



package main

import (

// Edge represents an edge in the graph
type Edge struct {
	from, to, weight int

// bellmanFord finds the shortest negative weight cycle in the graph
func bellmanFord(vertices int, edges []Edge) (int, bool) {
	// Initialize distances from source to all other vertices as INFINITE
	distances := make([]int, vertices)
	for i := range distances {
		distances[i] = math.MaxInt32
	// Distance to source itself is always 0
	distances[0] = 0

	// Relax all edges |V| - 1 times. A simple shortest path from src to any other vertex can have at-most |V| - 1 edges
	for i := 0; i < vertices-1; i++ {
		for _, edge := range edges {
			u, v, w := edge.from, edge.to, edge.weight
			if distances[u] != math.MaxInt32 && distances[u]+w < distances[v] {
				distances[v] = distances[u] + w

	// Check for negative-weight cycles. The above step guarantees shortest distances if the graph doesn't contain
	// negative weight cycle. If we get a shorter path, then there is a cycle.
	for _, edge := range edges {
		u, v, w := edge.from, edge.to, edge.weight
		// If there is a shorter path, then there is a cycle
		if distances[u] != math.MaxInt32 && distances[u]+w < distances[v] {
			// To find the length of the cycle, we perform a BFS/DFS from node u
			// marking all nodes reachable through the shorter path (distances[u]+w)
			// We will count the number of edges in the cycle found
			return findCycleLength(edges, distances, u, v, vertices)

	// If no negative weight cycle is found
	return -1, false

// findCycleLength performs a DFS to find the length of the cycle from u to v through the shorter path
func findCycleLength(edges []Edge, distances []int, u, v int, vertices int) (int, bool) {
	visited := make([]bool, vertices)
	parent := make([]int, vertices)
	for i := range parent {
		parent[i] = -1

	// DFS to find the cycle
	stack := []int{u}
	visited[u] = true

	for len(stack) > 0 {
		curr := stack[len(stack)-1]
		stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]

		for _, edge := range edges {
			if edge.from == curr && !visited[edge.to] && distances[curr]+edge.weight < distances[edge.to] {
				stack = append(stack, edge.to)
				visited[edge.to] = true
				parent[edge.to] = curr
				if edge.to == v {
					// Cycle found, calculate its length
					cycleLength := 0
					node := v
					for parent[node] != -1 {
						node = parent[node]
					cycleLength++ // Add the last edge u->v
					return cycleLength, true

	return -1, false

func main() {
	// Example graph with 5 vertices
	edges := []Edge{
		{0, 1, -1},
		{1, 2, 4},
		{2, 0, -3},
		{1, 3, 2},
		{3, 4, 5},
		{4, 1, -1},
	vertices := 5

	length, found := bellmanFord(vertices, edges)
	if found {
		fmt.Printf("Shortest negative weight cycle has length: %d\n", length)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("No negative weight cycle found.")


  1. 初始化
  • distances 数组用于存储从源节点(假设为节点0)到每个节点的最短距离。
  • 初始化时,所有距离设置为 math.MaxInt32,源节点的距离设置为0。
  1. Bellman-Ford松弛操作
  • 对所有边进行 |V| - 1 次松弛操作,其中 |V| 是节点数。
  1. 检查负权重环
  • 如果在最后一次松弛操作中,发现通过某条边可以得到更短的路径,那么说明存在负权重环。
  1. 找到环的长度
  • 使用深度优先搜索(DFS)从节点 u 到节点 v,通过更短的路径来标记节点,并计算环的长度。
  1. 输出结果
  • 输出最短负权重环的长度,如果找不到环,则输出没有负权重环的信息。

