vba excel编程三日谈(1)
vba是一种寄宿语言,像javascript生存在浏览器中一样,vba生存在office应用程序中。所以请确保你安装了office,本人学习的时候采用的office2007, 版本差异会引起一些问题, 但是office2003和office2007的差异不是很大。
新建一个excel文档test.xls, 按alt+F11进入vba编程界面。双击左面的thisWorkbook,在右边输入:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
MsgBox "Hello, world"
End Sub
保存并退出excel,然后重新打开该excel,则会看到弹出的消息Hello,world。 如果遇到macro安全警告,请enable。这就是第一个vba程序,Workbook_Open是对事件open的响应函数(关于事件在后面会有更多介绍)。
Sub test()
MsgBox "Hello, world"
End Sub
点击按钮,在工作表的任意位置画一个按钮,同时在选择框中点击你刚编写的函数test,保存。 此时点击按钮即可触发该函数。
当然你还可以录制宏, 这也是学习vba的好方法。在这里不做介绍。
OK, 至此,我们学会在怎么定义一个过程(函数), 然后怎么触发运行它(通过事件,通过vba运行调试,通过按钮),准备工作到此结束。
vba excel对象模型
类似javascript中的dom模型, windows编程中的组件对象模型, vba也有自己的对象模型. excel的模型中的对象有很多(自己可以google一下), 但是经常用到的无非这四五个:application -> workbooks -> worksheets -> range ->cells. application处于最顶上,表示正在运行的程序(Excel)本身. workbook工作薄, 即一个excel文件单元, 对应着一个xls文件. worksheet是工作表, 新建一个workbook里面默认包含了3个worksheet; range表示工作表中的一块区域, 比如Range("A1:D10")表示A1:D10之间的那块区域, 一个range包含多个Cell,一个cell即worksheet中的一个小格子. 新建一个文件1.xls,并在sheet1的A1单元格中随便输入内容, 下面的程序将更清楚的表明它们之间的关系. 继续在刚才的test.xls的sheet1的代码区中输入如下代码:
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Sub test()
MsgBox Application.Workbooks("test.xls").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
MsgBox Workbooks("test.xls").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
MsgBox Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
MsgBox Range("A1").Value
MsgBox Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
MsgBox Cells(1,1).Value
Cells(1,1).value = "我在学vba"
MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Value
MsgBox ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Value
MsgBox Application.Workbooks("1.xls").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
MsgBox Application.Workbooks(2).Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Value
End Sub
Sub test()
MsgBox Application.Workbooks("test.xls").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
MsgBox Workbooks("test.xls").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
MsgBox Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
MsgBox Range("A1").Value
MsgBox Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
MsgBox Cells(1,1).Value
Cells(1,1).value = "我在学vba"
MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Value
MsgBox ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Value
MsgBox Application.Workbooks("1.xls").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
MsgBox Application.Workbooks(2).Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Value
End Sub
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Sub test1()
MsgBox Application.Name
MsgBox Application.Workbooks(2).Name
MsgBox Worksheets.Count
MsgBox "There are " & CStr(Range("A1:D10").Cells.Count) & " Cells"
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = "This is the first cell in Sheet2"
Range("A2").Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
Range("A2").Font.Size = 13
Range("A3").Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
Range("A3").Borders.Weight = xlThin
End Sub
Sub test1()
MsgBox Application.Name
MsgBox Application.Workbooks(2).Name
MsgBox Worksheets.Count
MsgBox "There are " & CStr(Range("A1:D10").Cells.Count) & " Cells"
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = "This is the first cell in Sheet2"
Range("A2").Font.FontStyle = "Bold"
Range("A2").Font.Size = 13
Range("A3").Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
Range("A3").Borders.Weight = xlThin
End Sub
这么多方法和属性记不住怎么办? 没关系,有自动语法提示: 菜单->tools->options 勾选auto list members.
关于对象模型就说这么多, 记不住或不了解的, 可通过录制宏, 自动代码提示, google等渠道获得.
vba的基础数据类型有byte boolean integer long single double currency decimal date...长度精度上有所差别.
如下展示基本数据类型的定义和使用, 其中要注意的是Date类型的赋值比较特殊, 要用##包含起来, 常用类型还有更简单的定义方式:
% integer
& long
! single
# Double
$ string
@ currency
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Sub test1()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim s As String
i = 2
j = 3
MsgBox i + j
s = "The result is: " & (i + j)
MsgBox s
Dim d As Date
d = #12/12/2002 3:23:00 AM#
MsgBox d
Dim k%, l&
k = 5
l = 6
MsgBox k + l
Dim m As Currency
m = 123.456
MsgBox m
End Sub
Sub test1()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim s As String
i = 2
j = 3
MsgBox i + j
s = "The result is: " & (i + j)
MsgBox s
Dim d As Date
d = #12/12/2002 3:23:00 AM#
MsgBox d
Dim k%, l&
k = 5
l = 6
MsgBox k + l
Dim m As Currency
m = 123.456
MsgBox m
End Sub
如果定义的变量是对象类型, 比如WorkSheet, 则要用set来赋值.
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Sub test1()
Dim sh As Worksheet
Set sh = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1)
MsgBox sh.Cells(1, 1).Value
End Sub
Sub test1()
Dim sh As Worksheet
Set sh = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1)
MsgBox sh.Cells(1, 1).Value
End Sub
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Sub test6()
Dim myarr(3) As Integer
myarr(1) = 3
myarr(2) = 4
myarr(3) = 5
MsgBox myarr(1) + myarr(2)
End Sub
Sub test6()
Dim myarr(3) As Integer
myarr(1) = 3
myarr(2) = 4
myarr(3) = 5
MsgBox myarr(1) + myarr(2)
End Sub
通过sub subname(param1, param2 ...) ...... end sub 可定义过程, 也可定义function,function和sub的区别是function有返回值.其他都一样, 在这里就不讨论function了.
