
Yogesh K | – Directory Services | Email: | (M - F  7:00 AM - 04:00 PM PST ) International Phone numbers

United States/Canada: +1-425-704-3638 UK: 0808 2349667 Ireland: 1-800-760647 Australia: 1-800-151075 India: 1800 266 3050 New Zealand: 0800-451917 Singapore: 800-1205517 Malaysia: 1-800-815217 South Africa: 080-09-83720

Dial one of the above international phone numbers followed by my extension: 2266419

Jagat Kathiar  (Technical Leader) | Ext - 2266110 | Email:

(M - F  11:00 AM - 02:00 PM PST )

Madhur Jolly  (Team Manager) | Ext - 2266065 | Email:

For Callback:  (This is monitored 24x7. Email here at anytime if you fail to get response from all the above contacts).

Please note, that according to Microsoft Policy each support incident can only address one problem.

Support Incident:  An incident is a problem that cannot be broken down into subordinate problems. For a request with subordinate problems, each problem is considered a separate incident, and therefore must be submitted as a separate support request. An incident may require multiple interactions and off-line research to resolve it. Please note that an incident involving a Microsoft product bug will not be applied against your account.

FYI, for more information on what constitutes a support incident, please see: 

Directory Services  Team Blog:

Did you know?  You can now quickly submit a non-critical Microsoft support incident via the internet at   Cases can be created 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Meeting and exceeding your expectations are my top priorities.  If you are not happy  with your case progress for any reason or would like to share feedback, please contact my manager, Mike , via email at  or  directly by phone at  Ext - 2266065