Elasticsearch 监控 Elasticsearch 集群
1. Elasticsearch Stats 相关的 API
Elasticsearch 提供了多个监控相关的 API
- Node Stats: _nodes/stats
- Cluster Stats: _cluster/stats
- Index Stats: index_name/_stats
2. Elasticsearch Task API
查看 Task 相关的 API
- Pending Cluster Tasks API: GET _cluster/pending_tasks
- Task Management API :GET _tasks (可以用来 Cancel 一个 Task)
监控 Thread Pools
- GET _nodes/thread_pool
- GET _nodes/stats/thread_pool
- GET _cat/thread_pool?v
- GET _nodes/hot_threads
3. The Index & Query Slow Log
- 支持将分片上,
和 Fetch
阶段的慢 查询写入文件 - 支持为
和 Fetch
分别定义阈值 - 索引级的动态设置,可以按需设置,或者通 过
Index Template
统一设定 - Slog log 文件通过
log4j2.properties 配置
![监控 Elasticsearch 集群]
PUT my_index/
"settings": {
"index.search.slowlog.threshold": {
"query.warn": "10s",
"query.info": "3s",
"query.debug": "2s",
"query.trace": "0s",
"fetch.warn": "1s",
"fetch.info": "600ms",
"fetch.debug": "400ms",
"fetch.trace": "0s"
4. 如何创建监控 Dashboard
- 开发
Elasticsearch plugin
,通过读取相关的监控 API,将数据发送到 ES,或者 TSDB - 使用 Metricbeats 搜集相关指标
- 使用 Kibana 或 Grafana 创建 Dashboard
- 可以开发
Elasticsearch Exporter
监控 Elasticsearch 集群
5. demo
# Node Stats:
GET _nodes/stats
#Cluster Stats:
GET _cluster/stats
#Index Stats:
GET kibana_sample_data_ecommerce/_stats
#Pending Cluster Tasks API:
GET _cluster/pending_tasks
# 查看所有的 tasks,也支持 cancel task
GET _tasks
GET _nodes/thread_pool
GET _nodes/stats/thread_pool
GET _cat/thread_pool?v
GET _nodes/hot_threads
GET _nodes/stats/thread_pool
# 设置 Index Slowlogs
# the first 1000 characters of the doc's source will be logged
PUT my_index/_settings
"info": "4s",
# 设置查询
DELETE my_index
//"0" logs all queries
PUT my_index/
"settings": {
"index.search.slowlog.threshold": {
"query.warn": "10s",
"query.info": "3s",
"query.debug": "2s",
"query.trace": "0s",
"fetch.warn": "1s",
"fetch.info": "600ms",
"fetch.debug": "400ms",
"fetch.trace": "0s"
GET my_index