Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks,李沐大神18年12月的新作,用卷积神经网络进行图像分类的一些技巧。
论文:​​​Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks​


1 Efficient Training(高效训练)

batch size在较小的时候对模型精度有增益,但是使用一个较大的batch size可能导致模型退化。

1-1 Linear scaling learning rate(学习率线性比例缩放)

增大batch size不会改变随机梯度的期望,但是会减少它的方差。因此可以考虑沿着梯度相反的方向线性增大学习率。

initial learning rate  × batch size / initial batch size 

如 ​​0.1 × b/ 256​

引用: ​​Accurate, large minibatch SGD: training imagenet in 1 hour​

1-2 Learning rate warmup(学习率热启动)


batch order number * initial learning rate / first m batches

如 ​​i*η/m​

1-3 Zero 图像分类优化技巧(Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks)_Bag of Tricks(BN层 图像分类优化技巧(Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks)_Bag of Tricks_02

批归一化 (BN)首先对输入数据x做归一化操作,即 x_norm = (x-u)/std,然后对归一化后的x进行比例缩放和位移 y=图像分类优化技巧(Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks)_CNN_03 × x_norm + 图像分类优化技巧(Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks)_卷积_04,(即caffe中的scale层)。一般情况下,图像分类优化技巧(Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks)_CNN_03图像分类优化技巧(Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks)_卷积_04分别初始化为1和0。这里BN层 图像分类优化技巧(Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks)_Bag of Tricks_02将所有跟在残差块后的BN层的图像分类优化技巧(Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks)_CNN_03全部初始化为0,即网络进过scale后返回原始数据,网络参数层变少,使得网络在开始阶段变的更容易训练。

1-4 No bias decay(bias无衰减)

权重衰减(weight decay)广泛应用于weights 和 bias中,一定程度上减少模型过拟合的问题。bias无衰减仅仅在卷积和全连接层的权重中使用权重衰减。BN层的图像分类优化技巧(Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks)_CNN_03图像分类优化技巧(Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks)_卷积_04不使用权重衰减。

引用:​​X. Jia, S. Song, W. He, Y. Wang, H. Rong, F. Zhou, L. Xie, Z. Guo, Y. Yang, L. Yu, et al. Highly scalable deep learning training system with mixed-precision: Training imagenet in four minutes.​

2 Model Tweaks(网络微调)

网络微调通常是对网络做小的修改,如修改特定卷积层的步长。网络微调很少改变计算复杂度,但对网络性能会有明显影响。作者用ResNet的downsampling block和Input stem作为实验对象,修改了三个版本,分别为ResNet-B、ResNet-C和ResNet-D。实验测试在ResNet-50上进行,三者加起来,能使ResNet-50有接近1%的性能提升。

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图像分类优化技巧(Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks)_CNN_12

2-1 ResNet-B

Path A的第一个​​1 x 1​​卷积层使用了strde=2的步长,会导致3/4的信息丢失。因此ResNet-B将第一二个卷积层的步长交换。

实验表明ResNet-B 有0.5%的性能提升。

2-2 ResNet-C

因为卷积的代价会随着卷积核的长和宽增大而接近平方增加,因此ResNet-C使用3个连续的​​3 x 3​​​ 卷积替换Input stem的​​7 x 7​​ 卷积。

实验表明ResNet-C 有0.2%的性能提升。

2-3 ResNet-D

ResNet-D在ResNet-B的基础上进一步调整,在Path B的​​1 x 1​​​卷积前面,加入​​2 x 2​​ stride 2的pooling层,将下采样提前,避免了3/4的信息丢失。

实验表明ResNet-D 有0.3%的性能提升。

3 Training Refinements(训练优化)

ResNet-50-D, Inception-V3 和 MobileNet 在ImageNet上训练,并逐渐添加下面这些优化。

图像分类优化技巧(Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks)_Bag of Tricks_13

3-1 Cosine Learning Rate Decay(余弦学习速率衰减)

总批次数为​​T​​​,初始化学习率为​​η​​​ ,在第t批时的学习率​​ηt​​为:

图像分类优化技巧(Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks)_卷积_14

学习率逐步衰减 和 余弦学习率衰减的对比如下:

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引用:​​I. Loshchilov and F. Hutter. SGDR: stochastic gradient descent with restarts.​

3-2 Label Smoothing(标签平滑)


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图像分类优化技巧(Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks)_CNN_17


图像分类优化技巧(Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks)_卷积_18

引用:​​C. Szegedy, V. Vanhoucke, S. Ioffe, J. Shlens, and Z. Wojna. Rethinking the inception architecture for computer vision.​

3-3 Knowledge Distillation(知识蒸馏)

通过引入与教师网络(teacher network:复杂、但推理性能优越)相关的软目标(soft-target)作为total loss的一部分,以诱导学生网络(student network:精简、低复杂度)的训练,实现知识迁移(knowledge transfer)。

图像分类优化技巧(Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks)_CNN_19


图像分类优化技巧(Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks)_Bag of Tricks_20

其中​​p​​​为样本概率分布,​​z​​​和​​r​​​分别为学生和教师网络的输出,‘​​(p; softmax(z))​​​ 为负交叉熵损失,​​T​​为超参数。

引用:​​G. Hinton, O. Vinyals, and J. Dean. Distilling the knowledge in a neural network.​

3-4 Mixup Training(混合训练)

混合训练每次从随机抽取的两个样本 ​​(xi, yi)​​​ 和 ​​(xj, yj)​​中通过线性权值组合形成一个新样本

图像分类优化技巧(Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks)_性能提升_21

其中,0 图像分类优化技巧(Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks)_CNN_22 λ 图像分类优化技巧(Bag of Tricks for Image Classification with Convolutional Neural Networks)_CNN_22 1服从 ​​​Beta(α, α)​​ 分布,混合训练只使用新生成的样本训练网络。

引用:​​H. Zhang, M. Cisse, Y. N. Dauphin, and D. Lopez- ´ Paz. mixup: Beyond empirical risk minimization​