文档信息 |
文档名称 |
Bacula 管理 |
文档编写者 |
friend-sen |
文档版本编号 |
V1.0 |
文档类型 |
技术文档 |
2011-09-20 |
备注 |
Bacula 管理和使用没有花太多精力去测试,只简单完成了普通文件的备份和恢复操作,如果大家有环境或者有时间去,还是希望多去测试,如备份数据库、备份到磁带库等 等操作。如果有完成测试的操作,希望与大家分享一下,便于大家深入了解Bacula。博客格式比较乱,附件中的文档更适合查阅。 测试环境:Bacula Server系统:Centos 5.3;Bacula Client for Linux系统:RHEL 4;Bacula Client for Windows系统:Windows 7。 |
文 档里的资料多数可以在我的博客(http://sens.cublog.cn)中找到,博客中大部分文档也是在网络中引用或转载,我在这里做了整理及修 改,目的是为了集大家之所长,为使用Bacula的大家提供更好帮助。如有侵权,还望通知,将予以改正。许多专业术语是我个人的理解,文档中有错误的地 方,或者可以用更好的语言表达的,希望将好的建议告诉我,以便错误得到及时更正,共同为使用Bacula的大家提供便利。
Bacula由五个主要部分或服务组成:Director, Console, File, Storage, and Monitor services。
那么Bacula管理部分就包含Console和Monitor Services。
Bacula 已有多种管理方式,可以通过命令行控制台、图形化控制台、WEB管理页面及托盘监控软件等方式管理Bacula。主要管理工具有Bconsole(命令行 控制台)、BAT(Bacula Admin Tool,基于QT的图形化控制台)、BWX(基于wxWidgets的图形化控制台)、Webacula(WEB管理)及tray- monitor(Linux平台托盘监控工具)。更多WEB管理工具可以在Bacula Wiki(http://wiki.bacula.org/doku.php?id=3rd_party_addons)中找到。
运 行Bconsole前先检查一下bconsole.conf是否配置正确,使用基于Windows 7的Bconsole时,运行前需要将C:\Program Files\Bacula\bconsole.conf复制到C:\ProgramData\Bacula\目录下,然后使用C:\Program Files\Bacula\bconsole.exe启动Bconsole。
# cd /usr/local/bacula/bin
# ./bconsole -?
Usage: bconsole [-s] [-c config_file] [-d debug_level]
-c <file> set configuration file to file
-d <nn> set debug level to <nn>
-dt print timestamp in debug output
-n no conio
-s no signals
-u <nn> set command execution timeout to <nn> seconds
-t test - read configuration and exit
-? print this message.
# ./bconsole
Connecting to Director ser1:9101
1000 OK: ser1-dir Version: 5.0.1 (24 February 2010)
Enter a period to cancel a command.
Command Description
======= ===========
add Add media to a pool
autodisplay Autodisplay console messages
automount Automount after label
cancel Cancel a job
create Create DB Pool from resource
delete Delete volume, pool or job
disable Disable a job
enable Enable a job
estimate Performs FileSet estimate, listing gives full listing
exit Terminate Bconsole session
gui Non-interactive gui mode
help Print help on specific command
label Label a tape
list List objects from catalog
llist Full or long list like list command
messages Display pending messages
memory Print current memory usage
mount Mount storage
prune Prune expired records from catalog
purge Purge records from catalog
python Python control commands
quit Terminate Bconsole session
query Query catalog
restore Restore files
relabel Relabel a tape
release Release storage
reload Reload conf file
run Run a job
status Report status
setdebug Sets debug level
setip Sets new client address -- if authorized
show Show resource records
sqlquery Use SQL to query catalog
time Print current time
trace Turn on/off trace to file
unmount Unmount storage
umount Umount - for old-time Unix guys, see unmount
update Update volume, pool or stats
use Use catalog xxx
var Does variable expansion
version Print Director version
wait Wait until no jobs are running
When at a prompt, entering a period cancels the command.
2.2. 操作Job
A job name must be specified.
