启动docker容器后,把容器打包成镜像 docker commit 容器名字 镜像名字 docker commit httpd-1 httpd-1-commit
Docker file 通过Docker file 可以通过自己的对镜像的的修改,并生成一个新的镜像.
[root@docker Dockerfile]# cat Dockerfile FROM httpd-1-commit RUN touch /root/test
[root@docker Dockerfile]# docker build -t httpd-1-commit-with-touch . Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048 kB Step 1/2 : FROM httpd-1-commit ---> d5e604e49f5c Step 2/2 : RUN touch /root/test ---> Using cache ---> f8f075f7140d Successfully built f8f075f7140d
docker build -t {image name } {Dockerfile path} 注意dockerfile 所在目录一定要在Dockerfile 目录下,否则会报 错误; [root@docker home]# docker build -t with-touch-1 . unable to prepare context: unable to evaluate symlinks in Dockerfile path: lstat /home/Dockerfile: no such file or directory
若不想使用image的缓存,则在加上--no-cache 的参数 docker build --no-cache -t {image name } {Dockerfile path}
下一篇 docker image 私有仓库制作 http://blog.51cto.com/shyln/2130308