多个执行线程共享一个资源的情形是最常见的并发编程情景之一。在并发应用中常常遇到这样的情景:多个线程读或者写相同的数据,或者访问相同的文件或者数据库连接。为了防止这些共享资源可能出现错误或者数据不一致,人们引入了临界区(critical section)概念。临界区是一个用以访问共享资源的代码块,这个代码块中同一时间只允许一个线程执行。
package org.concurrency.synchronization; /** * @author Administrator * 银行账户模型 */public class Account { private double balance;//余额 public double getBalance() { return balance; } public void setBalance(double balance) { this.balance = balance; } /** * 转账,使余额增加 * */ public synchronized void addAccount(double amount){ double tmp = balance; System.out.printf("before_add_Account : Current Balance: %f\n",tmp); try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } tmp += amount; this.balance = tmp; } /** * 转出,使余额减少 * */ public synchronized void subtractAmount(double amount){ double tmp = balance; System.out.printf("before_subtract_Account : Current Balance: %f\n",tmp); try { Thread.sleep(10); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } tmp -= amount; this.balance = tmp; System.out.printf("subtract_Account : Current Balance: %f\n",this.getBalance()); } } package org.concurrency.synchronization;/** * @author Administrator * ATM模拟类 */public class Bank implements Runnable { private Account account; public Bank(Account account) { super(); this.account = account; } @Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub for(int i = 0;i<10;i++){ account.subtractAmount(1000); } } } package org.concurrency.synchronization;/** * @author Administrator * 公司模拟类 */public class Company implements Runnable { private Account account; public Company(Account account) { super(); this.account = account; } @Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub for(int i = 0;i<10;i++){ account.addAccount(1000); } } } package org.concurrency.synchronization;/** * @author Administrator * 线程启动类 */public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Account account = new Account(); account.setBalance(1000); Company company = new Company(account); Thread companyThread = new Thread(company); Bank bank = new Bank(account); Thread bankThread = new Thread(bank); companyThread.start(); bankThread.start(); try { companyThread.join(); bankThread.join(); System.out.printf("Account : Final Balance: %f\n",account.getBalance()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } }
before_add_Account : Current Balance: 1000.000000before_add_Account : Current Balance: 2000.000000before_add_Account : Current Balance: 3000.000000before_subtract_Account : Current Balance: 4000.000000subtract_Account : Current Balance: 3000.000000before_subtract_Account : Current Balance: 3000.000000subtract_Account : Current Balance: 2000.000000before_subtract_Account : Current Balance: 2000.000000subtract_Account : Current Balance: 1000.000000before_subtract_Account : Current Balance: 1000.000000subtract_Account : Current Balance: 0.000000before_subtract_Account : Current Balance: 0.000000subtract_Account : Current Balance: -1000.000000before_subtract_Account : Current Balance: -1000.000000subtract_Account : Current Balance: -2000.000000before_subtract_Account : Current Balance: -2000.000000subtract_Account : Current Balance: -3000.000000before_subtract_Account : Current Balance: -3000.000000subtract_Account : Current Balance: -4000.000000before_subtract_Account : Current Balance: -4000.000000subtract_Account : Current Balance: -5000.000000before_subtract_Account : Current Balance: -5000.000000subtract_Account : Current Balance: -6000.000000before_add_Account : Current Balance: -6000.000000before_add_Account : Current Balance: -5000.000000before_add_Account : Current Balance: -4000.000000before_add_Account : Current Balance: -3000.000000before_add_Account : Current Balance: -2000.000000before_add_Account : Current Balance: -1000.000000before_add_Account : Current Balance: 0.000000Account : Final Balance: 1000.000000
