alter system switch logfile ;
alter system archive log current ;
alter system archive log current noswitch ;
The SWITCH LOGFILE clause lets you explicitly force Oracle Database to begin writing
to a new redo log file group, regardless of whether the files in the current redo log file
group are full. When you force a log switch, Oracle Database begins to perform a
checkpoint but returns control to you immediately rather than when the checkpoint is
complete. To use this clause, your instance must have the database open.
Specify CURRENT to manually archive the current redo log file group of the specified
thread, forcing a log switch. If you omit the THREAD parameter, then Oracle Database
archives all redo log file groups from all enabled threads, including logs previous to
current logs. You can specify CURRENT only when the database is open.
NOSWITCH Specify NOSWITCH if you want to manually archive the current redo log
file group without forcing a log switch. This setting is used primarily with standby
databases to prevent data divergence when the primary database shuts down.
Divergence implies the possibility of data loss in case of primary database failure.
You can use the NOSWITCH clause only when your instance has the database mounted
but not open. If the database is open, then this operation closes the database
automatically. You must then manually shut down the database before you can reopen
alter system switch logfile ;
alter system archive log current ;
alter system archive log all ;
alter system archive log noswitch ;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01093: ALTER DATABASE CLOSE only permitted with no sessions connected
注意描述中这句话:This setting is used primarily with standby databases to prevent data divergence when the primary database shuts down.
SQL> alter system archive log group 1 to '/tmp';
需要注意的是,group 1不能是当前日志组。