The defined Job resources are:
1: BackupClient1
2: BackupCatalog
3: RestoreFiles
4: ser1-backup
5: ser1-restore
6: redhat-backup
7: redhat-restore
8: sen-lenovo-backup
9: sen-lenovo-restore
Select Job resource (1-9): 4
Select Job resource (1-9): 4
Run Backup job
JobName: ser1-backup
Level: Full
Client: ser1-fd
FileSet: ser1-backup
Pool: client-pool (From Job resource)
Storage: File (From Job resource)
When: 2011-10-24 11:14:05
Priority: 10
OK to run? (yes/mod/no):mod
OK to run? (yes/mod/no):mod
Parameters to modify:
1: Level
2: Storage
3: Job
4: FileSet
5: Client
6: When
7: Priority
8: Pool
9: Plugin Options
Select parameter to modify (1-9): 6
Please enter desired start time as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (return for now):
Please enter desired start time as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (return for now): 2011-10-24 11:28:30
Run Backup job
JobName: ser1-backup
Level: Full
Client: ser1-fd
FileSet: ser1-backup
Pool: client-pool (From Job resource)
Storage: File (From Job resource)
When: 2011-10-24 11:28:30
Priority: 10
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
Job queued. JobId=23
Status available for:
1: Director
2: Storage
3: Client
4: All
Select daemon type for status (1-4): 4
ser1-dir Version: 5.0.1 (24 February 2010) i686-pc-linux-gnu redhat
Daemon started 19-10朲011 10:30, 10 Jobs run since started.
Heap: heap=434,176 smbytes=218,501 max_bytes=276,446 bufs=392 max_bufs=548
Scheduled Jobs:
Level Type Pri Scheduled Name Volume
Full Backup 10 24-10朲011 18:18 ser1-backup *unknown*
Full Backup 10 24-10朲011 18:18 sen-lenovo-backup *unknown*
Full Backup 10 24-10朲011 18:18 redhat-backup *unknown*
Incremental Backup 10 24-10朲011 23:05 BackupClient1 *unknown*
Full Backup 11 24-10朲011 23:10 BackupCatalog *unknown*
Running Jobs:
Console connected at 24-10朲011 10:21
No Jobs running.
Terminated Jobs:
JobId Level Files Bytes Status Finished Name
14 Full 0 0 Cancel 24-10朲011 10:44 BackupClient1
16 Full 0 0 Cancel 24-10朲011 10:44 BackupClient1
18 Full 2 13 OK 24-10朲011 10:44 ser1-backup
19 Full 2 20 OK 24-10朲011 10:44 redhat-backup
20 Full 2 242 OK 24-10朲011 10:45 sen-lenovo-backup
22 Full 0 0 Cancel 24-10朲011 10:45 ser1-backup
15 Full 0 0 Cancel 24-10朲011 10:45 BackupCatalog
17 Full 0 0 Cancel 24-10朲011 10:45 BackupCatalog
21 Full 2 20 OK 24-10朲011 10:45 redhat-backup
23 Full 2 13 OK 24-10朲011 11:28 ser1-backup
2.2.3. 查看Job执行详情
24-10月 11:28 ser1-dir JobId 23: Job ser1-backup.2011-10-24_11.28.14_07 waiting 16 seconds for scheduled start time.
24-10月 11:28 ser1-dir JobId 23: Start Backup JobId 23, Job=ser1-backup.2011-10-24_11.28.14_07
24-10月 11:28 ser1-dir JobId 23: Created new Volume "ser1-fd-storage-2011-10-24-id23" in catalog.
24-10月 11:28 ser1-dir JobId 23: Using Device "FileStorage"
24-10月 11:28 ser1-sd JobId 23: Labeled new Volume "ser1-fd-storage-2011-10-24-id23" on device "FileStorage" (/opt/backup).
24-10 月 11:28 ser1-sd JobId 23: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume "ser1-fd-storage-2011-10-24-id23" on device "FileStorage" (/opt/bac
24-10月 11:28 ser1-dir JobId 23: Volume used once. Marking Volume "ser1-fd-storage-2011-10-24-id23" as Used.
