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Install notes for Mac OS X (10.9)These instructions assume you’re starting with a clean Mac OS X system, which will need python3 and all scientific packages installed. These instructions are
原文地址:http://blog.linguofeng.com/archive/2012/10/16/cocos2d-x-CCSpriteFrameCache.html配合plist文件加载一张大图片中的某个区域.plist 格式<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PU
I'm trying to animate a sprite while it's moving. As per the examples: I create an array of frames,&nb
I wanted to try learnign some C++ with Visual C++ Express but when i try to build even the simplest program:#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){ cout << "He
一、BSTR、LPSTR和LPWSTR在Visual C++.NET的所有编程方式中,我们常常要用到这样的一些基本字符串类型,如BSTR、LPSTR和LPWSTR等。之所以出现类似上述的这些数据类型,是因为不同编程语言之间的数据交换以及对ANSI、Unicode和多字节字符集(MBCS)的支持。 那么什么是BSTR、LPSTR以及LPWSTR呢? BSTR(Basic STRing,Basic
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