Primavera P6 20.12 新特征_ORACLE

whats new in p6 eppm 20.12

话说19.12.11还未分析完,Oracle P6 20.12就上映了,有兴趣的同学可以了解一方,需要知道的是截止目前编稿时间P6已更新了一个小补丁,版本号

关于P6帮助可以直接参考ORACLE官方在线 P6 EPPM User and Integration Documentation

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Feature(CN 源自百度翻译)


Improved Filtering in P6 Team Member Web. 


You can filter the activities visible in your timesheet by Project or WBS or by a custom filter you create. You can filter My Activities by WBS Code and WBS Name using the "is under" matching criterion.

您可以按项目或WBS或您创建的自定义筛选器筛选时间表中可见的活动。您可以使用“is under”匹配条件按WBS代码和WBS名称筛选我的活动。


User Defined Field Detail Windows. 


You can view, assign, edit, and delete the UDF assignments for activities, WBS nodes, projects, EPS nodes, resources, resources assignments, issues, and risks in a detail window.



Return to the Timesheet You Edited Most Recently. 


Previously, when you switched back to Timesheets after selecting My Activities, P6 Team Member Web opened the most recent timesheet available. Now P6 Team Member Web will open the most recent timesheet you were working in. When you reopen P6 Team Member Web after closing the application or after your session has timed out, the current week's timesheet will be opened.

以前,当您选择“我的活动”后切换回时间表时,P6 Team Member Web会打开可用的最新时间表。现在P6团队成员Web将打开您最近使用的时间表。在关闭应用程序或会话超时后重新打开P6团队成员Web时,将打开本周的时间表。


Withdraw a Timesheet After Submission. 


In Team Member Web you can withdraw a timesheet you have submitted, if it has not yet been approved or rejected. Withdrawing a timesheet allows you to make changes or updates to the hours you have recorded.



Print And Download Calendar Exceptions. 


You can print the list of exceptions for a calendar in the Enterprise Data page. You can also download the list to a spreadsheet.



Status Update Notifications are Sent as Soon as Possible. 


Status update notifications are no longer distributed on the basis of a service running at a scheduled time. You will receive a notification of your actions required for status updates as soon as possible after the update has been made or resubmitted.



Reset User Logged Into Other Applications. 


You can reset user sessions for users who are locked out of other applications connected to this database, including P6 Professional, P6 Visualizer, P6 Team Member Web, P6 for Android, or P6 for iOS.

您可以为被锁定在连接到此数据库的其他应用程序之外的用户重置用户会话,这些应用程序包括P6 Professional、P6 Visualizer、P6 Team Member Web、P6 for Android或P6 for iOS。


Financial Period Timescale Available in Gantt and Spreadsheet. 


The spreadsheet view of the Team Usage page and Resource Analysis page, the gantt view of the Capacity Planning page, the Project Gantt Chart portlet, and the Show Usage areas of the Assign Resource and Assign Role dialog boxes can show the timescale divided into years which are then divided into financial periods. If financial periods do not exist for the whole of the duration of your project, spreadsheets and resource assignment histograms does not show any data for the time periods that are not covered by existing financial periods. You can zoom the financial period Gantt timescale using Zoom to Fit, or by dragging the timescale.



Improved Security Advice in the P6 EPPM Application Administration Guide. 


A new section has been added to the P6 EPPM Application Administration Guide: Security Considerations in P6 EPPM.



Prevent Users From Uploading and Downloading Potentially Harmful File Types as Documents. 


An Application Administration setting allows you to list the file types that P6 should refuse to upload or download as documents. The default values for this field include .exe, .com, .bat and other common file types used to contain executable scripts. This setting enhances the security of your P6 environment, but is not intended to replace robust virus checking software and procedures. 


This setting was previously available in the P6 Administration Application, and has been moved to the Application Administration pages for the convenience of our cloud customers.



Proposed Due Date Column is Available in Tasks Detail Window. 


The proposed due date supplied in Oracle Primavera Cloud is visible in the Tasks detail window. To update this data in P6, you must execute an exchange of data with Oracle Primavera Cloud after upgrade.