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Sub test1()
MsgBox Application.Name
MsgBox Worksheets.Count
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = "This is the first cell in Sheet2"
End Sub
Sub test2()
'inputBox 是一个系统过程
Dim name As String
name = InputBox("Please input your name: ")
MsgBox "Your name is :" & name
End Sub
Sub test1()
MsgBox Application.Name
MsgBox Worksheets.Count
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = "This is the first cell in Sheet2"
End Sub
Sub test2()
'inputBox 是一个系统过程
Dim name As String
name = InputBox("Please input your name: ")
MsgBox "Your name is :" & name
End Sub
过程可以带参数, 传参数的方式有两种, 传值和传引用. 凡是有编程基础的人都应该明白这两种方式的区别.
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Sub test2()
Dim i As Integer
i = 123
test3 i
MsgBox i
End Sub
Sub test3(ByRef i As Integer)
i = 321
MsgBox i
End Sub
Sub test4()
Dim i As Integer
i = 123
test5 i
MsgBox i
End Sub
Sub test5(ByVal i As Integer)
i = 321
MsgBox i
End Sub
Sub test2()
Dim i As Integer
i = 123
test3 i
MsgBox i
End Sub
Sub test3(ByRef i As Integer)
i = 321
MsgBox i
End Sub
Sub test4()
Dim i As Integer
i = 123
test5 i
MsgBox i
End Sub
Sub test5(ByVal i As Integer)
i = 321
MsgBox i
End Sub
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Sub testif()
Dim i&
i = InputBox("Please input your score:", "Score", 60)
If i > 90 Then
MsgBox "Your credit is A"
ElseIf i > 80 Then
MsgBox "Your credit is B"
ElseIf i > 70 Then
MsgBox "Your credit is C"
ElseIf i > 60 Then
MsgBox "Your credit is D"
MsgBox "Your credit is E"
End If
End Sub
Sub testif()
Dim i&
i = InputBox("Please input your score:", "Score", 60)
If i > 90 Then
MsgBox "Your credit is A"
ElseIf i > 80 Then
MsgBox "Your credit is B"
ElseIf i > 70 Then
MsgBox "Your credit is C"
ElseIf i > 60 Then
MsgBox "Your credit is D"
MsgBox "Your credit is E"
End If
End Sub
select case 语句:
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Sub testselectcase()
Select Case ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value
Case Is < 60
MsgBox "bad"
Case Is < 70
MsgBox "So so"
Case Is < 80
MsgBox "good"
Case Is < 90
MsgBox "very good"
Case Else
MsgBox "excellent"
End Select
End Sub
Sub testselectcase()
Select Case ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value
Case Is < 60
MsgBox "bad"
Case Is < 70
MsgBox "So so"
Case Is < 80
MsgBox "good"
Case Is < 90
MsgBox "very good"
Case Else
MsgBox "excellent"
End Select
End Sub
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Sub testfor1()
Dim i&, total&
total = 0
For i = 1 To 1000 Step 1
total = total + i
MsgBox "total: " & CStr(total)
total = 0
For i = 1000 To 1 Step -2
total = total + i
MsgBox "total: " & CStr(total)
End Sub
Sub testfor2()
Dim sh As Worksheet
For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
MsgBox sh.Name
End Sub
Sub testdowhile()
Dim i&, total&
i = 1000
total = 0
Do While i > 0
total = total + i
i = i - 1
MsgBox total
End Sub
Sub testdountil()
Dim i&, total&
i = 1000
total = 0
total = total + i
i = i - 1
Loop Until i < 0
MsgBox total
End Sub
Sub testfor1()
Dim i&, total&
total = 0
For i = 1 To 1000 Step 1
total = total + i
MsgBox "total: " & CStr(total)
total = 0
For i = 1000 To 1 Step -2
total = total + i
MsgBox "total: " & CStr(total)
End Sub
Sub testfor2()
Dim sh As Worksheet
For Each sh In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
MsgBox sh.Name
End Sub
Sub testdowhile()
Dim i&, total&
i = 1000
total = 0
Do While i > 0
total = total + i
i = i - 1
MsgBox total
End Sub
Sub testdountil()
Dim i&, total&
i = 1000
total = 0
total = total + i
i = i - 1
Loop Until i < 0
MsgBox total
End Sub
最后说一下vba的with语法和语句换行. with语法是为了减轻程序输入负担, 在with范围类, 默认的当前对象就是with指定的对象, 如下程序 with指定了font, 则下面的.Name .FontStyle等都是指Range("A1").font的成员:
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Public Sub testwith()
With Range("A1").Font
.Name = "华文彩云"
.FontStyle = "Bold"
.Size = 18
.ColorIndex = 3
.Underline = 2
End With
End Sub
Public Sub testwith()
With Range("A1").Font
.Name = "华文彩云"
.FontStyle = "Bold"
.Size = 18
.ColorIndex = 3
.Underline = 2
End With
End Sub
vba程序的基本单元是行, 如果要换行, 需用符号"_"来处理:
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Sub test7()
Dim s As String
s = "12345" & _
MsgBox s
MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1) _
End Sub
Sub test7()
Dim s As String
s = "12345" & _
MsgBox s
MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1) _
End Sub
ok, 太累了,这篇就写到这儿.