zombodb 得分以及高光
- 使用方法
- 参考示例
SELECT zdb.score(ctid), *
FROM products
WHERE products ==> 'sports box'
ORDER BY score desc;
score | id | name | keywords | short_summary | long_description | price | inventory_count | discontinued | availability_date
1.06561 | 4 | Box | {wooden,box,"negative space",square} | Just an empty box made of wood | A wooden container that will eventually rot away. Put stuff it in (but not a cat). | 17000 | 0 | t | 2015-07-01
0.723777 | 2 | Baseball | {baseball,sports,round} | It's a baseball | Throw it at a person with a big wooden stick and hope they don't hit it | 1249 | 2 | f | 2015-08-21
(2 rows)
- 说明
对于进行使用得分进行需要使用dsl 的dsl.min_score()
高光highlight 函数
- 方法签名
zdb.highlight(tid, fieldname [, json_highlight_descriptor]) RETURNS text[]
- 使用
SELECT zdb.score(ctid), zdb.highlight(ctid, 'long_description'), long_description
FROM products
WHERE products ==> 'wooden person'
ORDER BY score desc;
score | highlight | long_description
0.914156 | {"Throw it at a <em>person</em> with a big <em>wooden</em> stick and hope they don't hit it"} | Throw it at a person with a big wooden stick and hope they don't hit it
0.243605 | {"A <em>wooden</em> container that will eventually rot away. Put stuff it in (but not a cat)."} | A wooden container that will eventually rot away. Put stuff it in (but not a cat).
(2 rows)
主要是基于zdb 提供的函数
- 官方提供的一个高光函数
CREATE TYPE esqdsl_highlight_type AS ENUM ('unified', 'plain', 'fvh');
CREATE TYPE esqdsl_fragmenter_type AS ENUM ('simple', 'span');
CREATE TYPE esqdsl_encoder_type AS ENUM ('default', 'html');
CREATE TYPE esqdsl_boundary_scanner_type AS ENUM ('chars', 'sentence', 'word');
FUNCTION highlight(
type zdb.esqdsl_highlight_type DEFAULT NULL,
require_field_match boolean DEFAULT false,
number_of_fragments int DEFAULT NULL,
highlight_query zdbquery DEFAULT NULL,
pre_tags text[] DEFAULT NULL,
post_tags text[] DEFAULT NULL,
tags_schema text DEFAULT NULL,
no_match_size int DEFAULT NULL,
fragmenter zdb.esqdsl_fragmenter_type DEFAULT NULL,
fragment_size int DEFAULT NULL,
fragment_offset int DEFAULT NULL,
force_source boolean DEFAULT true,
encoder zdb.esqdsl_encoder_type DEFAULT NULL,
boundary_scanner_locale text DEFAULT NULL,
boundary_scan_max int DEFAULT NULL,
boundary_chars text DEFAULT NULL,
phrase_limit int DEFAULT NULL,
matched_fields boolean DEFAULT NULL,
"order" text DEFAULT NULL)
- 使用
SELECT zdb.score(ctid),
zdb.highlight(pre_tags=>'{<b>}', post_tags=>'{</b>}')
FROM products
WHERE products ==> 'wooden person'
ORDER BY score desc;
score | highlight | long_description
0.914156 | {"Throw it at a <b>person</b> with a big <b>wooden</b> stick and hope they don't hit it"} | Throw it at a person with a big wooden stick and hope they don't hit it
0.243605 | {"A <b>wooden</b> container that will eventually rot away. Put stuff it in (but not a cat)."} | A wooden container that will eventually rot away. Put stuff it in (but not a cat).
(2 rows)