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Vivid blue shapes on a dark background to show working positive controls for immunofluorescence

5 Protein Crystallization Seeding Techniques for Bigger and Better Crystals

Protein crystals are crucial for structure solution via X-ray crystallography but are notoriously hard to grow. We’ve got you covered with 5 clever protein crystallization seeding methods to grow impressive protein crystals.

Liquid Nitrogen Safety In The Lab: 10 Tips To Avoid LN2 Dangers

Liquid nitrogen isn’t just cool, it’s potentially deadly. We share our 10 tips for staying safe while working with liquid nitrogen.

How to Use a pH Meter Correctly in 4 Simple Steps

A neglected pH meter means less reliable experiments, poor reproducibility, and your time wasted. So, learn how to use a pH meter correctly!

Easy Lentiviral Transduction Protocol

Follow our simple lentiviral transduction protocol and discover expert tips and tricks to make your transductions a success.

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