[default: the Hudson and SVN is working but there is no maven project on them]
1.1. download maven , set MAVEN_HOME and path. test it if it has been installed successfully: cmd: mvn –version(note: only if u have set the JAVA_HOME) . u will see a lot of information including java version.
2.2. Download Sonar to local. Start the “StartSonar.bat” file and visit localhost:9000.
3.3. Do something for preparing the environment for maven project in NetBeans: set the tools->options->maven->ExternalMavenHome
4.4. New a Maven project-> MavenQuickStart(this is enough) in NetBeans. Or you can use this command in cmd: mvn archetype:create -DgroupId=com.PRFT.sele -DartifactId=web
5. 5. You may need some external libraries that cannot be found on search.maven.org, then you can try this: download the jar you need, and goto cmd: cd “project address”; type in: mvn install:install-file -Dfile=selenium-server-standalone-2.4.0.jar -DgroupId=selenium_project -DartifactId=selenium -Dversion=2.4.0 -Dpackaging=jar [Dfile is the name of the jar file. After doing this, u will find that jar is added into your {$user$}/.m2/repository/{$DgroupId$}/{$DartifactId$}/ folder]
6. 6.Go to visit the Hudson server website( localhost:8080/hudson or something else).
Manage Hudson-> manage plugins-> install: maven, svn, sonar, cobertura plugins.
New job->
Choose svn and set the Repository URL:
Auto build time setting:
Tick sonar up in post-build action :
7 7. Add sonar to Hudson server( so you don’t have to download sonar on your own computer)
Add this code below into {$MAVEN_HOME$}/conf/settings.xml:
(add from here)
……(onther profile)
Click SAVE.