本博文主要讨论 基本矩阵(Basic MF),非负矩阵(Non-negative MF)和正交非负矩阵(Orthogonal non-negative MF)三种常见的矩阵分解方法。并分别推导了它们的更新规则,收敛性,以及它们的应用。

1. 简介(Introduction)

矩阵分解 matrix factorization (MF)


- 发现数据中的潜在结构 ;
- 它有一个优雅的概率解释(probabilistic interpretation);
- 容易扩展到一些指定特定先验信息的领域 ;
- 许多优化方法例如梯度下降法可以用来找到一个最优解。

三种类型(variants )

- 基本矩阵(Basic MF)
- 非负矩阵(Non-negative MF)
- 正交非负矩阵(Orthogonal non-negative MF)


对于每个模型,作者讨论了它的应用场景(the application scenarios),独特属性(the distinctive properties)以及优化方法(the optimizing method)。同时推导了各自的更新规则(updating rules),并证明了它们的正确性和收敛性。最后扩展了它的应用。

2. 理论(Theory)

2.1 基本矩阵(Basic MF)

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Regularization is usually necessary in prediction for bias-variance trade-off [4].

2.1.1 梯度下降算法(Gradient Descent Optimization)


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The reason of using Frobenius Norm is that it has a Guassian noise interpretation, and that the objective function can be easily transformed to a matrix trace version:

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note: 这里使用了公式 ||A||F=Tr(ATA)−−−−−−−−√ 。迹有很多特点,如Tr(A)=Tr(AT)和Tr(AB)=Tr(BA)。


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2.1.2 (Algorithm Schemes in CF and Others)

2.2 非负矩阵(Non-negative MF)


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除了发现部分外,非负矩阵分解有它自己的计算优势:有一个相对固定的方法来找到一个比一般梯度方法大的学习率(There is a relatively fixed method to find a learning rate larger than common gradient-based methods)。

2.2.1 更新规则推导(Updating Rule Derivation)

基本思路是利用KKT互补松弛条件(complementary slackness conditions)实施非负约束。


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其中 ◦ 表示Hadamard 积。接着我们有

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2.2.2 收敛性证明(Proof of Convergence)

2.3 正交非负矩阵(Orthogonal non-negative MF)

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也可以叫做1-sided 2-factor orthogonal non-negative MF。

2.3.1 三因子矩阵分解和两因子矩阵分解(3-factor MF vs. 2-factor MF)

同时聚类X的行和列,我们需要 3-factor bi-orthogonal non-negative MF

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和受限制的1-sided 2-factor orthogonal non-negative MF相比,3-factor bi-orthogonal non-negative MF 能产生更好的近似[5]。

2.3.2 更新规则推导(Updating Rule Derivation)


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A. H 的计算(Computation of H)

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注意:推导过程中 UTU≠I。

B. U 和 V 的计算(Computation of U, V)

由于正交约束,求 U 和 V 的更新规则时要求在最后的更新规则中同时消去 Λ 和 Γ 。

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注意:这里我们为了获得 ΓU 的一个表达式,因此有 UTU=I。

此外,对于 Λ,我们有约束 Λ>0;但是对于 $Γ ,我们没有这个约束。因此我们把切割成两部分,

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因此 U 最后的更新规则为

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Choice of 2/3-factor MF How do we choose between 2-factor or 3-factor MF in real-world applications? A general principle is that: if we only need to place regularizations on one latent matrix, i.e. either U or V, then we can use 2-factor MF; if both U and V are to be regularized, either explictly or implictly, 3-factor MF might be a better choice.

3. 关联和应用(Adapatations and Applications)

3.1 稀疏矩阵填充(Sparse Matrix Completion)

这一部分我们主要处理 collborative filtering, link prediction 和 clustering 中的矩阵分解问题。这里我们有一个假设:矩阵中高比例的数据项是缺失的。因此我们形成下面问题

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其中 O 是指示矩阵,表明哪项是缺失的。因此目标函数为

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在上面的推导中,我们使用了下面 Hadamard product 的规则

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3.1.1 计算内存占用(Calculating Memory Occupation)

对于上面纯 matrix-wise 的更新规则,在实际运算中,可能会溢出内存,可能不如随机梯度下降法(stochasitc gradient descent algorithm )有效。
假如我们有一个 10K × 10K 的矩阵,矩阵每项为一个 30bit 的浮点型数值。那么它的内存分配为 (10^{4} × 10^{4} × 4)/10^{6} = 400M。

3.2 增强矩阵填充(Enhanced Matrix Completion)

1. self-regularization when we have additional linked data between users (in collaborative filtering (CF), or addtional link type in link prediction (LP)) [6] ;
2. 2-sided regularization when we have description data of users and items [7].