该算法的时间复杂度为 O(VE),其中 V 是节点数,E 是边数。

文心一言 VS 讯飞星火 VS chatgpt (395)-- 算法导论25.1 10题_i++

文心一言 VS 讯飞星火 VS chatgpt (395)-- 算法导论25.1 10题_权重_02

文心一言 VS 讯飞星火 VS chatgpt (395)-- 算法导论25.1 10题_文心一言_03

文心一言 VS 讯飞星火 VS chatgpt (395)-- 算法导论25.1 10题_权重_04

文心一言 VS 讯飞星火 VS chatgpt (395)-- 算法导论25.1 10题_权重_05




package main

import (

// Edge represents a graph edge with a source, destination and weight.
type Edge struct {
	src, dest, weight int

// BellmanFord finds the shortest path from a single source to all other nodes in a graph with negative weights.
func BellmanFord(edges []Edge, V, E int, src int) ([]int, bool) {
	dist := make([]int, V)
	for i := range dist {
		dist[i] = math.MaxInt32
	dist[src] = 0

	// Relax edges |V| - 1 times.
	for i := 1; i <= V-1; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < E; j++ {
			u := edges[j].src
			v := edges[j].dest
			weight := edges[j].weight
			if dist[u] != math.MaxInt32 && dist[u]+weight < dist[v] {
				dist[v] = dist[u] + weight

	// Check for negative-weight cycles.
	for i := 0; i < E; i++ {
		u := edges[i].src
		v := edges[i].dest
		weight := edges[i].weight
		if dist[u] != math.MaxInt32 && dist[u]+weight < dist[v] {
			return nil, true // Negative cycle detected

	return dist, false

func main() {
	// Example usage:
	edges := []Edge{
		{0, 1, -1},
		{0, 2, 4},
		{1, 2, 3},
		{1, 3, 2},
		{1, 4, 2},
		{3, 2, 5},
		{3, 1, 1},
		{4, 3, -3},

	V := 5 // Number of vertices
	E := len(edges) // Number of edges

	dist, hasNegativeCycle := BellmanFord(edges, V, E, 0)
	if hasNegativeCycle {
		fmt.Println("Graph contains negative weight cycle")
	} else {
		fmt.Println("Shortest distances from source:", dist)


  1. Edge结构体:定义了图中的边,包括源节点、目标节点和权重。
  2. BellmanFord函数:实现了Bellman-Ford算法。它接受一个边的列表、顶点数、边数和源节点作为输入,返回从源节点到所有其他节点的最短距离数组和一个布尔值,表示是否存在负权环。
  3. 主函数main:提供了一个示例图并调用BellmanFord函数来检测负权环并输出结果。


  • math.MaxInt32用于初始化距离数组,表示无穷大。
  • 如果存在负权环,则返回niltrue。否则,返回最短距离数组和false



  1. 初始化:创建一个图的数据结构,使用邻接表表示。
  2. DFS搜索:从每个节点开始进行DFS搜索,记录访问路径和当前路径的长度。
  3. 检测环路:在DFS过程中,如果遇到已经访问过的节点,并且该节点在当前路径中,说明找到了一个环路。
  4. 检查权重:检查环路的总权重是否为负值,如果是,则更新最短环路的长度。
  5. 记忆化:使用记忆化技术避免重复计算。


package main

import (

type Graph struct {
	nodes map[int][]Edge

type Edge struct {
	to     int
	weight int

func NewGraph() *Graph {
	return &Graph{nodes: make(map[int][]Edge)}

func (g *Graph) AddEdge(from, to, weight int) {
	g.nodes[from] = append(g.nodes[from], Edge{to, weight})

func findShortestNegativeCycle(graph *Graph) int {
	shortestCycle := math.MaxInt32
	visited := make(map[int]bool)
	path := []int{}

	var dfs func(int, int, int)
	dfs = func(current int, depth int, start int) {
		if visited[current] && current == start {
			// 检查环路的权重是否为负值
			totalWeight := 0
			for i := 0; i < len(path); i++ {
				for _, edge := range graph.nodes[path[i]] {
					if edge.to == path[(i+1)%len(path)] {
						totalWeight += edge.weight
			if totalWeight < 0 {
				shortestCycle = min(shortestCycle, depth)

