一、安装插件 NTOP插件
[root@localhost~]# useradd -M -s /sbin/nologin -r ntop
[root@localhost ntop]# cd ntop/
[root@localhost ntop]# ./autogen.sh --with-rrd-home=/usr/local/rrdtool/ --disable-snmp
configure: error: The LBL Packet Capture Library, libpcap, was not found!
[root@localhost ntop]# yum install libpcap*
[root@localhost ntop]# ./autogen.sh --with-rrd-home=/usr/local/rrdtool/ --disable-snmp
configure: error: Unable to find RRD at /usr/local/rrdtool: please use --with-rrd-home=DIR
[root@localhost ntop]# ./autogen.sh --with-rrd-home=/usr/local/rrdtool-1.3.6/ --disable-snmp
[root@localhost ~]#make
[root@localhost ~]#make install
[root@localhost share]# chown -R ntop:ntop /usr/local/share/ntop/
[root@localhost share]# chown -R ntop:root /usr/local/var/ntop/
[root@localhost ntop]# ntop –A //为admin设置密码;
[root@localhost ntop]# ntop -i eth0 -d -L -u ntop //启动ntop
Tue Mar 22 14:34:27 2011 NOTE: Interface merge enabled by default
Tue Mar 22 14:34:27 2011 Initializing gdbm databases
输入 http://IP:3000/ 就可以出现页面了
[root@localhost plugins] # tar -zxvf /usr/local/src/soft_pack/0.8.7e/ntop-0.1.tar.gz
#vi /etc/rc.local
/usr/local/bin/ntop -i eth0 -d -L -u ntop & > /dev/null //开机自启动;
二、安装weathmap 插件
http://www.network-weathermap.com/releases/0.97a 下载地址
# unzip php-weathermap-0.97a.zip //解压weathmap到cacti/plugins;
[root@localhost include]# vi global.ph //编辑global.php 启用插件;
# cd weathermap/ //进入到cacti/plugins/weathmap
[root@localhost weathermap]# chown cacti output/
[root@localhost weathermap]# ll -d output/
drwxr-xr-x 2 cacti root 4096 Mar 10 2010 output/
[root@localhost weathermap]# cp editor-config.php-dist editor-config.php
[root@localhost cacti]# ps aux |grep httpd //可以看到httpd 的用户是daemon;
[root@localhost weathermap]# chown daemon configs/
[root@localhost weathermap]# ll -d configs/
drwxr-xr-x 2 daemon root 4096 Mar 10 2010 configs/
[root@localhost weathermap]# vi editor-config.php //编辑配置文件,修改cacti的实际路径
14 $cacti_base = '/usr/local/LAMP/apache2/htdocs/cacti';
20 $cacti_url = "";
30 $mapdir=$cacti_base.'/plugins/weathermap/configs';
36 $ignore_cacti = FALSE;
[root@localhost weathermap]# vi editor.php //否则weathmap点击edit会报错,根据提示也会让你去修改这个文件的值的;
点击 Console---Management--Weathermaps --- Weathermap Editor在一个空白页面上编辑图像
· Add Node :添加节点
· Add Link :添加节点间的链路;
· Position Legend ;添加图例
· Position Timestamp : 添加制表时间
Console---Management--Weathermaps ---add //添 加刚才创建图时创建的名字;就能出现图了
本人制作了两个主机之间的网卡的流量图,也不知道做的对不对。有谁对weathermap了解的请指点指点 多谢