Oracle Primavera Cloud中提供的建议截止日期在Tasks detail窗口中可见。要在P6中更新此数据,必须在升级后与Oracle Primavera Cloud执行数据交换。


Control How Codes Are Displayed. 


A display format setting on the My Preferences page determines whether you see codes as the code value or the code description.



See the Entire Hierarchy of Codes in Team Member Web. 


In Team Member Web, when you select or view a code the entire code hierarchy is shown. The different levels of the code are separated with dots.



Performance Enhancements 


The following performance enhancement improve the efficiency and speed of P6: The EPS page loads calendar data as and when required to calculate durations, rather than loading calendar data for all projects at every page load.



Add Comments About Relationships. 


Add the Comments column in the Relationships detail window to add extra information about the relationship, for example to explain the need for lag assigned to the relationship or the need for the relationship itself. Relationship comments are plain text and can be up to 250 characters long.

在Relationships detail窗口中添加Comments列,以添加有关关系的额外信息,例如解释分配给关系的延迟的需要或关系本身的需要。关系注释是纯文本,最长可达250个字符。


Role Prices Can Vary Over Time. 


The Prices and Limits detail windows of the role administration page have been combined as the Units and Prices detail window. Each effective date can change not only the work limit (also known as Max Units/Time) but each of the rates for the role (also known as Price/Unit).



Enhanced Page Loading Improves Performance of Reports in P6. 


The Enhanced Page Loading option on the Reports page of Application Settings improves the loading performance of the Reports page. When Enhanced Page Loading is switched on, reports are cached as you expand the report folder structure instead of all reports being cached as soon as the Reports page is loaded. It is only possible to search cached reports, therefore Oracle Recommends that if Enhanced Page Loading switched on the entire report folder structure should be expanded to allow all projects to be cached before seraching.



Daily Emails for Reviewers and Team Members. 


Team Member Email Notification settings in P6 Administrator allow the following daily emails to be sent: 

P6 Administrator中的团队成员电子邮件通知设置允许每天发送以下电子邮件:

For timesheet reviewers and delegate reviewers, a list of all the timesheets pending their approval. 


For timesheet users, a list of all their timesheets which have been approved or rejected in the past 24 hours. 


For status update reviewers, a list of all the status updates pending their approval. 


For status update users, a list of all their status updates which have been approved or rejected in the past 24 hours. 


Cloud users can submit a Service Request in My Oracle Support to have these settings switched on or off.

云用户可以在My Oracle Support中提交服务请求,以打开或关闭这些设置。


Team Member Users can Select Which Database to Log Into. 


On the Team Member Web login page, expand the Advanced section to select a database to log into from the Database list. 


In the P6 for Android and P6 for iOS apps, when you scan the QR code in Team Member Web you can expand the Advanced section and use the Database list if you want to log into a different database. Your selection is remembered for next time you log into P6 for Android or P6 for iOS.

在P6 for Android和P6 for iOS应用程序中,当您扫描团队成员Web中的二维码时,如果您想登录到其他数据库,可以展开“高级”部分并使用数据库列表。下次登录P6 for Android或P6 for iOS时,您的选择将被记住。


Categorize and Organize Activities and Assignments Using Role Codes. 


With potentially hundreds of roles being used across an enterprise of projects, role codes provide another method for filtering the roles you need to access quickly, or for grouping, sorting, and filtering roles and role assignments.



Participate in Discussions on the Timesheet Approvals Page. 


You can view and participate in discussions from the Timesheet Approvals page.



Improved Experience in P6 Mobile Applications. 


In P6 for Android and P6 for iOS you can see total float and you can remove the expected finish date for activities.

在P6 for Android和P6 for iOS中,您可以看到总浮动,并且可以删除活动的预期完成日期。


Timesheets Users Can Report Time in Quarter-Hour Increments. 


An administrative setting in Team Member Web allows you to specify time entered in timesheets through Team Member Web, P6 for Android, and P6 for iOS should be rounded to the nearest quarter-hour. When time entry is set to quarter-hour, resources enter time into their timesheets as a number of hours and either 00, 15, 30, or 45 minutes. If resources enter any other value for minutes, Team Member Web, P6 for Android, and P6 for iOS automatically round the value to the nearest quarter hour. You can use the same setting to specify that users must enter hours as either a decimal value or as hours and minutes. 