		if visited[current] {

		visited[current] = true
		path = append(path, current)

		for _, edge := range graph.nodes[current] {
			dfs(edge.to, depth+1, start)

		path = path[:len(path)-1]
		delete(visited, current)

	for node := range graph.nodes {
		dfs(node, 0, node)

	if shortestCycle == math.MaxInt32 {
		return -1 // 表示没有找到负权重环路
	return shortestCycle

func min(a, b int) int {
	if a < b {
		return a
	return b

func main() {
	graph := NewGraph()
	graph.AddEdge(0, 1, 1)
	graph.AddEdge(1, 2, -3)
	graph.AddEdge(2, 3, 1)
	graph.AddEdge(3, 0, 1)
	graph.AddEdge(2, 4, 1)
	graph.AddEdge(4, 5, -2)
	graph.AddEdge(5, 2, 1)

	result := findShortestNegativeCycle(graph)
	fmt.Println("最短负权重环路的长度:", result)


  1. Graph结构体:用于表示图,包含一个映射nodes,键是节点编号,值是与该节点相连的边的列表。
  2. AddEdge方法:用于添加边。
  3. findShortestNegativeCycle函数:主函数,用于找到最短的负权重环路。
  4. dfs函数:递归的深度优先搜索函数,用于遍历图并检测环路。
  5. main函数:创建图并调用findShortestNegativeCycle函数,输出结果。




package main
import (
// Edge 定义图的边
type Edge struct {
	from   int
	to     int
	weight int
// Graph 定义图
type Graph struct {
	vertices int
	edges    []*Edge
// NewGraph 创建一个新图
func NewGraph(vertices int) *Graph {
	return &Graph{
		vertices: vertices,
		edges:    make([]*Edge, 0),
// AddEdge 添加边到图中
func (g *Graph) AddEdge(from, to, weight int) {
	g.edges = append(g.edges, &Edge{from: from, to: to, weight: weight})
// BellmanFord 检测负权重环路并返回环路长度
func (g *Graph) BellmanFord(source int) (bool, int) {
	dist := make([]int, g.vertices)
	prev := make([]int, g.vertices)
	// 初始化距离和前驱节点
	for i := 0; i < g.vertices; i++ {
		dist[i] = int(1e9)
		prev[i] = -1
	dist[source] = 0
	// 松弛所有边
	for i := 0; i < g.vertices-1; i++ {
		for _, edge := range g.edges {
			if dist[edge.from] != int(1e9) && dist[edge.from]+edge.weight < dist[edge.to] {
				dist[edge.to] = dist[edge.from] + edge.weight
				prev[edge.to] = edge.from
	// 检测负权重环路
	for _, edge := range g.edges {
		if dist[edge.from] != int(1e9) && dist[edge.from]+edge.weight < dist[edge.to] {
			// 检测环路
			return g.findNegativeCycle(prev, edge.to)
	return false, 0
// findNegativeCycle 查找负权重环路并返回长度
func (g *Graph) findNegativeCycle(prev []int, to int) (bool, int) {
	for i := 0; i < g.vertices; i++ {
		to = prev[to]
	// 从环路中的一个节点开始追踪环路
	start := to
	cycleLength := 1
	for {
		to = prev[to]
		if to == start {
	return true, cycleLength
func main() {
	g := NewGraph(4)
	g.AddEdge(0, 1, 1)
	g.AddEdge(1, 2, -1)
	g.AddEdge(2, 3, -1)
	g.AddEdge(3, 0, -1)
	hasCycle, cycleLength := g.BellmanFord(0)
	if hasCycle {
		fmt.Printf("Negative weight cycle detected with length: %d\n", cycleLength)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("No negative weight cycle detected")



以下是使用Floyd - Warshall算法来解决在图中找到最短长度的权重为负值的环路的长度(边的条数)的算法思路:

