function DetectInput //判断输入的数据,控制方向
{ while ` 1 ` do c="" read -n 1 c //读取输入的字母 echo -ne "\r \r" //清除输入的字母 if [[ $c == "a" || $c == "j" || $c == "A" || $c == "J" ]] then kill -36 $pidShowSnake //改变贪吃蛇的运动轨迹 elif [[ $c == "w" || $c == "i" || $c == "W" || $c == "I" ]] then kill -37 $pidShowSnake elif [[ $c == "d" || $c == "l" || $c == "D" || $c == "L" ]] then kill -38 $pidShowSnake elif [[ $c == "s" || $c == "k" || $c == "S" || $c == "K" ]] then kill -39 $pidShowSnake elif [[ $c == "q" || $c == "Q" ]] then echo Quit. kill -40 $pidShowSnake exit fi done } function info () { //游戏结束时的提示信息
title=$1 content=$2 greeting=$3 printf "\33[31m"
printf "\33[11;17H------------------------------------------" printf "\33[12;17H| =======>>$title<<====== | " printf "\33[13;17H| $content |" printf "\33[14;17H| =======>>$greeting<<======= | " printf "\33[15;17H------------------------------------------" printf "\33[0m" } function AllExit //退出程序 { kill -40 $pidShowSnake exit } if [[ $1 != "--showsnake" ]] //判断脚本的执行参数
then eval $0" --showsnake "$$"&" trap "exit" TERM trap "AllExit" INT pidShowSnake=$! DetectInput exit else pidCtlSnake=$2 fi #echo sub
#(( iSpeed=500 - ${#iX[@]} * 10 )) #time interval in millisecond
iSpeed=800 //初始化一些参数 iDirection=0 #1-left, 2-up, 3-right, 4-down iWidth=17 iHeight=16 iX=(6 7 8) iY=(7 7 7) iMap=() iS=0 #Start pointer in iX (( iTotalBox = iWidth * iHeight ))
for (( i = 0; i < iTotalBox; i++ )) do (( iMap[$i] = 0 )) done function RandomHeader //随机产生贪吃蛇要吃的果实位置
{ (( iNew = RANDOM % ( iTotalBox - ${#iX[@]} ) )) for (( iNewP = 0, i = 0; iNewP < iTotalBox && i < iNew; iNewP++)) do if (( ${iMap[$iNewP]} != 1 )); then (( i++ )); fi done while (( ${iMap[$iNewP]} == 1 )); do (( iNewP++ )); done (( iNewX = iNewP % iWidth ))
(( iNewY = (iNewP - iNewX) / iWidth )) echo -ne "\33[1m\33[35m"
(( pX = 2 * iNewX + iLeft + 1 )) (( pY = iNewY + iTop + 1 )) echo -ne "\33["$pY";"$pX"H[]" echo -ne "\33["$iCursor";1H" echo -ne "\33[0m" }
function InitDraw //初始化程序界面
{ clear (( iTop = 6 ))
(( iBottom = iTop + iHeight + 1 )) (( iLeft = 1 )) (( iRight = iLeft + iWidth + iWidth + 1 )) (( iCursor = iBottom + 1 )) echo -ne "\033[31m"
echo -ne "\33[2;29H====ShowSnake====" echo -ne "\33[5;15HGame Area" echo -ne "\33[5;50HContent Area" echo -ne "\33[32m" for (( i = iLeft + 1; i < iWidth * 2 + iWidth * 2 + iLeft + 4; i++ )) do echo -ne "\33[1;"$i"H-" echo -ne "\33[4;"$i"H-" echo -ne "\33["$iTop";"$i"H-" echo -ne "\33["$iBottom";"$i"H-" done for (( i = 1; i < iHeight + iTop + 2; i++ )) do echo -ne "\33["$i";"$iLeft"H|" echo -ne "\33["$i";72H|" if (( i > 3 )) then echo -ne "\33["$i";"$iRight"H|" fi if (( i == 7 )); then echo -ne "\33["$i";40HSorce :00"; elif (( i ==9 )); then echo -ne "\33["$i";40HSpeed :00s/m"; elif (( i ==11 )); then echo -ne "\33["$i";40HLevel :01"; elif (( i ==13 )); then echo -ne "\33["$i";40HAuthor:GTSC Hu Changwen"; elif (( i ==15 )); then echo -ne "\33["$i";40HMail :hucw@dne.com.cn"; elif (( i ==17 )); then echo -ne "\33["$i";40HVer :2.0"; elif (( i ==19 )); then echo -ne "\33["$i";40HHelp :[w] up [s] down"; elif (( i ==20 )); then echo -ne "\33["$i";40H [a] left [d] right"; fi; done echo -ne "\33["$iCursor";1H" echo -ne "\33[0m" echo -ne "\33[1m\33[33m"
for (( i = 0; i < ${#iX[@]}; i++ )) do (( pX = 2 * ${iX[$i]} + iLeft + 1 )) (( pY = ${iY[$i]} + iTop + 1 )) (( pM = ${iY[$i]} * iWidth + ${iX[$i]} )) (( iMap[$pM] = 1 )) echo -ne "\33["$pY";"$pX"H[]" #echo ${iX[$i]} done echo -ne "\33["$iCursor";1H" echo -ne "\33[0m" RandomHeader