团队成员Web中的管理设置允许您指定通过团队成员Web在时间表中输入的时间,Android的P6和iOS的P6应四舍五入到最接近的四分之一小时。当time entry设置为quarter hour时,资源将以小时和00、15、30或45分钟为单位在其时间表中输入时间。如果resources输入任何其他分钟值,那么Team Member Web、P6 for Android和P6 for iOS会自动将该值四舍五入到最接近的四分之一小时。您可以使用相同的设置来指定用户必须以十进制值或小时和分钟的形式输入小时

A corresponding setting on the Timesheets page of Application Settings in P6 allows you to specify that timesheet approvers see hours as a decimal value, hours and minutes, or rounded to the nearest quarter-hour.



Cache Timeout for Reports in P6. 


The Cache Timeout setting for reports is available in the Reports Page of application settings in P6.



See Dates of Activities in the Schedule Project Log. 


The errors and warnings sections of the schedule project log include the start and finish dates of activities reported in those sections.



Improved Control of Options When Scheduling Multiple Projects. 


When you schedule multiple projects together, you can select which of the open projects scheduling options will be used on the Advanced tab of the Schedule dialog box.



Select the Type of Data to Copy With a WBS Element. 


When you copy and paste WBS elements, or add WBS elements to your project from a template, you can choose the data you want to copy from the WBS or template.



Receive an Alert When a Unifier Schedule Sheet Service has Failed. 

当Unifier Schedule Sheet服务失败时接收警报

Project scheduled services for schedule sheet integration between P6 and Unifier can be configured to send an email to a specified list of recipients when a schedule sheet integration service fails. The project scheduled service also shows a notification to the owner of the service.



Exception Site List option added to the General Page of the Application Settings pane. 


With this option, you can specify a list of websites that users can click on directly and launch from user defined fields (UDFs), projects websites, Notebook topics, and Team Member Web. For websites not included in the list, users can copy and paste them into their browser and launch



Group approvals to see who has submitted updates. 


You can choose to group the Status Updates page of Approvals by resource, review, or none. If you are assigned the Admin Superuser or Projectect Superuser global security privilege, you can also choose to group the page to focus on status updates requiring your approval.

您可以选择按资源、审阅或无对审批的状态更新页进行分组。如果为您分配了Admin Superuser或Projectect Superuser全局安全权限,您还可以选择对页面进行分组,以关注需要您批准的状态更新。


Continue to Work in P6 Professional When no Network Connection is Available. 

如果没有可用的网络连接,请继续使用P6 Professional

Offline mode extends the Primavera Cache Service to allow users to continue working in P6 Professional while their internet connection is unavailable. When internet connectivity is restored, users can reconnect to the cloud and P6 Professional will synchronize the data in the local cache database with the Cloud Connect database. Users can also choose to work offline and reconnect to the cloud as and when it is convenient. 

脱机模式扩展了Primavera缓存服务,允许用户在无法连接internet时继续使用P6 Professional。恢复互联网连接后,用户可以重新连接到云,P6 Professional将本地缓存数据库中的数据与云连接数据库同步。用户还可以选择脱机工作,并在方便的时候重新连接到云

Offline mode is only available for Cloud Connect aliases with cache enabled and must be configured in the Application Settings and User Administration pages as well as in the P6 Professional Cloud Connect database alias. 

脱机模式仅适用于启用缓存的云连接别名,必须在应用程序设置和用户管理页面以及P6 Professional云连接数据库别名中进行配置


Users Always See Rejected Timesheets. 


Users can always see all their rejected timesheets in P6 Team Member, regardless of the 'Number of future timesheets users can access' and 'Number of past timesheets users can access' settings in the Application Settings pane of P6 Team Member Web.



Status of Activities and Assignments Visible in Activity Details in P6 for Android and P6 for iOS. 

在P6 for Android和P6 for iOS的活动详细信息中可见的活动和分配的状态

You can easily determine the status of an activity in the Activity Details or Assignment Details pane by checking the Status field. The status field is not editable, but is automatically updated when you start or complete an activity or assignment. 



Delete Discussions in P6 for Android and P6 for iOS. 


