rem exe文件签名
signtool.exe sign /s "My" /n "Beijing Cybervision Co., Ltd" /t "" "files\ClientSetup.exe"
rem ################################
rem 对sys文件进行签名 一定要先签名,再生产cat文件,顺序不能变
signtool.exe sign /ac "MSCV-VSClass3.cer" /s "My" /n "Beijing Cybervision Co., Ltd" /t "" "files\eposf.sys"
rem ################################
rem 生成CAT文件(如果是32位驱动则把X64换成X86)
inf2cat /driver:files /os:XP_X64,Server2003_X64,Vista_X64,Server2008_X64
rem ################################
rem 对CAT文件进行签名
signtool.exe sign /ac "MSCV-VSClass3.cer" /s "My" /n "Beijing Cybervision Co., Ltd" /t "" "files\"
DriverVer = 08/28/2000,
改为 DriverVer = 08/28/2008, 驱动文件的日期不能与这个日期有冲突
Done Adding Additional Store
Successfully signed and timestamped: files\eposfsf.sys
Signability test failed.
22.9.7: DriverVer set to incorrect date (must be postdated to 12/5/2007 for newe
st OS) in \eposf.inf
Done Adding Additional Store
Successfully signed and timestamped: files\
Usage: signtool sign [options] <filename(s)>
Use the "sign" command to sign files using embedded signatures. Signing
protects a file from tampering, and allows users to verify the signer (you)
based on a signing certificate. The options below allow you to specify signing
parameters and to select the signing certificate you wish to use.
Certificate selection options:
/a Select the best signing cert automatically. SignTool will find all
valid certs that satisfy all specified conditions and select the
one that is valid for the longest. If this option is not present,
SignTool will expect to find only one valid signing cert.
/ac <file> Add an additional certificate, from <file>, to the signature block.
/c <name> Specify the Certificate Template Name (Microsoft extension) of the
signing cert.
/f <file> Specify the signing cert in a file. If this file is a PFX with
a password, the password may be supplied with the "/p" option.
If the file does not contain private keys, use the "/csp" and "/kc"
options to specify the CSP and container name of the private key.
/i <name> Specify the Issuer of the signing cert, or a substring.
/n <name> Specify the Subject Name of the signing cert, or a substring.
/p <pass.> Specify a password to use when opening the PFX file.
/r <name> Specify the Subject Name of a Root cert that the signing cert must
chain to.
/s <name> Specify the Store to open when searching for the cert. The default
is the "MY" Store.
/sm Open a Machine store instead of a User store.
/sha1 <h> Specify the SHA1 hash of the signing cert.
/fd Specifies the file digest algorithm to use for creating file
signatures. (Default is SHA1)
/u <usage> Specify the Enhanced Key Usage that must be present in the cert.
The parameter may be specified by OID or by string. The default
usage is "Code Signing" (
/uw Specify usage of "Windows System Component Verification"
Private Key selection options:
/csp <name> Specify the CSP containing the Private Key Container.
/kc <name> Specify the Key Container Name of the Private Key.
Signing parameter options:
/d <desc.> Provide a description of the signed content.
/du <URL> Provide a URL with more information about the signed content.
/t <URL> Specify the timestamp server's URL. If this option is not present,
the signed file will not be timestamped. A warning is generated if
timestamping fails.
/tr <URL> Specifies the RFC 3161 timestamp server's URL. If this option
(or /t) is not specified, the signed file will not be timestamped.
A warning is generated if timestamping fails. This switch cannot
be used with the /t switch.
/td <alg> Used with the /tr switch to request a digest algorithm used by the
RFC 3161 timestamp server.
Other options:
/ph Generate page hashes for executable files if supported.
/nph Suppress page hashes for executable files if supported.
The default is determined by the SIGNTOOL_PAGE_HASHES
environment variable and by the wintrust.dll version.
/q No output on success and minimal output on failure. As always,
SignTool returns 0 on success, 1 on failure, and 2 on warning.
/v Print verbose success and status messages. This may also provide
slightly more information on error.
Runs driver signability tests and creates the catalog(s).
INF2CAT /driver:path /os:operatingSystem1[,os2]... [/nocat] [/verbose]
/driver (/drv) Indicates the path to the driver package follows.
path Specifies the path to the driver package.
/os Indicates the operating system(s) targeted by the driver
package follows. The targeted operating system(s) is a
comma separated list of the following values:
operatingSystem1 2000 XP_X86 Server2003_X86 Vista_X86 Server2008_X86
XP_X64 Server2003_X64 Vista_X64 Server2008_X64
Server2003_IA64 Server2008_IA64
/nocat Prevents the creation of the catalog(s).
/verbose (/v) Displays detailed console output.
/drm Add DRM level catalog attribute to files. Optionally
followed by a list of files.
/pe Add PE catalog attribute to files. Optionally
followed by a list of files.
/pageHashes Include page hashes with files. Optionally
followed by a list of files.