24-10月 11:28 ser1-sd JobId 23: Job write elapsed time = 00:00:01, Transfer rate = 158 Bytes/second
24-10月 11:28 ser1-dir JobId 23: Bacula ser1-dir 5.0.1 (24Feb10): 24-10月-2011 11:28:33
Build OS: i686-pc-linux-gnu redhat
JobId: 23
Job: ser1-backup.2011-10-24_11.28.14_07
Backup Level: Full
Client: "ser1-fd" 5.0.1 (24Feb10) i686-pc-linux-gnu,redhat,
FileSet: "ser1-backup" 2011-10-17 09:26:13
Pool: "client-pool" (From Job resource)
Catalog: "MyCatalog" (From Client resource)
Storage: "File" (From Job resource)
Scheduled time: 24-10月-2011 11:28:30
Start time: 24-10月-2011 11:28:32
End time: 24-10月-2011 11:28:33
Elapsed time: 1 sec
Priority: 10
FD Files Written: 2
SD Files Written: 2
FD Bytes Written: 13 (13 B)
SD Bytes Written: 158 (158 B)
Rate: 0.0 KB/s
Software Compression: None
VSS: no
Encryption: no
Accurate: no
Volume name(s): ser1-fd-storage-2011-10-24-id23
Volume Session Id: 7
Volume Session Time: 1318991426
Last Volume Bytes: 820 (820 B)
Non-fatal FD errors: 0
SD Errors: 0
FD termination status: OK
SD termination status: OK
Termination: Backup OK
24-10月 11:28 ser1-dir JobId 23: Begin pruning Jobs older than 6 months .
24-10月 11:28 ser1-dir JobId 23: No Jobs found to prune.
24-10月 11:28 ser1-dir JobId 23: Begin pruning Jobs.
24-10月 11:28 ser1-dir JobId 23: No Files found to prune.
24-10月 11:28 ser1-dir JobId 23: End auto prune.
#ls –al /opt/backup/
-rw-r----- 1 root root 853 09-20 17:58 redhat-fd-storage-2011-09-20-id3
-rw-r----- 1 root root 854 10-24 10:44 redhat-fd-storage-2011-10-24-id19
-rw-r----- 1 root root 854 10-24 10:45 redhat-fd-storage-2011-10-24-id21
-rw-r----- 1 root root 854 10-24 14:16 redhat-fd-storage-2011-10-24-id31
-rw-r----- 1 root root 854 10-25 18:18 redhat-fd-storage-2011-10-25-id34
-rw-r----- 1 root root 1190 09-20 11:22 sen-lenovo-fd-storage-2011-09-20-id2
-rw-r----- 1 root root 1191 10-24 10:45 sen-lenovo-fd-storage-2011-10-24-id20
-rw-r----- 1 root root 1191 10-25 18:19 sen-lenovo-fd-storage-2011-10-25-id35
-rw-r----- 1 root root 820 10-24 10:44 ser1-fd-storage-2011-10-17-id10
-rw-r----- 1 root root 820 10-24 11:28 ser1-fd-storage-2011-10-24-id23
-rw-r----- 1 root root 932 10-24 13:54 ser1-fd-storage-2011-10-24-id25
-rw-r----- 1 root root 1044 10-24 14:06 ser1-fd-storage-2011-10-24-id27
-rw-r----- 1 root root 1045 10-24 14:08 ser1-fd-storage-2011-10-24-id29
-rw-r----- 1 root root 1045 10-25 18:18 ser1-fd-storage-2011-10-25-id33
还原Job run和restore命令都可以执行,但是使用run命令执行一个还原Job时,还原的数据是该Job最近一次的备份;而restore命令执行还原很早的备份Job,执行不同要求的还原Job。
- run命令执行还原
Automatically selected Catalog: MyCatalog
Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
A job name must be specified.
The defined Job resources are:
1: BackupClient1
2: BackupCatalog
3: RestoreFiles
4: ser1-backup
5: ser1-restore
6: redhat-backup
7: redhat-restore
8: sen-lenovo-backup
9: sen-lenovo-restore
Select Job resource (1-9): 5
Run Restore job
JobName: ser1-restore
Bootstrap: /usr/local/bacula/working/ser1-backup.bsr
Where: /opt/restore
Replace: always
FileSet: ser1-backup
Backup Client: <NULL>
Restore Client: ser1-fd
Storage: File
When: 2011-10-26 00:45:43
Catalog: MyCatalog
Priority: 10
Plugin Options: *None*
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
Job queued. JobId=38
这里还原的数据是按照’ser1-restore’ Job中定义的参数去执行的,和使用run执行备份Job操作类似,这里不做详细描述。根据参数设定,还原后的数据存储在客户端’ ser1-fd’的’/opt/restore’目录下,登录该客户端之后检查一下。
[root@ser1 ~]# ls -al /opt/restore/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 10-24 11:28 ser1
发现该目录下的文件与’ser1-restore’ Job中’FileSet’项定义的文件是一样,则表示还原成功了。关于该Job执行详情可通过messages命令查看或查看Bacula日志。
- restore命令执行还原
First you select one or more JobIds that contain files
to be restored. You will be presented several methods
of specifying the JobIds. Then you will be allowed to
select which files from those JobIds are to be restored.
