本文出自Simmy的个人blog:西米在线  http://simmyonline.com/archives/571.html
最近的一个project涉及到两个邮件系统之间的迁移。用户原先用的是exchange 2003, 而邮件客户端是outlook express。我们用的也是MS的exchange,不过客户端是outlook 2007.因此就涉及到邮件的迁移,查了MS的KB及自己做了实验,发觉重要的是邮件,地址簿及账户设置的转移。由于我们也要把用户的旧电脑换掉,所以又涉及到不同电脑间数据的迁移。
Outlook Express to Outlook Express
1. Mails:copy the full folder, where include all mails.
C:\Documents and Settings\simmyzhou\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities
\{001E9D24-47B5-453D-BBEC-6BAFEE488B42}\Microsoft\Outlook Express
2. Address book
Open address book--文件—导出—通讯簿
3. Account setting
Copy all this to the new computer.
Open outlook express, don’t create an account with the wizard.

1. 工具--选项--维护--存储文件夹位置
Redirect to the new folder where mails copy from the old computer.
2. Import the address book
Open address book, Import
3. Import the Account settings
然后到 Outlook express to Outlook
Open Outlook
Import and Export—Import Internet mail and address—Outlook express 4.x—mail and address book