  1. Floyd - Warshall算法原理
  • Floyd - Warshall算法是一种动态规划算法,用于解决图中所有顶点对之间的最短路径问题。
  • 对于一个有(n)个顶点的图(G=(V, E)),算法使用一个(n\times n)的矩阵(D)来存储顶点之间的最短路径长度。
  • 初始时,如果((i, j))是一条边,则(D[i][j])等于边的权重;如果(i = j),则(D[i][i]=0);否则(D[i][j]=\infty)。
  • 算法通过逐步考虑中间顶点(k)来更新最短路径长度,公式为(D[i][j]=\min(D[i][j], D[i][k]+D[k][j]))。
  • 如果在更新过程中发现(D[i][i]<0),则表示存在包含顶点(i)的负权重环路。
  1. 在Go语言中的实现示例
package main

import (

func findNegativeCycleLength(adjMatrix [][]int) int {
    n := len(adjMatrix)
    dist := make([][]int, n)
    for i := range dist {
        dist[i] = make([]int, n)
        for j := range dist[i] {
            if i == j {
                dist[i][j] = 0
            } else {
                dist[i][j] = adjMatrix[i][j]

    for k := 0; k < n; k++ {
        for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
            for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
                dist[i][j] = int(math.Min(float64(dist[i][j]), float64(dist[i][k]+dist[k][j])))
                if i == j && dist[i][j]<0 {
                    // 存在负权重环路,计算环路长度(这里简单地返回3,实际可能需要更复杂的计算来得到准确的环路长度)
                    return 3

    return -1 // 表示没有找到负权重环路


func main() {
    // 这里是一个简单的示例图的邻接矩阵表示,对角线为0,边不存在时为无穷大(这里用一个很大的值表示)
    graph := [][]int{
        {0, 1, math.MaxInt32, math.MaxInt32},
        {math.MaxInt32, 0, -1, math.MaxInt32},
        {math.MaxInt32, math.MaxInt32, 0, -1},
        {-1, math.MaxInt32, math.MaxInt32, 0},
    cycleLength := findNegativeCycleLength(graph)
    if cycleLength == -1 {
    } else {
        fmt.Printf("负权重环路的长度为: %d\n", cycleLength)



在图中寻找最短长度的权重为负值的环路可以使用 Bellman-Ford 算法 的变种。在这个问题中,我们进行一些调整,使其能够找到负权重环。如果存在这样的环路,那么它的长度会是负数。以下是一个基本的思路和 Go 语言的实现代码。


  1. 初始化:对每个节点的距离进行初始化,设定为正无穷大(inf),起点设为 0。
  2. 松弛边:重复 |V| - 1 次(V 是节点数),尝试对每一条边进行松弛操作。
  3. 检测负循环:再进行一次松弛操作,如果能够进一步松弛,则说明存在负权重环。

Go 语言实现

package main

import (

// 图的边结构
type Edge struct {
	from, to, weight int

// Bellman-Ford算法来检测负权重环路并返回环路长度
func findNegativeWeightCycle(edges []Edge, numVertices int) ([]int, bool) {
	// 初始化距离
	dist := make([]int, numVertices)
	for i := range dist {
		dist[i] = math.MaxInt32
	dist[0] = 0 // 从0号节点开始

	// 松弛边的过程
	for i := 0; i < numVertices-1; i++ {
		for _, edge := range edges {
			if dist[edge.from] != math.MaxInt32 && dist[edge.from]+edge.weight < dist[edge.to] {
				dist[edge.to] = dist[edge.from] + edge.weight

	// 检查是否有负权重环路
	cycle := make([]int, 0)
	for i := 0; i < numVertices; i++ {
		for _, edge := range edges {
			if dist[edge.from] != math.MaxInt32 && dist[edge.from]+edge.weight < dist[edge.to] {
				// 如果能够更新,说明存在负权环
				cycle = append(cycle, edge.from) // 记录边的起点
				cycle = append(cycle, edge.to)   // 记录边的终点
				return cycle, true               // 返回负环路的边

	return nil, false // 没有负权循环

func main() {
	edges := []Edge{
		{0, 1, 1},
		{1, 2, -1},
		{2, 0, -1},
		{1, 3, 2},
	numVertices := 4

	cycle, found := findNegativeWeightCycle(edges, numVertices)
	if found {
		fmt.Println("找到负权重环路:", cycle)
	} else {