To select the JobIds, you have the following choices:
1: List last 20 Jobs run
2: List Jobs where a given File is saved
3: Enter list of comma separated JobIds to select
4: Enter SQL list command
5: Select the most recent backup for a client
6: Select backup for a client before a specified time
7: Enter a list of files to restore
8: Enter a list of files to restore before a specified time
9: Find the JobIds of the most recent backup for a client
10: Find the JobIds for a backup for a client before a specified time
11: Enter a list of directories to restore for found JobIds
12: Select full restore to a specified Job date
13: Cancel
Select item: (1-13): 3
# ls -al /opt/backup/
-rw-r----- 1 root root 853 09-20 17:58 redhat-fd-storage-2011-09-20-id3
-rw-r----- 1 root root 854 10-24 10:44 redhat-fd-storage-2011-10-24-id19
-rw-r----- 1 root root 854 10-24 10:45 redhat-fd-storage-2011-10-24-id21
-rw-r----- 1 root root 854 10-24 14:16 redhat-fd-storage-2011-10-24-id31
-rw-r----- 1 root root 854 10-25 18:18 redhat-fd-storage-2011-10-25-id34
-rw-r----- 1 root root 1190 09-20 11:22 sen-lenovo-fd-storage-2011-09-20-id2
-rw-r----- 1 root root 1191 10-24 10:45 sen-lenovo-fd-storage-2011-10-24-id20
-rw-r----- 1 root root 1191 10-25 18:19 sen-lenovo-fd-storage-2011-10-25-id35
-rw-r----- 1 root root 820 10-24 10:44 ser1-fd-storage-2011-10-17-id10
-rw-r----- 1 root root 820 10-24 11:28 ser1-fd-storage-2011-10-24-id23
-rw-r----- 1 root root 932 10-24 13:54 ser1-fd-storage-2011-10-24-id25
-rw-r----- 1 root root 1044 10-24 14:06 ser1-fd-storage-2011-10-24-id27
-rw-r----- 1 root root 1045 10-24 14:08 ser1-fd-storage-2011-10-24-id29
-rw-r----- 1 root root 1045 10-25 18:18 ser1-fd-storage-2011-10-25-id33
这里选择还原Windows客户端’ sen-lenovo-fd’在2011-10-24备份的数据,如上所示,它的JobId为20;
Select item: (1-13): 3
Enter JobId(s), comma separated, to restore: 20
You have selected the following JobId: 20
Building directory tree for JobId(s) 20 ...
1 files inserted into the tree.
You are now entering file selection mode where you add (mark) and
remove (unmark) files to be restored. No files are initially added, unless
you used the "all" keyword on the command line.
Enter "done" to leave this mode.
cwd is: /
输入JobId后,系统提示进入’文件选择模式’,也就是说可以选择哪些文件需要还原’mark’,哪些文件不需要还原’unmark’,还原所有文件为’mark *’。输入’mark *’之后,输入’done’完成文件选择;
cwd is: /
$ mark *
3 files marked.
$ done
Bootstrap records written to /usr/local/bacula/working/ser1-dir.restore.4.bsr
The job will require the following
Volume(s) Storage(s) SD Device(s)
sen-lenovo-fd-storage-201 File FileStorage
Volumes marked with "*" are online.
2 files selected to be restored.
