Patching GCC to build Actually Portable Executables2023-07-13: I wrote a ~2000-line gcc patch to simplify building Actually Portable Executables with Cosmopolitan Libc. Now you can build popular software such as bash, curl, git, ninja, and even gcc itself, with Cosmopolitan Libc via the ./configure or cmake build system, without having to change source code, and the built executables should run on
Rust and Cosmopolitan Libc2023-11-01 Update: I found out that Rust decides system constants like EINVAL and SIGTERM at compile-time, which means that the portability of Rust executables is limited to x86_64-linux and aarch64-linux, the targets with which the executables are built. It’s good to know that Cosmo can be a viable target for Rust, and perhaps later we may use extern system constants in
Python is Actually PortableUpdate (2024-04-15): The Python executable build process described in this post is from 2021, and both Cosmopolitan Libc and the surrounding tooling have improved since 2021. The build process is much simpler now, you can download Python 3.11.4 Actually Portable Executables built via Github Actions at https://github.com/ahgamut/superconfigure – one of the Python binaries
Actually Portable ExecutablesI came across Cosmopolitan on Hacker News, and I was initially confused, due to a few memories of cross-compilation nightmares: while it should be possible to compile for the same architecture regardless of operating system, wouldn’t the OS get confused by the leading bytes of the executable? I read the article explaining how it works, but most of it went over my head.