最简单的方法是perl -MCPAN -e ’install Chocolate::Belgian’,CPAN.pm文档有详细的如何使用该方法的介绍。如果你不想要让系统过多的控制你的安装或者它根本就不能使用的话,那么你就要看看这篇文章了perlmodinstall,他涵盖了UNIX,WINDOWS和Macintosh这几种主流系统。
如果你是使用的ActivePerl(WINDOWS平台),那么PPM(Perl Package Manager)也可以起到相当于CPAN.pm模块的作用。
make Makefile.PL
make;make test
make install(这一步需要管理员权限,或者你将模块安装到你的个人目录下面)
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use ExtUtils::Installed;
print "removing $item\n";
unlink $item;
print "removing $packfile\n";
unlink $packfile;
perldoc perllocal
每当你安装了一个模块,它就会在一个叫perllocal.pod的文件中添加如下所示的信息。而该文件所在地依赖于你所定义的PATH路径,PATH路径可以使用perl -V显示出来。
=head2 Wed May 12 13:42:53 1999: C<Module> L<Data::Dumper>
my $instmod = ExtUtils::Installed->new();
foreach my $module ($instmod->modules()) {
Apache::DBILogConfig -- 0.01
Apache::DBILogger -- 0.93
AppConfig -- 1.52
Archive::Tar -- 0.22
BerkeleyDB -- 0.06
CGI -- 2.74
CPAN -- 1.59
CPAN::WAIT -- 0.27
Catalog -- 1.00
Compress::Zlib -- 1.11
Config::IniFiles -- 2.14
Convert::BER -- 1.26
Coy -- ???
Crypt::Rot13 -- 0.04
Crypt::SSLeay -- 0.16
DBI -- 1.14
C:\>ppm query
Archive-Tar [0.072 ] module for manipulation of tar archives.
Compress-Zlib [1.03 ] Interface to zlib compression library
DBI [1.13 ] Database independent interface for Perl
GD [1.25 ] Interface to Gd Graphics Library
HTML-Parser [2.23 ] SGML parser class
MIME-Base64 [2.11 ] Encoding and decoding of base64 strings
PPM [1.1.4 ] Perl Package Manager: locate, install, upgrade software
pmtools --一套用来帮助管理模块的小程序。里面的每一个程序都只做一件事情,其中包括一下小程序
pmpath - 显示模块的绝对路径
pmvers - 显示模块版本号
pmdesc - 得到关于模块的概述
pmall - 显示所有已安装模块的pmdesc描述
pmdirs - 分行显示perl模块的路径
plxload - 显示程序运行时加载了什么文件
pmload - 显示模个模块编译时加载了什么文件
pmexp - 显示模块的接口
pminst - 查找安装了哪些模块
pmeth - 列出一个类的所有方法
pmls - 详细列出模块路径
pmcat - 显示模块源码
pman - 显示模块的pod文档
pmfunc - 显示一个模块中函数的源码
podgrep - 在pod文档中查找
pfcat - show pods from perlfunc
podtoc - list table of contents of a podpage
podpath - 显示pod文件的绝对路径
pods - 列出所有标准pod以及模块pod
sitepods - list only pods in site_perl directories
basepods - list only normal "man-page" style pods
faqpods - list only faq pods
modpods - all module pods, including site_perl ones
stdpods - list standard pods, not site_perl ones
command argument description
a,b,d,m WORD or /REGEXP/ about authors, bundles, distributions, modules(用与查看作者,bundles,分布,模块)
i WORD or /REGEXP/ about anything of above(查看相关信息)
r NONE reinstall recommendations(建议需要重新安装的模块)
ls AUTHOR about files in the author's directory(列出在此作者目录下的文件)
get download
make make (implies get)
test MODULES, make test (implies make)
install DISTS, BUNDLES make install (implies test)
clean make clean (以上是动作,对模块的下载编译安装清除)
look open subshell in these dists' directories
readme display these dists' README files
get downloads a distribution file without further action. readme displays the README file of the associated distribution. Look gets and untars (if not yet done) the distribution file, changes to the appropriate directory and opens a subshell process in that directory.
h,? display this menu ! perl-code eval a perl command
o conf [opt] set and query options q quit the cpan shell
reload cpan load again reload index load newer indices
autobundle Snapshot force cmd unconditionally do cmd