var re = /regular expression/;
$ Matches end of input /end?/ matches “This is the end”
* Matches zero or more times /se*/ matches “seeee” as well as “se”
? Matches zero or one time /ap?/ matches “apple” and “and”
+ Matches one or more times /ap+/ matches “apple” but not “and”
{n} Matches exactly n times /ap{2}/ matches “apple” but not “apie”
{n,} Matches n or more times /ap{2,}/ matches all p’s in “apple” and “appple” but
not “apie”
{n,m} Matches at least n, at most m times /ap{2,4}/ matches four p’s in “apppppple”
. Any character except newline /a.e/ matches “ape” and “axe”
[...] Any character within brackets /a[px]e/ matches “ape” and “axe” but not “ale”
[^...] Any character but those within brackets /a[^px]/ matches “ale” but not “axe” or “ape”
\b Matches on word boundary /\bno/ matches the first “no” in “nono”
\B Matches on nonword boundary /\Bno/ matches the second “no” in “nono”
\d Digits from 0 to 9 /\d{3}/ matches 123 in “Now in 123”
\D Any nondigit character /\D{2,4}/ matches “Now " in “Now in 123”
\w Matches word character (letters, digits, underscores) /\w/ matches “j” in javascript
\W Matches any nonword character (not letters, digits, or
\/W/ matches “%” in “100%”
\n Matches a line feed
\s A single whitespace character
\S A single character that is not whitespace
\t A tab
(x) Capturing parentheses Remembers the matched characters
pattern.test("JavaScript CookBook")=true;
pattern.test( "JavaScript BookCook")=false;
var pattern = new RegExp("Cook.*Book","i");
<input type="text" id="phone" />
<button id="test">Test</button>
document.getElementById("test"). {
var ssn = document.getElementById("phone").value;
var pattern = /^\d{3,4}-?\d{7}$/;
if (ssn.match(pattern))
alert("Not OK");
var searchString = "Now is the time and this is the time and that is the time";
var pattern = /t\w*e/g;
var matchArray;
var str = "";
while((matchArray = pattern.exec(searchString)) != null) {
str+="at " + matchArray.index + " we found " + matchArray[0] + "<br />";
$& Inserts matched substring
$` Inserts portion of string before match
$’ Inserts portion of string after match
$n Inserts nth captured parenthetical value when using RegExp
var searchString = "Now is the time, this is the time";
var re = /t\w{2}e/g;
var replacement = searchString.replace(re, "place");
alert(replacement); // Now is the place, this is the place
var name = "Abe Lincoln";
var re = /^(\w+)\s(\w+)$/;
var newname = name.replace(re,"$2, $1");
var testString = " this is the string ";
alert("before:" + testString);
// trim white space from the beginning
testString = testString.replace(/^\s+/,"");
// trim white space from the end
testString = testString.replace(/\s+$/,"");
alert("after:" + testString);
testString = testString.trim(); // white space trimmed