The defined Restore Job resources are:
1: RestoreFiles
2: ser1-restore
3: redhat-restore
4: sen-lenovo-restore
Select Restore Job (1-4): 4
Defined Clients:
1: redhat-fd
2: sen-lenovo-fd
3: ser1-fd
Select the Client (1-3): 3
Run Restore job
JobName: sen-lenovo-restore
Bootstrap: /usr/local/bacula/working/ser1-dir.restore.4.bsr
Where: /opt/restore
Replace: always
FileSet: sen-lenovo-backup
Backup Client: ser1-fd
Restore Client: ser1-fd
Storage: File
When: 2011-10-26 02:04:44
Catalog: MyCatalog
Priority: 10
Plugin Options: *None*
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): mod
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): mod
Parameters to modify:
1: Level
2: Storage
3: Job
4: FileSet
5: Restore Client
6: When
7: Priority
8: Bootstrap
9: Where
10: File Relocation
11: Replace
12: JobId
13: Plugin Options
Select parameter to modify (1-13): 9
Please enter path prefix for restore (/ for none): d:/bacula.restore/
Run Restore job
JobName: sen-lenovo-restore
Bootstrap: /usr/local/bacula/working/ser1-dir.restore.4.bsr
Where: d:/bacula.restore/
Replace: always
FileSet: sen-lenovo-backup
Backup Client: ser1-fd
Restore Client: ser1-fd
Storage: File
When: 2011-10-26 02:04:44
Catalog: MyCatalog
Priority: 10
Plugin Options: *None*
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): mod
Parameters to modify:
1: Level
2: Storage
3: Job
4: FileSet
5: Restore Client
6: When
7: Priority
8: Bootstrap
9: Where
10: File Relocation
11: Replace
12: JobId
13: Plugin Options
Select parameter to modify (1-13): 6
Please enter desired start time as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (return for now):
Run Restore job
JobName: sen-lenovo-restore
Bootstrap: /usr/local/bacula/working/ser1-dir.restore.4.bsr
Where: d:/bacula.restore/
Replace: always
FileSet: sen-lenovo-backup
Backup Client: ser1-fd
Restore Client: ser1-fd
Storage: File
When: 2011-10-26 02:15:59
Catalog: MyCatalog
Priority: 10
Plugin Options: *None*
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
Job queued. JobId=43
根据参数设定,还原后的数据存储在客户端’ sen-lenovo-fd’的’d:/bacula.restore/’目录下,登录该客户端之后检查一下。
Microsoft Windows [版本 6.1.7600]
版权所有 (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。
D:\>cd bacula.restore
驱动器 D 中的卷是 Other
卷的序列号是 58F2-0E55
D:\bacula.restore 的目录
2011/10/26 02:20 <DIR> .
2011/10/26 02:20 <DIR> ..
2011/10/26 02:20 <DIR> c
0 个文件 0 字节
3 个目录 2,625,925,120 可用字节
发现该目录下的文件与’sen-lenovo-restore’ Job中’FileSet’项定义的文件是一样,则表示还原成功了。关于该Job执行详情可通过messages命令查看或查看Bacula日志。
- 还原job时,如果还原的文件中含有与目的目录相同的文件名,文件将会被覆盖。避免此类问题,可先清空目的目录的文件或者设置新的还原目录(需要更改bacula-dir.conf文件中对应job的where参数);
- 还原Windows客户端的数据,注意还原后文件的目的存储路径的写法;
- Run执行Job还原时,是还原最近一次的备份;
Jobs Run---显示所有已完成的任务相关信息
Label---Label a Volume
Version Brower---查看已完成的备份任务的存储文件
Webacula是一个比较友好的Bacula WEB管理工具,功能比较全面。下面介绍一下主要功能:
- 支持Mysql,PostgreSQL,SQlite数据库;
- 支持运行Job;
- 挂载和卸载storages;
- 显示Jobs的状态;
- 显示Pools,Volumes,Storages和Clients的信息;
- 可以执行bconsole命令,注意必须输入完整命令;
- 通过用户才能访问WEB页面。
- Bacula 3.0或以上版本;
- 系统安装有Mysql,PostgreSQL或SQlite数据库;
- Zend Framework 1.8.3或更高版本;
- PHP 5.2.4或更高版本,并安装php-gd、php-pdo、php-dom、php-xml、php-mysql及php-pgsql包;
- 一个兼容性不错的浏览器
#tar zxf webacula-5.5.1.tar.gz
#cd webacula-5.5.1
#cd install/
Webacula check System Requirements...
Current MySQL version = 5.0.45 OK
Current PostgreSQL version = 8.1.11 OK
Current Sqlite version = 3.3.6 OK
Current PHP version = 5.1.6 ERROR! Upgrade your PHP version to 5.2.4 or later
ERROR! PHP extension pdo not installed.
ERROR! PHP extension gd not installed.
php xml installed. OK
ERROR! PHP extension dom not installed.
