use northwind

if exists (select [name] from sysobjects where [name] = 'pk_order_details')
alter table [order details] drop CONSTRAINT pk_order_details
if exists (select [name] from sysindexes where [name] = 'orderid')
drop index [order details].orderid
if exists (select [name] from sysindexes where [name] = 'ordersorder_details')
drop index [order details].ordersorder_details
if exists (select [name] from sysindexes where [name] = 'productid')
drop index [order details].productid
if exists (select [name] from sysindexes where [name] = 'productsorder_details')
drop index [order details].productsorder_details
create clustered index orderid on [order details](orderid)
create index order_details on [order details](orderid)
create index productid on [order details](productid)
create index productsorder_details on [order details](productid)
create unique index productid on [products](productid)
create index fullname on [employees](lastname, firstname)
dbcc dbreindex('northwind.dbo.customers', '', 65)
 *enable, disable
exec sp_fulltext_database 'enable'
 *sp_fulltext_catalog '全文索引名', '动作' [, '全文索引保存路径']
 *动作:create, drop, start_full, start_incremental, stop, rebuild
exec sp_fulltext_catalog 'nw', 'create'
 *sp_fulltext_table '表名', '动作', '全文索引名', '主键名'
exec sp_fulltext_table 'customers', 'create', 'nw', 'PK_Customers'
 *sp_fulltext_column '表名', '列名', '动作', 数据库语言
 *数据库语言:0x0409 美式英语, 0x0804 间体中文, 0x0404 繁体中文, 0 中性
exec sp_fulltext_column 'customers', 'companyname', 'add', 0x0409
exec sp_fulltext_table 'customers', 'start_full'
exec sp_fulltext_table 'customers', 'start_incremental'
select * from customers
where contains(companyname, 'food')
select * from customers 
where companyname like '%food%'
use northwind
create view test_view 
select lastname,firstname, reportsto 
from employees
alter view test_view
with encryption --加密
select lastname, firstname, reportsto
from employees
alter view test_view
select * from products
where unitprice > 20
with check option --输入检查
drop view test_view
select [text] from syscomments where [id] = (
select [id] from sysobjects where [name] = 'test_view')
exec sp_helptext 'test_view'