3D moblin UI on IDF
松下的H1这台基于阿童木的MCA系统内建有指纹识别,非接触式智能卡读取,摄像头,条码识别并且包含触摸屏等基本功能,除此之外,铝镁合金的外壳加上 Toughbook的设计理念,使得这个产品能够承受日常使用中的跌落等常见情况。并且作为专业医用设备,其外观设计以及材料选择也颇为考究,基本无清理死角,并且可以直接使用酒精擦拭消毒。
松下基于Atom的MCA H1介绍。就在近日,松下发布了其第一款基于英特尔凌动处理器的移动临床助理MCA系统。这款系统最早是在8月份的北美英特尔信息技术峰会上亮相于展台区域的。 在10月份台北的英特尔信息技术峰会上MCA产品再次出现在主题演讲中。
2008 Taipei IDF opening video
IDF Atom product
2008北美信息技术峰会 移动产品精选
Lenovo IdeaPad U8 Aigo P8860 Clarion Navigation Device Intel's Ultra Mobility Group guru Uday shows off some of the new Intel Atom processor-powered devices that will be at the Intel Developer Forum in San Francisco August 2008
Intel's Josh Bancroft talks to Canonical Mobile Services Group Product Manager Pete Goodall about Ubuntu Mobile at IDF Shanghai 2008. You can get more information on Ubuntu at www.ubuntu.com/mobile
Josh Bancroft talks to Jose avalos, the GM of Ultra-Mobile, about Wireless USB capabilites at IDF Shanghai
Narendra Bhandari, Intel Software Devekoper Relations Asia Pacific Director, discusses the future of Mobile Internet Devices.
Scott Crabtree, Intel Software Network Blogger, and engineering manager, shows a new way to play mobile video games, which he calls “Carry Small, Game Large”. Take a look, imagine new ways to play multi-player games with mobile platforms, then download the free code from Intel at http://softwarecommunity.intel.com/articles/eng/3756.htm to get started.
Dirk Hohndel, Chief Open Source Strategist shares the vision of Moblin.org – an open source project to create innovative software stacks for mobile internet devices (MIDs) and more... Watch, then join the open source developer community at www.moblin.org.
Jeff Laflam, Intel Applications Engineer shows Crytek’s Crysis running on high-end notebooks. Mobile gaming developers can now take advantage of multithreading, battery monitoring and enhanced wireless capability using Intel’s mobile development kit. Laptops are now high end gaming machines - who would have thought? www.intel.com/software/graphics
Ad Hoc gaming is the wave of the future. Here Jeff Freeman, Intel Applications Engineer, shows Ad Hoc gaming capabilities – where professional and serious gamers can synch up w/nearby players – finding common games to play against each other. Take a look, then check out Intel’s Laptop Development Kit! www.intel.com/graphics
Kelly Feller talks to the the chairman, and president of eJamming, Alan Glickman about new technology that gives musicians the chance to "jam" together regardless of geographical proximity to one another.
Take a break in the Intel Lounge at the San Francisco Game Developers Conference, and watch fellow game developers rocking out to Guitar Player* running on high-powered Dell* laptops.
This video shows people from different parts of the world using netbooks and nettop computers to access the Internet. Intel Atom processors are helping bring to market new, full Internet experience to small, low cost wireless computing devices. This video was created by Intel for Computex in June 2008.
Intel Research performs a heterogeneous seamless, unattended handover between a WiFi and WiMAX network....that's like magic.
Science gurus Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman reach enlightenment when a laptop saves the day.
嘉宾英特尔中国Linux与开源战略经理陈绪博士当前移动设备的市场已经相当繁荣,但能够满足移动上网需求的主要还是各式各样的笔记本电脑和智能手机。英特尔专门打造的“MID”移动计算平台应该首先是一种在体积上介于笔记本和智能手机之间,能够随时随地上网、给用户带来丰富互联网体验的浏览器设备。浏览Web是MID主要的应用,功能上还包括持续地让使用者在任何时间、任何地点进行访问信息,支持电子邮件、IM、聊天室、博客,能够提供视频、游戏、音乐、图片或TV的服务,比智能手机上网,在功能和用户体验上都会有质的提高;而比起笔记本无线上网,它的体积和便携性方面具有更多的优势。而且事实上,更多的用户使用MID主要是通过互联网浏览信息和享受娱乐功能,而非复杂的编程等需要消耗大容量内容和功率的用途。 MID(Mobile Internet Devices,移动互联网设备)是英特尔主推的以“Moblin Linux OS”为基础的下一代移动设备战略。 Moblin是一个完全开源的项目(遵守国际开源规则),在关键的MID核心堆栈方面,代码和捐助将在Moblin社区公布
2008年6月 25日,由英特尔发起的moblin移动开发应用大会在京召开。据Intel战略联盟经理郇伟介绍,此次大会,邀请到了北京各大高校近百名移动开发、开源爱好者,以及众多的在职的相关技术人员。会上,英特尔在中国的众多移动开发合作伙伴一一现身,并推出各自的最新成果。据悉,Moblin.org是英特尔发起的一个关键开源项目,它致力于创建一个社区,在这里,软件开发人员能够获得丰富的技术指导,并结合他们的智慧和对软件以及互联网的体验,开发出新一代移动互联网设备所需的丰富软件,帮助用户实现口袋里装下整个 Internet的梦想。 CSDN专访王文汉博士-共话英特尔开源战略
Moblin项目由Intel公司于2007年7月正式启动,最初主要集中于开发MID软件系统,基于Linux*的操作系统作为突破口出现了新的产品设备种类,能够访问Internet上丰富的内容,同时没有与PC相关的复杂性。这些设备从移动互联网设备(Mobile Internet Devices,MID)、车载信息系统、便携式媒体播放器(PMP)到个人导航设备(PND)、数码机顶盒(STB)到笔记本电脑等以各种形式推动新技术、新设备的发展。 现在,英特尔联合CSDN,基于 MID 设备的 Moblin 核心、Linux 堆栈创建用于娱乐、发送信息和交流的应用程序重磅推出“YourMove Mobin创意开发大赛”,您的创意将与moblin一起打造全新的移动开发平台,您就是推动未来移动技术变革的设计师!现在就来改变世界吧!
Moblin Event Shanghai - Danny Zhang
Moblin Event keynote by bob liang
MCT part1
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