本节重点介绍 :
- 采集段静态配置的解释
- static_configs解析相关源码解读
- 采集段是以job为单位配置的
# 采集配置段
# The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
- job_name: 'prometheus'
# metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
# scheme defaults to 'http'.
- targets: ['localhost:9090']
- target页面上可以看到相关的job
- 采集段中有很多配置项目,在页面上观察配置文件可以看到补全的信息
- job_name: prometheus
# true代表使用原始数据的时间戳,false代表使用prometheus采集器的时间戳
honor_timestamps: true
# 多久执行一次采集,就是这个job 多久执行一次
scrape_interval: 15s
# 采集的超时
scrape_timeout: 15s
# 就是采集target的 metric暴露 http path,默认是/metrics ,比如探针型的就是/probe
metrics_path: /metrics
# 采集目标的协议 是否是https
scheme: http
# 是否跟踪 redirect
follow_redirects: true
- targets:
- localhost:9090
- D:\go_path\src\github.com\prometheus\prometheus\config\config.go +380
- 可以看到全量的配置项
type ScrapeConfig struct {
// The job name to which the job label is set by default.
JobName string `yaml:"job_name"`
// Indicator whether the scraped metrics should remain unmodified.
HonorLabels bool `yaml:"honor_labels,omitempty"`
// Indicator whether the scraped timestamps should be respected.
HonorTimestamps bool `yaml:"honor_timestamps"`
// A set of query parameters with which the target is scraped.
Params url.Values `yaml:"params,omitempty"`
// How frequently to scrape the targets of this scrape config.
ScrapeInterval model.Duration `yaml:"scrape_interval,omitempty"`
// The timeout for scraping targets of this config.
ScrapeTimeout model.Duration `yaml:"scrape_timeout,omitempty"`
// The HTTP resource path on which to fetch metrics from targets.
MetricsPath string `yaml:"metrics_path,omitempty"`
// The URL scheme with which to fetch metrics from targets.
Scheme string `yaml:"scheme,omitempty"`
// An uncompressed response body larger than this many bytes will cause the
// scrape to fail. 0 means no limit.
BodySizeLimit units.Base2Bytes `yaml:"body_size_limit,omitempty"`
// More than this many samples post metric-relabeling will cause the scrape to
// fail.
SampleLimit uint `yaml:"sample_limit,omitempty"`
// More than this many targets after the target relabeling will cause the
// scrapes to fail.
TargetLimit uint `yaml:"target_limit,omitempty"`
// More than this many labels post metric-relabeling will cause the scrape to
// fail.
LabelLimit uint `yaml:"label_limit,omitempty"`
// More than this label name length post metric-relabeling will cause the
// scrape to fail.
LabelNameLengthLimit uint `yaml:"label_name_length_limit,omitempty"`
// More than this label value length post metric-relabeling will cause the
// scrape to fail.
LabelValueLengthLimit uint `yaml:"label_value_length_limit,omitempty"`
// We cannot do proper Go type embedding below as the parser will then parse
// values arbitrarily into the overflow maps of further-down types.
ServiceDiscoveryConfigs discovery.Configs `yaml:"-"`
HTTPClientConfig config.HTTPClientConfig `yaml:",inline"`
// List of target relabel configurations.
RelabelConfigs []*relabel.Config `yaml:"relabel_configs,omitempty"`
// List of metric relabel configurations.
MetricRelabelConfigs []*relabel.Config `yaml:"metric_relabel_configs,omitempty"`
- static_configs 段代表静态配置采集的端点
- 为何在上述ScrapeConfig配置段中没有找到 static_configs配置项,这又是怎么回事呢
- 在prometheus 源码目录搜索 static_configs
- 发现 在文件 D:\go_path\src\github.com\prometheus\prometheus\discovery\registry.go中有
- 看到这里 在registry.go中 的init 函数会在包自动导入的时候注册static_configs 到configFields中
- 所有服务发现都会在各自包中的init方法自动注册自己
追查 configFields是干什么用的
- D:\go_path\src\github.com\prometheus\prometheus\config\config.go
- ScrapeConfig实现了 yaml的Unmarshaler接口 中的UnmarshalYAML方法
- 所以在yaml解析的时候 ScrapeConfig字段时会调用这个UnmarshalYAML方法
func (c *ScrapeConfig) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error {
*c = DefaultScrapeConfig
if err := discovery.UnmarshalYAMLWithInlineConfigs(c, unmarshal); err != nil {
return err
- UnmarshalYAMLWithInlineConfigs中 调用 getConfigType
- getConfigType方法中操作了configFields结构体
- 总结:
- ScrapeConfig使用指定的UnmarshalYAML方法
- 当中会去判断采用的是静态配置还是 服务发现的
- 这样写的好处是不需要通过if-else判断,而且每种服务发现的配置是不一样的
本节重点总结 :
- prometheus的采集任务以job为单位
- prometheus充当http client 根据job中配置的 schema等信息去 ,target中配置的地址采集数据