before_subtract_Account : Current Balance: 1000.000000 before_add_Account : Current Balance: 1000.000000 before_add_Account : Current Balance: 0.000000 subtract_Account : Current Balance: 0.000000 before_subtract_Account : Current Balance: 0.000000 subtract_Account : Current Balance: -1000.000000 before_subtract_Account : Current Balance: -1000.000000 before_add_Account : Current Balance: -1000.000000 before_add_Account : Current Balance: -2000.000000 subtract_Account : Current Balance: -2000.000000 before_subtract_Account : Current Balance: -2000.000000 before_add_Account : Current Balance: -1000.000000 subtract_Account : Current Balance: -1000.000000 before_subtract_Account : Current Balance: -1000.000000 before_add_Account : Current Balance: 0.000000 subtract_Account : Current Balance: -2000.000000 before_subtract_Account : Current Balance: -2000.000000 subtract_Account : Current Balance: 1000.000000 before_subtract_Account : Current Balance: 1000.000000 before_add_Account : Current Balance: 1000.000000 subtract_Account : Current Balance: 0.000000 before_subtract_Account : Current Balance: 0.000000 before_add_Account : Current Balance: 2000.000000 subtract_Account : Current Balance: -1000.000000 before_subtract_Account : Current Balance: -1000.000000 before_add_Account : Current Balance: 3000.000000 subtract_Account : Current Balance: -2000.000000 before_subtract_Account : Current Balance: -2000.000000 before_add_Account : Current Balance: 4000.000000 subtract_Account : Current Balance: -3000.000000 Account : Final Balance: 5000.000000
package org.concurrency.synchronization; /** * @author Administrator * 电影院类 */ public class Cinema { private long vacanciesCinema1; private long vacanciesCinema2; private final Object controlCinema1; private final Object controlCinema2; public Cinema() { controlCinema1 = new Object(); controlCinema2 = new Object(); vacanciesCinema1 = 20; vacanciesCinema2 = 20; } /** * 卖出piao * */ public boolean selTickets1(int number){ synchronized (controlCinema1) { if(number <vacanciesCinema1){ vacanciesCinema1 -= number; System.out.println("vacanciesCinema1:卖出"+number+"张"); return true; }else{ return false; } } } public boolean selTickets2(int number){ synchronized (controlCinema2) { if(number <vacanciesCinema2){ vacanciesCinema2 -= number; System.out.println("vacanciesCinema2:卖出"+number+"张"); return true; }else{ return false; } } } public boolean returnTickets1(int number){ synchronized (controlCinema1) { vacanciesCinema1 += number; System.out.println("vacanciesCinema1:退回"+number+"张"); return true; } } public boolean returnTickets2(int number){ synchronized (controlCinema2) { vacanciesCinema2 += number; System.out.println("vacanciesCinema2:退回"+number+"张"); return true; } } public long getVacanciesCinema1() { return vacanciesCinema1; } public long getVacanciesCinema2() { return vacanciesCinema2; } } package org.concurrency.synchronization;/** * @author Administrator * 售piao处1 */ public class TicketOffice1 implements Runnable { private Cinema cinema; public TicketOffice1(Cinema cinema) { super(); this.cinema = cinema; } @Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub cinema.selTickets1(3); cinema.selTickets1(2); cinema.selTickets2(2); cinema.returnTickets1(3); cinema.selTickets1(5); cinema.selTickets2(2); cinema.selTickets2(2); cinema.selTickets2(2); } } package org.concurrency.synchronization;/** * @author Administrator * 售piao处2 */ public class TicketOffice2 implements Runnable { private Cinema cinema; public TicketOffice2(Cinema cinema) { super(); this.cinema = cinema; } @Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub cinema.selTickets2(2); cinema.selTickets2(4); cinema.selTickets1(2); cinema.selTickets1(1); cinema.returnTickets2(2); cinema.selTickets1(3); cinema.selTickets2(2); cinema.selTickets1(2); } } package org.concurrency.synchronization;/** * @author Administrator * 主程序 */ public class Main_Cinema { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Cinema cinema = new Cinema(); TicketOffice1 ticketOffice1 = new TicketOffice1(cinema); Thread thread1 = new Thread(ticketOffice1,"TicketOffice1"); TicketOffice2 ticketOffice2 = new TicketOffice2(cinema); Thread thread2 = new Thread(ticketOffice2,"TicketOffice1"); thread1.start(); thread2.start(); try { thread1.join(); thread2.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.printf("Room 1 Vacancies: %d\n",cinema.getVacanciesCinema1()); System.out.printf("Room 2 Vacancies: %d\n",cinema.getVacanciesCinema2()); } }
