WYSIWYG Web Builder 7.6.1 unicode版本+key文件_unicode版本


官方介绍如下:相信需要的朋友 早就知道它的作用了。

WYSIWYG Web Builder 7.6.1 unicode RC

After many requests we have prepared a 'release candicate' of an Unicode compliant version of WYSIWYG Web Builder 7.
This version should be able to handle foreign languages like Russian, Greek, Turkish, Chinese, Japanese etc.

The term release candidate (RC) refers to a version with potential to be a final product, ready to release unless fatal bugs emerge.

While every effort is made to ensure that the quality of the software is a good as the official release of WYSIWYG Web Builder, there still may be some minor issues that we could not test ourselves ue to the lack of knowledge of foreign languages.

However there are no known issues at this moment.
这里是官方下载地址!!直接 点击下载!!

More about unicode:

Let us know how this unicode version works for you and support us by purchasing an official license:

经本人安装测试 ,现在的最新版完美支持中文内容,而不需要对页面做任何设置!!!
也不会出现以前的版本预览时出现红背景的现象 !!!