Lec_6_Training Neural Networks, Part II

Happy Moment: 功夫老鼠—看我的锁喉功

stanford_CS231n_learning note_Lec_06 Training Neural Networks, Part2_ci

Parameter Updates

The common method

Update problem-1 TOO SLOW

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Momentum update

  • Physical interpretation as ball rolling down the loss function + friction (mu coefficient).
  • mu = usually ~0.5, 0.9, or 0.99 (Sometimes annealed over time, e.g. from 0.5 -> 0.99)

Nesterov Momentum update

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AdaGrad update

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RMSProp update

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Adam update

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Second order optimization methods

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Summary for update problems 1+2

- Adam is a good default choice in most cases
- If you can afford to do full batch updates then try out L-BFGS (and don’t forget to disable all sources of noise)

Evaluation: Model Ensembles

  1. Train multiple independent models
  2. At test time average their results
  3. Enjoy 2% extra performance

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Regularization: Dropout “randomly set some neurons to zero in the forward pass”
Dropout 的目的是防止过拟合

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Gradient Checking

  • see notes

Convolutional Neural Networks

A bit of history:

Tomorrow is Weekend, Have a Good Relax!