在server 2012 hyper v里运行的一台server 2012经常自动关机,日志没查看到明显故障提示,查看hyper v settings发现虚拟硬盘挂接的是avhd格式,与父盘合并后重新挂载,暂时故障消失。
3月11号更新:问题其实是windows license没激活导致的关机。日志里有详细的记录,不过记录不是在error和warning而是正常的日志里。绕过去的办法是使用pstools删除wlms服务。
How to remove the Windows Licensing Monitoring Service from the evaluation media of Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 7 Operating Systems
- Download the ps tools from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897553.aspx
- Extract it to the local disk (I have done it under c:\)
- Open the command prompt in an elevated mode (run as administrator).
- Navigate to the ps tools folder (in my case its c:\psexec)
- Run the command psexec –I –d –s cmd
- Click ‘Agree’ on the license agreement.
- This will open the command prompt as ‘nt authority\system’ (To verify it run the command whoami on the new command prompt)
- Run the command ‘sc delete WLMS‘ to delete the Windows licensing monitoring service.
- Run the command regedit to modify the registry
- Navigate to HKLMàSystemàCurrentControlSet àServices
- Delete the key ‘WLMS’ key.