Warning. PHP extension pdo_mysql not installed.
Warning. PHP extension pdo_pgsql not installed.
Warning. PHP extension pdo_sqlite not installed.
Warning. php-xml, php-dom extension not installed. RSS feed not work
Centos 5.0需要添加源之后才能通过yum更新PHP到5.2后的版本,升级PHP前先更新源。
#rpm --import http://www.jasonlitka.com/media/RPM-GPG-KEY-jlitka
#vi /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo
name=Jason's Utter Ramblings Repo
#yum update php*
#yum install libmcrypt
#yum install php-xml php-dom php-gd php-pdo
#yum install php-mysql php-pgsql
Webacula check System Requirements...
Current MySQL version = 5.1.58 OK
Current PostgreSQL version = 8.1.11 OK
Current Sqlite version = 3.3.6 OK
Current PHP version = 5.2.17 OK
php pdo installed. OK
php gd installed. OK
php xml installed. OK
php dom installed. OK
php pdo_mysql installed. OK
php pdo_pgsql installed. OK
php pdo_sqlite installed. OK
php-dom, php-xml installed. OK
Download ZendFramework(http://framework.zend.com/download/latest)
#tar zxf ZendFramework-1.11.10-minimal.tar.gz
#cd ZendFramework-1.11.10-minimal/library/
#cp -R Zend/ ../*/webacula-5.5.1/library/
#cp -R ../*/webacula-5.5.1 /var/www/webacula
#cd /var/www/webacula/application/
#vi config.ini
db.adapter = PDO_MYSQL
db.config.host = localhost
db.config.username = root
;;your database password
db.config.password = "123456"
db.config.dbname = bacula
bacula.sudo = ""
bacula.bconsole = "/usr/local/bacula/bin/bconsole"
bacula.bconsolecmd = "-n -c /usr/local/bacula/bin/bconsole.conf"
;db.adapter = PDO_MYSQL
;db.config.host = localhost
;db.config.username = wbuser
;db.config.password = "wbpass"
#useradd bacula
#passwd bacula
#usermod -aG bacula apache
#chown root:bacula /usr/local/bacula/bin/bconsole
#chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o= /usr/local/bacula/bin/bconsole
#chown root:bacula /usr/local/bacula/bin/bconsole.conf
#chmod u=rw,g=r,o= /usr/local/bacula/bin/bconsole.conf
#vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/webacula.conf
# Apache conf
# Webacula - Web interface of a Bacula backup system
# Allows only localhost by default
#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
# AccessFileName .htaccess
# RewriteLog "/var/log/httpd/mod_rewrite.log"
# RewriteLogLevel 3
# SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV development
SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV production
Alias /webacula /var/www/webacula/html
<Directory /var/www/webacula/html>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /webacula
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]
RewriteRule ^.*$ index.php [NC,L]
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
php_flag register_globals off
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from
Allow from localhost
Allow from
Allow from ::1
#AuthType Basic
#AuthName "admin"
#AuthUserFile /usr/local/bacula/bin/webacula.users
#Require valid-user
# change the settings below
# Allow from <your network>
<Directory /var/www/webacula/docs>
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
<Directory /var/www/webacula/application>
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
<Directory /var/www/webacula/languages>
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
<Directory /var/www/webacula/library>
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
<Directory /var/www/webacula/install>
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
<Directory /var/www/webacula/tests>
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
<Directory /var/www/webacula/data>
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
# test mod_rewrite
<Directory /var/www/webacula/html/test_mod_rewrite>
RewriteEngine On
# for test mod_rewrite
RewriteBase /webacula/test_mod_rewrite
RewriteRule ^testlink([^/]*).html$ index.php?testlink=$1 [L]
php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
php_flag register_globals off
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order deny,allow
Deny from all
Allow from
Allow from localhost
Allow from
Allow from ::1
#vi /etc/php.ini
memory_limit = 32M
max_execution_time = 3600
