Every time we have a new colleague, we will introduce our product , our process and even our regulations again and again. Not matter how busy we are, if we don't follow up the new guys' issue immediately, they will think the company is what a mess! So, please do the presentation clean & clear! What? You think it waste too much of your time, right? Yep, I think so too. So, why don't we record a video or make a todo list to solve most of their problems? Since these things are not updated very often, we can keep using the same file for such a long time to do the knowledge transfer. Aw, I know you think Agile doesn't need so many documents. But the question is that if these files can make us work more efficiently, why not?
(英)Somehing About New Staff Training
原创文章标签 职场 休闲 project management new staff traing 文章分类 数字化转型
new thread 、 new stack和New Object的形象说明
e2 studio的使用
堆栈 Stack 网络协议栈 -
linux中的staff和wheelroot用户 普通用户 用户登录 root密码 unix