

% curl -Ss | php
PHP Version >= 5.3.3                  [OK] 
Extension pcntl check                 [OK] 
Extension posix check                 [OK] 

composer 安装

 % composer require workerman/workerman
Using version ^4.0 for workerman/workerman
./composer.json has been updated
Running composer update workerman/workerman
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
Lock file operations: 1 install, 0 updates, 0 removals
  - Locking workerman/workerman (v4.0.19)
Writing lock file
Installing dependencies from lock file (including require-dev)
Package operations: 1 install, 0 updates, 0 removals
  - Downloading workerman/workerman (v4.0.19)
  - Installing workerman/workerman (v4.0.19): Extracting archive
1 package suggestions were added by new dependencies, use `composer suggest` to see details.
Generating autoload files
9 packages you are using are looking for funding.
Use the `composer fund` command to find out more!


 * workerman

namespace Index\Action;

use Common\Util\JsonUtil;
use Workerman\Worker;

class WsAction extends CommonAction
    public function start()
        global $worker;
        $worker = new Worker('websocket://'.C('WS_PORT')); // 8000
        // 这里进程数必须设置为1
        $worker->count = 1;
        // worker进程启动后建立一个内部通讯端口
        $worker->onWorkerStart = function ($worker) {
            // 开启一个内部端口,方便内部系统推送数据,Text协议格式 文本+换行符
            $inner_text_worker = new Worker('Text://'.C('WS_INNER_PORT')); // 8001
            $inner_text_worker->onMessage = function ($connection, $buffer) {
                global $worker;
                // $data数组格式,里面有uid,表示向那个uid的页面推送数据
                $data = JsonUtil::jsonDecode($buffer);
                $uid = $data['uid'];
                // 发送数据
                if ($uid) {
                    $res = $this->sendMessageByUid($uid, $data['data']);
                } else {
                    $res = $this->broadcast($data['data']);
                // 返回推送结果
                $connection->send($res ? 'ok' : 'fail');
                echo "inner text Msg $uid \n";
            echo "Start \n";
        // 新增加一个属性,用来保存uid到connection的映射
        $worker->uidConnections = array();
        // 当有客户端发来消息时执行的回调函数
        $worker->onMessage = function ($connection, $data) use ($worker) {
            // 判断当前客户端是否已经验证,既是否设置了uid
            if (!isset($connection->uid)) {
                // 没验证的话把第一个包当做uid(这里为了方便演示,没做真正的验证)
                $connection->uid = $data;
                /* 保存uid到connection的映射,这样可以方便的通过uid查找connection,
                 * 实现针对特定uid推送数据
                $worker->uidConnections[$connection->uid] = $connection;
            echo $connection->uid."msg \n";
        $worker->onConnect = function ($connection){
            echo $connection->id."connect \n";

        // 当有客户端连接断开时
        $worker->onClose = function ($connection) use ($worker) {
            global $worker;
            if (isset($connection->uid)) {
                // 连接断开时删除映射
            echo $connection->uid."close \n";

        // 运行所有的worker(其实当前只定义了一个)

    // 向所有验证的用户推送数据
    public function broadcast($message)
        global $worker;
        foreach ($worker->uidConnections as $connection) {
        return true;

    // 针对uid推送数据
    public function sendMessageByUid($uid, $message)
        global $worker;
        if (isset($worker->uidConnections[$uid])) {
            $connection = $worker->uidConnections[$uid];
            return true;
        return false;


% php -f index.php Ws/start start   
Workerman[index.php] start in DEBUG mode
------------------------------------------- WORKERMAN --------------------------------------------
Workerman version:4.0.19          PHP version:5.6.40
-------------------------------------------- WORKERS ---------------------------------------------
proto   user            worker          listen                      processes    status           
tcp     jiqing          none            websocket://    1             [OK]            
Press Ctrl+C to stop. Start success.
 % php -f index.php Ws/start start -d
Workerman[index.php] start in DAEMON mode
------------------------------------------- WORKERMAN --------------------------------------------
Workerman version:4.0.19          PHP version:5.6.40
-------------------------------------------- WORKERS ---------------------------------------------
proto   user            worker          listen                      processes    status           
tcp     jiqing          none            websocket://    1             [OK]            
Input "php index.php Ws/start stop" to stop. Start success.