} function ShiftSnake //贪吃蛇移动时的效果函数 { (( iLastP = iS - 1 )) if (( iLastP < 0 )); then ((iLastP = ${#iX[@]} - 1 )); fi if (( iDir == 1 )) #left
then (( iHX = ${iX[$iLastP]} - 1 )) (( iHY = ${iY[$iLastP]} )) elif (( iDir == 2 )) #up then (( iHX = ${iX[$iLastP]} )) (( iHY = ${iY[$iLastP]} - 1 )) elif (( iDir == 3 )) #right then (( iHX = ${iX[$iLastP]} + 1 )) (( iHY = ${iY[$iLastP]} )) elif (( iDir == 4 )) #down then (( iHX = ${iX[$iLastP]} )) (( iHY = ${iY[$iLastP]} + 1 )) fi bOver=0
if (( iHX < 0 || iHY < 0 || iHX >= iWidth || iHY >= iHeight )); then bOver=1;fi if (( bOver == 0 )); then if (( ${iMap[iHY * iWidth + iHX]} == 1 )); then bOver=1; fi fi if (( bOver == 1 ))
then kill $pidCtlSnake (( iBottom = iBottom + 1 )) #echo -e "\33["$iBottom";0HGame over! (Score: "${#iX[@]}"00)\33[0m" info "Game over" "You are a shit! Your Score: ${#iX[@]}00" "Thank You" echo -e "\33["$iBottom";0H\33[0m" exit 0; fi #check if catch the new box if (( iHX == iNewX && iHY == iNewY )) then for (( i = ${#iX[@]}; i > iS; i-- )) do (( iX[$i] = ${iX[$i - 1]} )) (( iY[$i] = ${iY[$i - 1]} )) done (( iX[$iS] = iHX )) (( iY[$iS] = iHY )) (( iNextP = iS + 1 ))
if (( iNextP >= ${#iX[@]} )); then iNextP=0; fi echo -ne "\a"
RandomHeader echo -ne "\33[7;40HSorce :${#iX[@]}00\33[0m" echo -ne "\33[9;40HSpeed :${speed}s/m \33[0m" echo -ne "\33[11;40HLevel :${level} \33[0m" else (( iNextP = iS + 1 )) if (( iNextP >= ${#iX[@]} )); then iNextP=0; fi #clear snake tailer
(( pX = 2 * ${iX[$iS]} + iLeft + 1 )) (( pY = ${iY[$iS]} + iTop + 1 )) (( pM = ${iY[$iS]} * iWidth + ${iX[$iS]} )) (( iMap[$pM] = 0 )) echo -ne "\33["$pY";"$pX"H " (( iX[$iS] = iHX )) (( iY[$iS] = iHY )) #echo -e "\33["$iBottom";0HGame over! (Score: "${#iX[@]}"00)\33[0m"
fi #draw snake header
echo -ne "\33[1m\33[33m" (( pX = 2 * iHX + iLeft + 1 )) (( pY = iHY + iTop + 1 )) (( pM = iHY * iWidth + iHX )) (( iMap[$pM] = 1 )) echo -ne "\33["$pY";"$pX"H[]" echo -ne "\33["$iCursor";1H" echo -ne "\33[0m" (( iS = iNextP ))
} trap "if (( iDir != 3 && iDir != 0 )); then iDirection=1; fi" 36
trap "if (( iDir != 4 )); then iDirection=2; fi" 37 trap "if (( iDir != 1 )); then iDirection=3; fi" 38 trap "if (( iDir != 2 )); then iDirection=4; fi" 39 trap "exit" 40 InitDraw
#iTime="1"`date +"%S%N"`
while ` 1 ` do (( iNanoSec = iSpeed * 1000000 - ${#iX[@]} * 100 * 1000000 )) if [ ${#iX[@]} -ge "3" ] & [ ${#iX[@]} -lt "10" ]; then sleep 1 speed=1.0 level="1" elif [ ${#iX[@]} -ge "10" ] & [ ${#iX[@]} -lt "20" ]; then sleep 0.9 speed=0.9 level="2" elif [ ${#iX[@]} -ge "20" ] & [ ${#iX[@]} -lt "30" ]; then sleep 0.8 speed=0.8 level="3" elif [ ${#iX[@]} -ge "30" ] & [ ${#iX[@]} -lt "40" ]; then sleep 0.7 speed=0.7 level="4" elif [ ${#iX[@]} -ge "40" ] & [ ${#iX[@]} -lt "50" ]; then sleep 0.6 speed=0.6 level="5" elif [ ${#iX[@]} -ge "50" ] & [ ${#iX[@]} -lt "60" ]; then sleep 0.5 speed=0.5 level="6" elif [ ${#iX[@]} -ge "60" ] & [ ${#iX[@]} -lt "70" ]; then sleep 0.4 speed=0.4 level="7" elif [ ${#iX[@]} -ge "70" ] & [ ${#iX[@]} -lt "80" ]; then sleep 0.3 speed=0.3 level="8" elif [ ${#iX[@]} -ge "90" ] & [ ${#iX[@]} -lt "100" ]; then sleep 0.2 speed=0.2 level="9" else [ ${#iX[@]} -ge "100" ] sleep 0.05 level="10" fi #iTimeNew="1"`date +"%S%N"`
#avoid iTimeNew < iTime when new minute comes
#if (( iTimeNew < iTime )) #then #(( iTime = iTime - 600000000 )) #fi #detect the time interval
#if (( iTimeNew - iTime < iNanoSec )); then continue; fi #iTime=$iTimeNew iDir=$iDirection
if (( iDir != 0 )) 本文出自 51CTO.COM技术博客then ShiftSnake fi done |
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