InfluxDB 提供了客户端 influx 用于管理数据库。自2.1版本,客户端influx就和服务端influxd分离开了,需要单独安装。安装方法非常检查,解压缩复制到到/user/bin 下面即可。
InfluxDB 服务端启动后,使用Influx CLI 进行初始化(使用web管理界面操作更加方便,http://IP:port ,默认端口8086,我在配置文件将端口修改成了8080,配置方法见:InfluxDB 参数详解)。
#influx setup --host http://localhost:8080
> Welcome to InfluxDB 2.0!
? Please type your primary username admin
? Please type your password *********
? Please type your password again *********
? Please type your primary organization name test
? Please type your primary bucket name db01
? Please type your retention period in hours, or 0 for infinite 0
? Setup with these parameters?
Username: admin
Organization: test
Bucket: db01
Retention Period: infinite
User Organization Bucket
admin test db01
#influx config
Active Name URL Org
* default http://localhost:8080 test
创建 Token,Token 在以后的操作中非常必要。
#influx auth create -o test --all-access
ID Description Token User Name User ID Permissions
094769ed38624000 dK-GjQBMFVBw_cjaxhI7ekuGi3ouJ8FkJ1plEE39iOHnqRedZuTXCy96jQhqOEa1Rdb9A5jEin-GxKDsp7DbWw== admin 094769346d624000
表名 | 标签1 | 标签2 | 列名 |
tb01 | building | Floor | temp |
building | floor | temp | timestamp |
Baoli | 702a | 24.5 | 1651036342 |
influx write \
-b db01 \
-o test \
-p s \
't01,building=boli,floor=702a temp=24.5 1651036342'
influx query 'from(bucket: "db01")
|> range(start: -60h)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "t01" and r.building == "boli" and r.floor=="702a")
|> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "temp")'
#influx query 'from(bucket: "test")
> |> range(start: -6h)
> |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "t01" and r.building == "boli" and r.floor=="702a")
> |> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "temp")'
Error: failed to execute query: 404 Not Found: failed to initialize execute state: could not find bucket "test"
[root@i0-110 ~]# influx query 'from(bucket: "db01")
> |> range(start: -60h)
> |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == "t01" and r.building == "boli" and r.floor=="702a")
> |> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == "temp")'
Result: _result
Table: keys: [_start, _stop, _field, _measurement, building, floor]
_start:time _stop:time _field:string _measurement:string building:string floor:string _time:time _value:float
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ---------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------------
2022-04-25T12:57:12.487988590Z 2022-04-28T00:57:12.487988590Z temp t01 boli 702a 2022-04-27T05:12:22.000000000Z
备份恢复需要admin 用户token,在第一步创建过了。
influx backup /data/dump/ -t dK-GjQBMFVBw_cjaxhI7ekuGi3ouJ8FkJ1plEE39iOHnqRedZuTXCy96jQhqOEa1Rdb9A5jEin-GxKDsp7DbWw==
influx restore /data/dump/ -t dK-GjQBMFVBw_cjaxhI7ekuGi3ouJ8FkJ1plEE39iOHnqRedZuTXCy96jQhqOEa1Rdb9A5jEin-GxKDsp7DbWw==
influx restore /data/dump/ --bucket db01 -t dK-GjQBMFVBw_cjaxhI7ekuGi3ouJ8FkJ1plEE39iOHnqRedZuTXCy96jQhqOEa1Rdb9A5jEin-GxKDsp7DbWw==
为组织test创建用户billy,密码 Passw0rd
#influx user create -n billy -p 'Passw0rd' -o test
ID Name
09476ebecfe24000 billy
# influx user list
ID Name
094769346d624000 admin
09476ebecfe24000 billy
#influx user password -n billy
? Please type new password for "billy" *********
? Please type new password for "billy" again *********
Successfully updated password for user "billy"
# influx user delete -i 09476ebecfe24000
ID Name Deleted
09476ebecfe24000 billy true
# influx user list
ID Name
094769346d624000 admin
InfluxDB中没有Database,只有Organization 和 Bucket。用关系库的理解,Organization 对应数据库示例,Bucket对应Database。
# influx org create -n db02
ID Name
4e4317920dba2bb5 db02
# influx org list
ID Name
4e4317920dba2bb5 db02
d781e1ab6a34faad test
# influx org update -i 4e4317920dba2bb5 -n test2
ID Name
4e4317920dba2bb5 test2
# influx org list
ID Name
4e4317920dba2bb5 test2
d781e1ab6a34faad test
# influx org delete -i 4e4317920dba2bb5
ID Name Deleted
4e4317920dba2bb5 test2 true
# influx org list
ID Name
d781e1ab6a34faad test
# influx bucket create -n db02 -o test -r 1w
ID Name Retention Shard group duration Organization ID Schema Type
e6e6f7ae16812784 db02 168h0m0s 24h0m0s d781e1ab6a34faad implicit
# influx bucket list -o test
ID Name Retention Shard group duration Organization ID Schema Type
74091a2d2a220be1 _monitoring 168h0m0s 24h0m0s d781e1ab6a34faad implicit
5175f85981b38eef _tasks 72h0m0s 24h0m0s d781e1ab6a34faad implicit
493461b293cb9760 db01 infinite 168h0m0s d781e1ab6a34faad implicit
e6e6f7ae16812784 db02 168h0m0s 24h0m0s d781e1ab6a34faad implicit
# influx bucket update -i e6e6f7ae16812784 -n db03 -r 2w
ID Name Retention Shard group duration Organization ID Schema Type
e6e6f7ae16812784 db03 336h0m0s 24h0m0s d781e1ab6a34faad implicit
# influx bucket list -o test
ID Name Retention Shard group duration Organization ID Schema Type
74091a2d2a220be1 _monitoring 168h0m0s 24h0m0s d781e1ab6a34faad implicit
5175f85981b38eef _tasks 72h0m0s 24h0m0s d781e1ab6a34faad implicit
493461b293cb9760 db01 infinite 168h0m0s d781e1ab6a34faad implicit
e6e6f7ae16812784 db03 336h0m0s 24h0m0s d781e1ab6a34faad implicit
# influx bucket delete -n db03 -o test
ID Name Retention Shard group duration Organization ID Schema Type Deleted
e6e6f7ae16812784 db03 336h0m0s 24h0m0s d781e1ab6a34faad implicit true
# influx bucket list -o test
ID Name Retention Shard group duration Organization ID Schema Type
74091a2d2a220be1 _monitoring 168h0m0s 24h0m0s d781e1ab6a34faad implicit
5175f85981b38eef _tasks 72h0m0s 24h0m0s d781e1ab6a34faad implicit
493461b293cb9760 db01 infinite 168h0m0s d781e1ab6a34faad implicit
Influx 命令汇总