working out a MINA based Server and C
NIO API's were introduced in Java 1.4 and had since been used for wide number of applications. NIO API's allows IO non-blocking operations. nio api在java
create table t_task ( task_id number(11) primary key, task_name varchar2(20), parent_task_id number(11) ) insert&nb
最近做些需要做一些平台接口类东西要用https的东西,不过me 对java 安全类型的编程真是一点不懂。。。。网上看了一些简单的东西转一下以后懒得找。。。如果要还要深入的可能要系统了解一下java 安全编程的东西 (转)SSL单双向验证原理 2008/06/26 18:39
在 web项目中,XML作为一种重要的数据存储和传输介质,被广泛使用。XML文件,XML字符串和XML Document对象是XML存在的三种形式,XML文件无需多言,和普通的文本并无二致;倒是在做一般的XML数据交换过程中,经常要使用XML字符串 和XML Document对象,因此在这两种形式之间进行转化成为了使用XML的必备技术。在所有操控XML的技术中,都提供了这两种形式XML之间的转
create or replace type paramlist as array(4) of varchar2(20); create or replace procedure firstproc(params in paramlist) 
create table testbase( id number(10) not null primary key, basename varchar2(20) not null, address varchar2(50
begin for cur in (select * from emp) loop dbms_output.put_line(cur.empno||' : '||cur.ename||' : '||cur.sal); e
create or replace procedure testcomitandexp()as begin insert into dept(deptno,dname,loc) values(50,'Tname','China'); i
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