SMPP的头域GSM Features设置为0x40,用来表明SMPP的短信体携带UDHI。

SMPP的头域Data Coding设置为0xF5。

Body中前11个字节为0x0B 0X05 0X04 0X0B 0X84 0X23 0XF0 0X00 0X03 0XE1 0X01 0X01;




Short Message Peer to Peer, Command: Submit_sm, Seq: 36, Len: 188
Length: 188
Operation: Submit_sm (0x00000004)
Sequence #: 36
Service type: WAP
Type of number (originator): Unknown (0x00)
Numbering plan indicator (originator): ISDN (E163/E164) (0x01)
Originator address: 5000
Type of number (recipient): International (0x01)
Numbering plan indicator (recipient): ISDN (E163/E164) (0x01)
Recipient address: 959425000000
.... ..00 = Messaging mode: Default SMSC mode (0x00)
..00 00.. = Message type: Default message type (0x00)
01.. .... = GSM features: UDHI indicator (0x01)
Protocol id.: 0x00
Priority level: GSM: None ANSI-136: Bulk IS-95: Normal (0x00)
Scheduled delivery time: Immediate delivery
Validity period: SMSC default validity period
.... ..01 = Delivery receipt: Delivery receipt requested (for success or failure) (0x01)
.... 00.. = Message type: No recipient SME acknowledgement requested (0x00)
...0 .... = Intermediate notif: No intermediate notification requested (0x00)
.... ...0 = Replace: Don't replace (0x00)
Data coding: 0xf5
SMPP Data Coding Scheme: Unknown (0xf5)
GSM SMS Data Coding
1111 .... = DCS Coding Group for SMS: SMS DCS: Data coding / message class (0x0f)
.... 01.. = DCS Character set: 8-bit data (0x01)
.... ..01 = DCS Message class: Class 1 - ME specific (0x01)
GSM CBS Data Coding
1111 .... = DCS Coding Group for CBS: SMS DCS: Data coding / message class (0x0f)
.... 01.. = DCS Character set: 8-bit data (0x01)
.... ..01 = DCS CBS Message class: Class 1 - User defined (0x01)
Predefined message: 0
Message length: 136
GSM Short Message Service User Data
UDH Length: 11
IE Id: SMS - Application port addressing scheme, 16 bit address (0x05): source port 9200, destination port 2948
Destination port: 2948
Source port: 9200
IE Id: SMS - Concatenated short messages, 8-bit reference number (0x00): message 225, part 1 of 1
Message identifier: 225
Message parts: 1
Message part number: 1
Wireless Session Protocol, Method: Push (0x06), Content-Type: application/vnd.wap.mms-message
Transaction ID: 0x01
PDU Type: Push (0x06)
Headers Length: 40
Content-Type: application/vnd.wap.mms-message
Push-Flag: (Content trusted)
.... ...0 = Initiator URI is authenticated: False (0)
.... ..1. = Content is trusted: True (1)
.... .0.. = Last push message: False (0)
Content-Length: 81
MMS Message Encapsulation, Type: m-notification-ind
X-Mms-Message-Type: m-notification-ind (0x82)
X-Mms-Transaction-ID: MNPESW3WAAA
X-Mms-MMS-Version: 1.0
From: 959425000000
X-Mms-Message-Class: Personal (0x80)
X-Mms-Message-Size: 351
X-Mms-Expiry: 259140.000000000 seconds
