帮用户卸载office或者安装office都是弹出这个框,提示“This patch package could not be opened”请教下应该如何解决?
回答:根据您的描述,我理解为您在安装或卸载Office的时候,会收到错误提示“This patch package could not be opened”。通过研究,这个问题看上去是下面这篇文章所解决的问题:
You receive an error message when you try to install or run an Office program: "This patch package could not be opened" or "The installation source for the product is not available"
所以,请您先下载并运行Microsoft Fixit 50123 来看看能不能解决。如果不能解决的话,请您再运行下面文章中针对Office 2003的Fix it 来看看有没有帮助:
How do I uninstall Office 2003, Office 2007 or Office 2010 suites if I cannot uninstall it from Control Panel?