Where to install to? [/sim]:
Would you like to install as a cluster? [no]:
Would you like full HTML/PDF FilerView documentation to be installed [yes]:
Continue with installation? [no]: y
Creating /sim
Unpacking sim.tgz to /sim
Configured the simulators mac address to be [00:50:56:1b:49:d3]
Please ensure the simulator is not running.
Use DHCP . first boot? [yes]: n
Ask for floppy boot? [no]:
Checking the default route...
You have a single network interface called eth0 (default route) . You will not be able to access the simulator from this Linux host. If this interface is marked DOWN in ifconfig then your simulator will crash.
Which network interface should the simulator use? [default]: ?
Choose a network interface that the simulator should use.
Which network interface should the simulator use? [default]:
Your system has 244MB of free memory. The smallest simulator memory you should choose is 58MB. The maximum simulator memory is 204MB.
The recommended memory is 128MB.
How much memory would you like the simulator to use? [128]:
Create a new log for each session? [no]:
Overwrite the single log each time? [yes]:
Your simulator has 3 disk(s). How many more would you like to add? [0]: 3
Real (Usable)
a - 43 ( 14)
b - 62 ( 30)
c - 78 ( 45)
d - 129 ( 90)
e - 535 (450)
f - 1024 (900)
What disk size would you like to use? [a]: d
Disk adapter to put disks .? [0]:
Adding 3 additional disk(s).
./makedisks: Doing for id in 16 17 18 ...\n
Creating ,disks/v0.19:NETAPP__:VD-100MB-FZ-520_:29892403:259200
Creating ,disks/v0.20:NETAPP__:VD-100MB-FZ-520_:29892404:259200
Creating ,disks/v0.21:NETAPP__:VD-100MB-FZ-520_:29892405:259200
Shelf file Shelf:DiskShelf14 updated
Complete. Run /sim/runsim.sh to start the simulator.
[root@RHEL5 simulator]#