vacanciesCinema1:卖出3张 vacanciesCinema2:卖出2张 vacanciesCinema2:卖出4张 vacanciesCinema1:卖出2张 vacanciesCinema1:卖出2张 vacanciesCinema2:卖出2张 vacanciesCinema1:卖出1张 vacanciesCinema2:退回2张 vacanciesCinema1:退回3张 vacanciesCinema1:卖出5张 vacanciesCinema2:卖出2张 vacanciesCinema1:卖出3张 vacanciesCinema2:卖出2张 vacanciesCinema2:卖出2张 vacanciesCinema1:卖出2张 vacanciesCinema2:卖出2张 Room 1 Vacancies: 5 Room 2 Vacancies: 6
在并发编程中一个典型的问题就是生产者-消费者(Producer - Consumer)问题。我们有一个数据缓冲区,一个或多个数据生产者将把数据存入这个缓冲区,一个或多个数据消费者将数据从缓冲区取走。
package org.concurrency.synchronization.producer; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; public class EventStorage { private int maxSize; private List<Date> storage; public EventStorage() { maxSize = 0; storage = new LinkedList<Date>(); } public synchronized void set(){ while(storage.size() == maxSize){ try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } storage.add(new Date()); System.out.printf("Set : %d",storage.size()); notifyAll(); } public synchronized void get(){ while(storage.size() == 0){ try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } System.out.printf("Get: %d: %s",storage.size(),((LinkedList<?>)storage).poll()); notifyAll(); } } package org.concurrency.synchronization.producer; public class Producer implements Runnable { private EventStorage storage; public Producer(EventStorage storage) { super(); this.storage = storage; } @Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub for(int i = 0;i<10;i++){ storage.set(); } } } package org.concurrency.synchronization.producer; public class Consumer implements Runnable { private EventStorage storage; public Consumer(EventStorage storage) { super(); this.storage = storage; } @Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub for(int i = 0;i<10;i++){ storage.get(); } } } package org.concurrency.synchronization.producer; public class Main_Producer { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub EventStorage storage = new EventStorage(); Thread thread1 = new Thread(new Producer(storage)); Thread thread2 = new Thread(new Consumer(storage)); thread1.start(); thread2.start(); } }
package org.concurrency.synchronization.lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; /** * @author kucs * 创建一个打印队列类 */ public class PrintQueue { //声明一个锁对象 private final Lock queueLock = new ReentrantLock(); //实现打印方法printJob() public void printJob(Object document){ //在打印方法内部,通过调用lock()方法获取对锁对象的控制 queueLock.lock(); //打印模拟文档 try { Long duration = (long) (Math.random() * 10000); System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName()+":" + "PrintQueue:Printing a Job during "+(duration/1000)+" seconds"); Thread.sleep(duration); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }finally{ //通过unlock()方法释放对锁对象的控制 queueLock.unlock(); } } } package org.concurrency.synchronization.lock; /** * @author Administrator * 创建打印工作类Job */ public class Job implements Runnable { private PrintQueue printQueue; public Job(PrintQueue printQueue) { this.printQueue = printQueue; } @Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub System.out.printf("%s: Gong to print a document\n", Thread.currentThread().getName()); printQueue.printJob(new Object()); System.out.printf("%s: The document has been printed\n",Thread.currentThread().getName()); } } package org.concurrency.synchronization.lock; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub PrintQueue printQueue = new PrintQueue(); Thread[] threads = new Thread[10]; for(int i = 0;i < threads.length;i++){ threads[i] = new Thread(new Job(printQueue)); } for (Thread thread : threads) { thread.start(); } } }