 % php -f index.php Ws/start stop    
Workerman[index.php] stop 
Workerman[index.php] is stopping ...
Workerman[index.php] stop success


ws = new WebSocket("ws://");
ws.onopen = function() {
ws.onmessage = function(e) {


public function send()
    // 建立socket连接到内部推送端口
    $client = stream_socket_client('tcp://'.C('WS_INNER_PORT'), $errno, $errmsg, 1);
    // 推送的数据,包含uid字段,表示是给这个uid推送
    $data = array('uid' => '', 'data' => JsonUtil::jsonEncode(['name'=>'张三','age'=>15]));
    // 发送数据,注意8001端口是Text协议的端口,Text协议需要在数据末尾加上换行符
    fwrite($client, json_encode($data) . "\n");
    // 读取推送结果
    $res = trim(fread($client, 8192),"\n");


 * workerman

namespace AdminApi\Action;

use Common\Util\JsonUtil;
use Workerman\Worker;

class WsAction extends CommonAction
    public function start()
        global $worker;
        $worker = new Worker('websocket://'.C('WS_PORT')); // 8000
        // 这里进程数必须设置为1
        $worker->count = 1;
        // worker进程启动后建立一个内部通讯端口
        $worker->onWorkerStart = function ($worker) {
            // 开启一个内部端口,方便内部系统推送数据,Text协议格式 文本+换行符
            $inner_text_worker = new Worker('Text://'.C('WS_INNER_PORT')); // 8001
            $inner_text_worker->onMessage = function ($connection, $buffer) {
                global $worker;
                // $data数组格式,里面有uid,表示向那个uid的页面推送数据
                $data = JsonUtil::jsonDecode($buffer);
                $uid = $data['uid'];
                // 发送数据
                if ($uid) {
                    $res = $this->sendMessageByUid($uid, $data['data']);
                } else {
                    $res = $this->broadcast($data['data']);
                // 返回推送结果
                $connection->send($res ? 'ok' : 'fail');
                echo "inner text Msg $uid \n";
            echo "Start \n";
        // 新增加一个属性,用来保存uid到connection的映射
        $worker->uidConnections = array();
        // 当有客户端发来消息时执行的回调函数
        $worker->onMessage = function ($connection, $data) use ($worker) {
            // 判断当前客户端是否已经验证,既是否设置了uid
            if (!isset($connection->uid)) {
                // 没验证的话把第一个包当做uid(这里为了方便演示,没做真正的验证)
                $connection->uid = $data;
                 * 保存uid到connection的映射,这样可以方便的通过uid查找connection,
                 * 实现针对特定uid推送数据
                $worker->uidConnections[$connection->uid][$connection->id] = $connection;
            echo $connection->uid."-".$connection->id."msg \n";
        $worker->onConnect = function ($connection){
            echo $connection->id."connect \n";

        // 当有客户端连接断开时
        $worker->onClose = function ($connection) use ($worker) {
            global $worker;
            if (isset($connection->uid)) {
                // 连接断开时删除映射
            echo $connection->uid."-".$connection->id."close \n";

        // 运行所有的worker(其实当前只定义了一个)

    // 向所有验证的用户推送数据
    public function broadcast($message)
        global $worker;
        foreach ($worker->uidConnections as $connection) {
        return true;

    // 针对uid推送数据
    public function sendMessageByUid($uid, $message)
        global $worker;
        if (isset($worker->uidConnections[$uid])) {
            foreach($worker->uidConnections[$uid] as $connection) {
            return true;
        return false;