Seconds in wait
原创maclean_007 ©著作权
The term "seconds in wait" means the number of seconds that a SQL Statement, Database User, etc. was waiting on an event. It is possible that the total number of "seconds in wait" exceeds the total amount of time in the period. The following example will illustrate how this occurs.
Example: Assume that one session locks a row that is needed by ten other sessions. All ten sessions will wait for the lock. Also assume that the session holds the lock for one hour. Since each of the ten sessions waited for one hour, Ignite will show total wait time of ten hours during the one hour period.
The maximum theoretical wait time during a period is the number of session multiplied by the length of the period.
TIME_WAIT 的产生、作用以及优化
TCP中的TIME_WAIT 到底是用来做什么TCP 套接字
Semaphore wait has lasted 600 seconds解决方案 html 编程
java 开发语言 System