If you have sufficient rights, you can delete discussion comments in the Activities list, in Timesheets and in your Action Required list when you are logged into P6 for Android or P6 for iOS. 

如果您有足够的权限,则可以在登录到P6 for Android或P6 for iOS时删除活动列表、时间表和所需操作列表中的讨论评论


View and Edit Step User Defined Fields in P6 for Android and P6 for iOS. 

在P6 for Android和P6 for iOS中查看和编辑步骤用户定义字段

Users of P6 for Android and P6 for iOS can see and, if they have appropriate privileges, update UDFs assigned to steps. 



Improved Sorting and Grouping for Hierarchies in Grids. 


You can sort hierarchical data in ascending or descending order on the Grouping tab of the Manage Views dialog box. Selecting an order in the grouping tab, allows any grid in the application to be grouped by a hierarchical data item sorted in alphanumerical order, while still maintaining the structure of the hierarchy. 


Grouping to a single level is also improved. All elements of the hierarchy are visible when grouped to level one. For example, in the resource assignments page, grouping by resource and selecting to group to level one, shows assignments with their respective resource even if that resource is at level two or below in the hierarchy.



See the Entire Hierarchy of Codes in P6 for iOS. 

请参阅P6 for iOS中的整个代码层次结构

In P6 for iOS you can tap on a code in the activity details to see the entire code value hierarchy of that code.



Import Lean Tasks from XML. 


You can import Lean Task data from a Primavera XML file. The import options available are Keep existing, Update existing and Do not import.

您可以从Primavera XML文件导入精益任务数据。可用的导入选项有“保持现有”、“更新现有”和“不导入”。


Choose How Start Time is Recorded When a Team Member Starts a Not Started Activity. 


You can control how start time is recorded when a team member starts an activity or assignment in P6 Team Member Web, P6 for Android, or P6 for iOS for the first time on any activity or assignment with a scheduled start earlier than the current date and time. An application-wide setting allows you to specify whether the start time should be recorded as the start of the calendar work period, the start of the day (that is midnight on the scheduled start date), or the time at which the team member clicked the Start button.

您可以控制团队成员在P6 team member Web、P6 for Android或P6 for iOS中首次对计划开始时间早于当前日期和时间的任何活动或工作分配开始活动或工作分配时,如何记录开始时间。应用程序范围的设置允许您指定是将开始时间记录为日历工作期间的开始时间、一天的开始时间(即计划开始日期的午夜)还是团队成员单击“开始”按钮的时间。


Financial Period Calendars Allow You to Use Different Financial Periods for Different Projects. 


You can create multiple financial period calendars with different periods. The different financial period calendars can have different durations as well as different start and end dates to each period, so you can have one calendar with financial periods of four weeks duration, another with weekly financial periods, and yet another with financial period calendars aligning with calendar months. You can create new financial period calendars from scratch or duplicate an existing calendar as the basis for a new financial period calendar. Chose one financial period calendar to be the default for new projects and projects imported without a financial period calendar specified in the import file. 


Easily see which projects are using any financial period calendar and assign financial period calendars to your views to ensure data is spread according to the correct calendar for the project.



New Application Settings Page for Integration and Allow Lists. 


The Integration and Allow Lists page in Application Settings is the new location for the following settings all of which were previously on the General page: 


* Document Management settings, including the security policy and list of file types blocked from upload. 


* Unifier settings, including the Unifier URL, user name and password. 


* Site Allow List. This was previously called the Exception Site List.



Allow More Than One Person To Approve Status Updates From Team Members. 


You can select up to five status update reviewers at project or WBS level and specify delegates for those reviewers. Choose whether any single reviewer can move an update to the accepted queue or that all of the reviewers must review before an update can be accepted.



Assignment Cost Exports. 


When you export to Primavera XML, Price Per Unit data for assignments is included in the export file.

导出到Primavera XML时,导出文件中包含分配的单位价格数据。


View a Report Showing Online and Offline P6 Professional Users. 


P6 Professional customers using the Work Offline feature with their Cloud Connect database can run a report to show which users have chosen to go offline and their current online/offline status. Other data which can be included in the report includes the users' global profile, machine ID, email and which projects they added or modified while they were working offline.



Arabic Language Support. 


Arabic language is supported for the P6 EPPM suite. 