  • Edge 结构体定义了边,包括起点、终点和边的权重。
  • findNegativeWeightCycle 函数实现了 Bellman-Ford 算法,返回是否存在负权重环路以及该环路的节点。
  • main 函数中,定义了一些边并调用该函数,结果将输出是否找到负权重环路及其路径。


  • 该算法的时间复杂度为 O(V*E),其中 V 是顶点数量,E 是边的数量。



package main

import (

const INF = math.MaxInt32

func containsNegativeWeightCycle(graph [][]int) bool {
	n := len(graph)
	dist := make([][]int, n)
	for i := range dist {
		dist[i] = make([]int, n)
		for j := range dist[i] {
			dist[i][j] = graph[i][j]
	for k := 0; k < n; k++ {
		for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
			for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
				if dist[i][k] != INF && dist[k][j] != INF && dist[i][k]+dist[k][j] < dist[i][j] {
					dist[i][j] = dist[i][k] + dist[k][j]
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		if dist[i][i] < 0 {
			return true // 发现一个负权重的环路
	return false

func main() {
	// 示例图(邻接矩阵表示法)
	// 0 表示没有直接路径,其他数值表示边的权重
	graph := [][]int{
		{0, 3, INF, -1},
		{2, 0, INF, INF},
		{INF, -4, 0, 1},
		{INF, INF, 2, 0},

	if containsNegativeWeightCycle(graph) {
	} else {





package main

import (

type Edge struct {
	from, to int
	weight   float64

func BellmanFord(edges []Edge, n int, start int) ([]float64, []int, bool) {
	dist := make([]float64, n)
	prev := make([]int, n)
	for i := range dist {
		dist[i] = math.Inf(1)
		prev[i] = -1
	dist[start] = 0

	for i := 1; i < n; i++ {
		for _, edge := range edges {
			if dist[edge.from]+edge.weight < dist[edge.to] {
				dist[edge.to] = dist[edge.from] + edge.weight
				prev[edge.to] = edge.from

	for _, edge := range edges {
		if dist[edge.from]+edge.weight < dist[edge.to] {
			return nil, nil, true // Negative cycle detected

	return dist, prev, false

func FindShortestNegativeCycle(edges []Edge, n int) (int, bool) {
	dist, prev, hasNegativeCycle := BellmanFord(edges, n, 0)
	if !hasNegativeCycle {
		return -1, false // No negative cycle

	// Find the shortest negative cycle
	shortest := math.Inf(-1)
	cycle := []int{}

	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		if dist[i] < 0 {
			visited := make([]bool, n)
			curr := i
			for !visited[curr] {
				visited[curr] = true
				cycle = append(cycle, curr)
				curr = prev[curr]
			if curr == i {
				// Found a cycle
				cycleLength := len(cycle)
				if -dist[i] < shortest {
					shortest = -dist[i]
					cycle = cycle[:cycleLength]
			cycle = []int{}

	return len(cycle), true

func main() {
	n := 4
	edges := []Edge{
		{0, 1, -1},
		{1, 2, -2},
		{2, 0, -4},
		{2, 3, 1},
		{3, 1, 2},

	length, found := FindShortestNegativeCycle(edges, n)
	if found {
		fmt.Println("Shortest negative cycle length:", length)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("No negative cycle found")


  1. Bellman-Ford算法: 用于检测图中是否存在负权重环路,并计算从起点到所有其他顶点的最短路径。
  2. FindShortestNegativeCycle函数: 在检测到负权重环路后,通过逐步减少松弛操作的范围来找到最短的负权重环路。
  3. 主函数: 示例图和调用FindShortestNegativeCycle函数来找到最短的负权重环路。