Thread-0: Gong to print a document Thread-9: Gong to print a document Thread-6: Gong to print a document Thread-8: Gong to print a document Thread-7: Gong to print a document Thread-5: Gong to print a document Thread-4: Gong to print a document Thread-3: Gong to print a document Thread-2: Gong to print a document Thread-1: Gong to print a document Thread-0:PrintQueue:Printing a Job during 7 seconds Thread-9:PrintQueue:Printing a Job during 2 seconds Thread-0: The document has been printed Thread-9: The document has been printed Thread-6:PrintQueue:Printing a Job during 1 seconds Thread-6: The document has been printed Thread-8:PrintQueue:Printing a Job during 3 seconds Thread-8: The document has been printed Thread-7:PrintQueue:Printing a Job during 7 seconds Thread-7: The document has been printed Thread-5:PrintQueue:Printing a Job during 9 seconds Thread-4:PrintQueue:Printing a Job during 4 seconds Thread-5: The document has been printed Thread-4: The document has been printed Thread-3:PrintQueue:Printing a Job during 3 seconds Thread-3: The document has been printed Thread-2:PrintQueue:Printing a Job during 4 seconds Thread-2: The document has been printed Thread-1:PrintQueue:Printing a Job during 9 seconds Thread-1: The document has been printed
package org.concurrency.synchronization.lock.readwritelock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; /** * @author Administrator 价格信息类 */ public class PriceInfo { private double price1; private double price2; // 声明读写锁ReadWriteLock对象lock private ReadWriteLock lock; // 构造器初始化这3个属性 public PriceInfo() { price1 = 1.0; price2 = 2.0; lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); } public double getPrice1() { // 使用读锁来获取对这个属性的访问 lock.readLock().lock(); double value = price1; lock.readLock().unlock(); return value; } public double getPrice2() { // 使用读锁来获取对这个属性的访问 lock.readLock().lock(); double value = price2; lock.readLock().unlock(); return value; } public void setPrices(double price1,double price2){ lock.writeLock().lock(); this.price1 = price1; this.price2 = price2; lock.writeLock().unlock(); } } package org.concurrency.synchronization.lock.readwritelock; /** * @author Administrator * 读取价格信息类 */ public class Reader implements Runnable { private PriceInfo priceInfo; public Reader(PriceInfo priceInfo) { super(); this.priceInfo = priceInfo; } @Override public void run() { // TODO 循环读取两个价格10此 for(int i = 0;i<10;i++){ System.out.printf("%s: Reader: Price 1: %f\n",Thread.currentThread().getName(),priceInfo.getPrice1()); System.out.printf("%s: Reader: Price 2: %f\n",Thread.currentThread().getName(),priceInfo.getPrice2()); } } } package org.concurrency.synchronization.lock.readwritelock; /** * @author Administrator * 创建写入类Writer,修改价格信息 */ public class Writer implements Runnable { private PriceInfo priceInfo; public Writer(PriceInfo priceInfo) { super(); this.priceInfo = priceInfo; } @Override public void run() { // TODO 修改价格信息3次 for(int i = 0;i<3;i++){ System.out.printf("Writer: Attempt to modfy the price.\n"); priceInfo.setPrices(Math.random() * 10, Math.random() * 8); System.out.printf("Writer: Prices have been modified.\n"); try { Thread.sleep(2); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } } package org.concurrency.synchronization.lock.readwritelock; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub PriceInfo priceInfo = new PriceInfo(); //创建5个读取类Reader对象 Reader[] readers = new Reader[5]; Thread[] threadReader = new Thread[5]; for(int i = 0;i<5;i++){ readers[i] = new Reader(priceInfo); threadReader[i] = new Thread(readers[i]); } //创建1个写入类对象 Writer writer = new Writer(priceInfo); Thread threadWriter = new Thread(writer); //启动这6个线程 for (Thread thread : threadReader) { thread.start(); } threadWriter.start(); } }
Writer: Attempt to modfy the price. Thread-2: Reader: Price 1: 1.000000 Thread-1: Reader: Price 1: 1.000000 Thread-0: Reader: Price 1: 1.000000 Thread-4: Reader: Price 1: 1.000000 Thread-3: Reader: Price 1: 1.000000 Thread-4: Reader: Price 2: 2.636754 Thread-0: Reader: Price 2: 2.636754 Thread-1: Reader: Price 2: 2.636754 Thread-2: Reader: Price 2: 2.636754 Writer: Prices have been modified.