P6 EPPM套件支持阿拉伯语

P6 Web users must select Arabic from the Language list when logging in. 


Team Member Web users must use a modified URL which includes the locale code ar. 


P6 for Android and P6 for iOS automatically load with Arabic language if the system is running in Arabic.



Categorize and Organize Assignments Using Codes. 


With potentially many thousands of active resource and role assignments across hundreds of projects, assignment codes provide another method for grouping, sorting, and filtering the assignments you need to access quickly.



Color Code Gantt Bars According To Activity Codes. 


On the Bars tab of the Manage Views dialog box of the Activities page, you can color code gantt bars according to an activity code. You can also color code progress according to an activity code.



Allow Team Members to See Baseline Dates. 


You can configure P6 EPPM project preferences to allow baseline start and finish dates to be shown to team members using Team Member Web, P6 for Android or P6 for iOS. Team Members can see baseline start and finish dates for the project's primary baseline in the My Activities page and in Timesheets.



Drag Gantt Chart Bars to Change Activities' Dates. 


Dragging the start or end date of a bar on the Activities Gantt chart allows you to change the activity dates, change the activity duration, or set a constraint on the activity. For not started activities you can change the start date, finish date or duration. For in progress activities you can change the finish date or duration. You cannot change dates or durations for completed activities by dragging the bar.



Distribute Work to Team Members on the Basis of More Codes. 


As well as Global and EPS-specific activity codes, you can use resource codes, role codes, and assignment codes in Team Member Work Distribution Filters.



Fill Down and Across in Resource Assignment Spreadsheets. 


You can use fill down and across to populate data in spreadsheets on the Assignments pages in the Projects and Resources sections.



Specify a Default View for Certain Pages in User Interface Views. 


You can select a specific view to be opened by default when a user assigned to a user interface view opens the EPS, Activities, or Assignments pages in the Projects section or the Assignments page in the Resources section.



A Quicker Way to Customize Grids. 


The column menu is an intuitive and simple way to customize grids in the EPS, Activities, and Assignments pages. The drop down menu available in the heading of each column allows you to customize grouping and sorting, remove columns from the view, and rename columns. You can also pin columns to the start of the list, snap each column's width to fit its contents, and find and replace text within a column.



Remove Actual Start In P6 Team Member Web, P6 for Android, and P6 for iOS. 


In P6 Team Member Web, users can clear the Started option in the progress panel of the My Activities and Action Required views to remove the actual start date and progress from an activity and set the activity to not started. 

在P6 Team Member Web中,用户可以清除My Activities和Action Required视图的progress面板中的Started选项,以删除活动的实际开始日期和进度,并将活动设置为not Started

In P6 for Android, users can tap Clear in the date picker for the start date to remove the actual start date and progress from an activity and set the activity to not started. 

在P6 for Android中,用户可以点击开始日期的日期选择器中的Clear,删除活动的实际开始日期和进度,并将活动设置为not started

In P6 for iOS, users can tap X next to the Started field to remove the actual start date and progress from an activity and set the activity to not started. 

在P6 for iOS中,用户可以点击Started字段旁边的X,删除活动的实际开始日期和进度,并将活动设置为not Started

Users can also remove the actual finish date from activities in the Action Required page in P6 Team Member Web, P6 for Android, and P6 for iOS.

用户还可以在P6 Team Member Web、P6 for Android和P6 for iOS中的Action Required页面中删除活动的实际完成日期。


Allow Team Members to See Baseline Dates in P6 mobile. 

允许团队成员在P6 mobile中查看基线日期

When project managers have configured baseline dates to be visible in the Activities and Timesheets pages of P6 Team Member Web, those same baseline dates will also be visible for users of P6 for Android, and P6 for iOS.

当项目经理将基准日期配置为在P6团队成员Web的活动和时间表页面中可见时,同样的基准日期也将对P6 for Android和P6 for iOS的用户可见。


Explicitly Allow Web Services to Interact with P6. 


Cloud only: For improved security, P6 blocks web services unless they have been added to the web service allow list in application settings. If you are using web services with P6, you must add those web services to the allow list to continue using those web services from this release onwards.



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Primavera P6 20.12 新特征_20.12_02