Donation from to the Debian Project and benefits for Debian members - Bits from Debian
Bits from Debian

Bits from Debian

Donation from to the Debian Project and benefits for Debian members

On Fri 28 May 2021 with tags donation cloud
Written by Donald Norwood and Laura Arjona Reina

Translations: pt-BR

We are pleased to announce that offsite backup and cloud storage company has generously donated several Terabytes of storage space to the Debian Project! This new storage medium will be used to backup our Debian Peertube instance.

In addition to this bountiful offer, is also providing a free-forever 500 GB account to every Debian Developer. is a dedicated offsite backup company. Since 2001, they have provided customers with a secure UNIX filesystem accessible with most SSH/SFTP applications.’s infrastructure is spread across multiple continents with a core IPv6 network and a ZFS redundant file-system assuring customer data is kept securely with integrity.

The Debian Project thanks for their generosity and support.

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