六、在锁中使用多条件(Multiple Condition)
package org.concurrency.synchronization.lock.condition; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; public class Buffer { /**存放共享数据*/ private LinkedList<String> buffer; /**存放buffer长度*/ private int maxSize; /**用来修改buffer的代码控制*/ private ReentrantLock lock; private Condition lines; private Condition space; /**用来表明缓冲区是否还有数据*/ private boolean pendingLines; public Buffer(int maxSize) { this.maxSize = maxSize; buffer = new LinkedList<String>(); lock = new ReentrantLock(); lines = lock.newCondition(); space = lock.newCondition(); pendingLines = true; } /** * 把字符串写到字符缓冲区内 * */ public void insert(String line){ lock.lock(); try { while(buffer.size() == maxSize){ space.await(); } buffer.offer(line); System.out.printf("%s: Inserted Line: %d\n",Thread.currentThread().getName(),buffer.size()); lines.signalAll(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally{ lock.unlock(); } } /** * 返回缓冲区中第一个字符串 * */ public String get(){ String line = null; lock.lock(); try { while((buffer.size() == 0) && (hasPendingLines())){ lines.await(); } if(hasPendingLines()){ line = buffer.poll(); System.out.printf("%s: Line Readed: %d\n",Thread.currentThread().getName(),buffer.size()); space.signalAll(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } finally{ lock.unlock(); } return line; } public boolean hasPendingLines() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return pendingLines || buffer.size() > 0; } public void setPendingLines(boolean pendingLines) { this.pendingLines = pendingLines; } } package org.concurrency.synchronization.lock.condition; /** * @author Administrator * 模拟文本文件类 * 属性content用来存储文件内容 * index表示要从这个文件中读取的行号 */ public class FileMock { private String content[]; private int index; public FileMock(int size,int lenght){ content = new String[size]; for (int i = 0;i<size;i++) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(lenght); for(int j = 0;j<lenght;j++){ int indice = (int) (Math.random()*255); buffer.append((char)indice); } content[i] = buffer.toString(); } index = 0; } /*如果文件有可以处理的数据行,则返回true*/ public boolean hasMoreLines(){ return index < content.length; } /*获取行的内容*/ public String getLine(){ if(this.hasMoreLines()){ System.out.println("Mock: " +(content.length - index)); return content[index ++]; } return null; } } package org.concurrency.synchronization.lock.condition; public class Producer implements Runnable { private FileMock mock; private Buffer buffer; public Producer(FileMock mock, Buffer buffer) { this.mock = mock; this.buffer = buffer; } @Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub buffer.setPendingLines(true); while(mock.hasMoreLines()){ String line = mock.getLine(); buffer.insert(line); } buffer.setPendingLines(false); } } package org.concurrency.synchronization.lock.condition; import java.util.Random; public class Consumer implements Runnable { private Buffer buffer; public Consumer(Buffer buffer) { this.buffer = buffer; } @Override public void run() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub while(buffer.hasPendingLines()){ String line = buffer.get(); processLine(line); } } private void processLine(String line) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub try { Random random = new Random(); Thread.sleep(random.nextInt(100)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } } package org.concurrency.synchronization.lock.condition; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub FileMock mock = new FileMock(100, 10); Buffer buffer = new Buffer(20); Producer producer = new Producer(mock, buffer); Thread threadProcuder = new Thread(producer,"Producer"); Consumer[] consumers = new Consumer[3]; Thread threadConsumers[] = new Thread[3]; for(int i = 0;i < 3; i++){ consumers[i] = new Consumer(buffer); threadConsumers[i] = new Thread(consumers[i], "Consumer "+i); } threadProcuder.start(); for(int i = 0;i<3;i++){ threadConsumers[i].start(); } } }