John Winning's Blog
1, 主板信息.查看主板的序列号--------------------------------------------------#使用命令dmidecode | grep -i 'serial number'#查看板卡信息cat /proc/pci--------------------------------------------------2, cpu信息--------
DNS配置备忘 1.
路由器以及VPN Enable aaa for user authentication !--- and group new-model!!!--- For local authentication of the IPSec user, !--- create the user with password.username cisco password
路由器和路由器之间的VPN配置拓扑图: Hub Router2503#show running-configBuilding configuration...Current configuration : 1466 bytes!version 12.2service timestamps debug datetime msecservice timestamps log
拓扑图: 配置如下 PIX CentralBuilding configuration...: Saved:PIX Version 6.3(3)interface ethernet0 autointerface ethernet1 autonameif ethernet0 outside security0nameif ethernet1 inside se
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