#vi /usr/local/bacula/bin/bacula-dir.conf
Messages {
Name = Standard
catalog = all, !skipped, !saved
#cd /var/www/webacula/install/
#vi db.conf
# See also application/config.ini
# bacula settings
# for Sqlite only
# Webacula web interface settings
# Built-in superuser login is 'root'
#cd Mysql/
#service mysqld restart
#service httpd start
#/usr/local/bacula/bin/bacula restart
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Exception' with message 'Directory "/var/www/webacula/data/cache" is not exists or not writable.' in /var/www/webacula/html/index.php:194
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
thrown in /var/www/webacula/html/index.php on line 194
#chmod 775 /var/www/webacula/data/cache
#yum update httpd php php-gd php-gettext php-mysql
#service httpd restart
Download http://bacula-web.dflc.ch/index.php/download.html
#mkdir bacula-web
#cd bacula-web
#wget http://bacula-web.dflc.ch/tl_files/downloads/bacula-web.5.1.0-alpha.tar.gz
#tar zxf bacula-web.5.1.0-alpha.tar.gz
#cp -R bacula-web /var/www/html
#cd /var/www/html
#chown -R apache:apache bacula-web
#chmod -R u=rx,g=rx,o=rx bacula-web/
#chmod ug+w bacula-web/templates_c/
#cd config/
#cp config.php.sample config.php
#vi config.php
/*添加以下内容 */
//MySQL bacula catalog
$config[0]['label'] = 'Backup Server';
$config[0]['host'] = 'localhost';
$config[0]['login'] = 'root';
$config[0]['password'] = '123456';
$config[0]['db_name'] = 'bacula';
$config[0]['db_type'] = 'mysql';
$config[0]['db_port'] = '3306';
#service httpd restart
#vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/bacula-web.conf
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/bacula-web
DirectoryIndex index.php
Alias "/bacula-web" "/var/www/html/bacula-web"
<Directory "/var/www/html/bacula-web">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order deny,allow
Allow from
# your network
Allow from
AuthType Basic
AuthName "bacula-web"
AuthUserFile /usr/local/bacula/bin/bacula-web.users
Require valid-user
#htpasswd -bc /usr/local/bacula/bin/bacula-web.users admin 123456
#service httpd restart
Reportula 和Bacula-Web功能上应该差不多,也是一个Bacula数据WEB展示工具,可以显示Jobs,Pools,Volumes的状态,生成报告。支 持Mysql及PostgreSQL数据库,页面做的比Bacula-Web漂亮,但是目前还有一些bug,导致一些页面显示不正常。项目组修复这些 bug后,我想Reportula应该是不错的选择。
Download http://www.newitperson.com/reportula/index.php/download
#yum update httpd php mysql
#unzip reportula1.0.zip
#cp –R reportula /var/www/html
# cd /var/www/html/reportula
# mysql -uroot -p -D bacula < create-function-pretty_size.sql
ERROR 1558 (HY000) at line 1: Column count of mysql.proc is wrong. Expected 20, found 16. Created with MySQL 50045, now running 50158. Please use mysql_upgrade to fix this error.
#mysql_upgrade -urooot -p
#mysql -uroot -p < Bacula_History_MySQL.sql
#GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON Bacula_History.* TO 'bacula@localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '123456';
#vi /etc/my.cnf
#service mysqld restart
#vi /var/www/html/reportula/application/config/database.php
$db['default']['hostname'] = 'localhost';
$db['default']['username'] = 'bacula';
$db['default']['password'] = '';
$db['default']['database'] = 'bacula';
$db['default']['dbdriver'] = 'mysql';
$db['default']['dbprefix'] = '';
$db['default']['pconnect'] = TRUE;
$db['default']['db_debug'] = TRUE;
$db['default']['cache_on'] = FALSE;
$db['default']['cachedir'] = '';
$db['default']['char_set'] = 'utf8';
$db['default']['dbcollat'] = 'utf8_general_ci';
$db['default']['swap_pre'] = '';
$db['default']['autoinit'] = TRUE;
$db['default']['stricton'] = FALSE;
$db['history']['hostname'] = "localhost";
$db['history']['username'] = "bacula";
$db['history']['password'] = "";
$db['history']['database'] = "Bacula_History";
$db['history']['dbdriver'] = "mysql";
$db['history']['dbprefix'] = "";
$db['history']['pconnect'] = TRUE;
$db['history']['db_debug'] = FALSE;
$db['history']['cache_on'] = FALSE;
$db['history']['cachedir'] = "";
$db['history']['char_set'] = "utf8";
$db['history']['dbcollat'] = "utf8_general_ci";
$db['history']['swap_pre'] = "";
$db['history']['autoinit'] = TRUE;
$db['history']['stricton'] = FALSE;