3.2.1 带自正则化的增强矩阵填充(Enhancing Matrix Completion with Self-regularization)

关于 Self-regularization, 我们主要涉及 低秩矩阵 U或V中行的正则化。

在实际应用中,除了给出的数据外,我们还会有一些其他信息可以利用,关键在于咋样把这些信息加入到应用中,即添加正则化项到目标函数中。例如添加等式(44)到一般的矩阵分解框架中,其中 ξ 是additional link matrix ξ, 对角矩阵 D 的项 D(i,i)=\ximj=1(j,i),因此 L 是 D 和Laplacian 矩阵。

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Regularization and Sparseness More regularization sometimes can conquer the data sparsity problem, to some extent. On the other hand, modelling the error only on observed data entries, as what O does in previous subsection, could be also very effective.

3.2.2 带两边正规化的增强矩阵填充(Enhancing Matrix Completion with 2-sided regularization)

这一部分我们考虑对 U 和 V 一起正则化,我们称作 2-sided 正则化。

Regularization, differing from constraints, however can be viewed as a soft type of constraints: it only needs to be satisfied to some extend, while constraints need to be strictly satisified. This is the reason why we consider non-negativity and orthogonality constraints, while call homophily regularization.

[7] 考虑 基于位置的社交网络(location-based social network (LBSN))中的 POI 推荐问题。我们有包含用户和POI交互信息的 登记(check-in)数据 X, 以及关于用户兴趣的描述数据 A 和 关于 POI属性的描述数据 B。问题是怎样利用 A 和 B 增强 交互矩阵(interacting matrix) X 的矩阵填充问题。

因为我们处理的是 2-sided 正则化,因此我们使用 3-factor MF:

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问题来了,我们咋样像添加正交化约束那样添加 2-sided 正则化项 R’s ?为了利用 A 和 B, 我们假设它们之间存在一些联系,即他们 可以用来正则化 U 和 V。在LBSN中,我们可以假设它们有相似的词汇表,即相似的潜在空间。因此,我们可以使用2-factor MF来近似 A 和 B :

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等式(47)建立起 U 和 V 之间的关系,形成一个 2-sided 正则化。


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注意:这里我们使用正则化(而不是正交非负矩阵分解中的约束),因此我们可以添加 U, V 和 H 的正则化。

Factorization vs. Regularization We remark here that the idea of cofactoring two matrices (X, A) with shared factors (U) originates from collective matrix facterization , which has many applications in CF . A interesting comparative study between collective facterization and self-regularization can be found in [10].

3.3 从聚类到半监督学习(From Clustering to (Semi-)supervised Learning)

1. reinforcement directly enforce the latent space to be the response space [8];
2. transformation transform the latent space to response space [9]. This is similar as what people do in machine learning.

[1] ​​​Notes on Low-rank Matrix Factorization​​​
[2] Mike Brookes. The matrix reference manual. Imperial College London, 2005.
[3] Chris Ding, Xiaofeng He, and Horst D Simon. On the equivalence of nonnegative matrix factorization and spectral clustering. In SDM’05, pages 606–610. SIAM, 2005.
[4] Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, and Jerome Friedman. The elements of statistical learning. Springer, 2009.
[5] Chris Ding, Tao Li, Wei Peng, and Haesun Park. Orthogonal nonnegative matrix t-factorizations for clustering. In KDD’06, pages 126–135. ACM, 2006.
[6] Jiliang Tang, Huiji Gao, Xia Hu, and Huan Liu. Exploiting homophily effect for trust prediction. In WSDM’13, pages 53–62. ACM, 2013.
[7] Huiji Gao, Jiliang Tang, Xia Hu, and Huan Liu. Content-aware point of interest recommendation on location-based social networks. In AAAI’15, 2015.
[8] Xia Hu, Jiliang Tang, Huiji Gao, and Huan Liu. Unsupervised sentiment analysis with emotional signals. In WWW’13, pages 607–618. ACM, 2013.
[9] Huiji Gao, Jalal Mahmud, Jilin Chen, Jeffrey Nichols, and Michelle Zhou. Modeling user attitude toward controversial topics in online social media. In ICWSM’14, 2014.
[10] Quan Yuan, Li Chen, and Shiwan Zhao. Factorization vs. regularization: fusing heterogeneous social relationships in top-n recommendation. In Recsys’11, pages 245–252. ACM, 2011.