
Overview of AuthorConnect

Welcome to AuthorConnect!

AuthorConnect provides a new way to extend the reach of academic research conferences by facilitating virtual meetups between paper authors and members of the research community who may or may not be able to attend the conference in person. Authors can create their own virtual meeting sessions using their meeting platform of choice (e.g., Zoom) and post the meeting connection information on AuthorConnect. Other users can view and register to participate in these sessions, and can also message authors to indicate interest in a meeting about a paper if a session has not been created. To learn more, see the AuthorConnect FAQ!

How to get started as an author

  1. Sign up for an AuthorConnect account using the same email address you used for your paper submission(s).
  2. Go to My Dashboard and view the My Authored Papers section. Click on the paper title to access the page for your paper.
  3. On the page for your paper, you can create, view, edit, and delete AuthorConnect sessions for your paper. Each session consists of the following information:
    • A date and time that the session will be held. This is chosen by the author and is specified either in the time zone of the conference location and the local time zone of the user.
    • A meeting link for the session. Authors create their own virtual meeting link using their meeting software of choice (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams).
    • Notes/instructions. Add any additional notes or instructions to let participants know how to connect to your meeting (e.g., required passwords, etc.).
  4. Once a session has been created, other AuthorConnect users can register to participate in the session. You can see who has registered for each session on the page for your paper. You can also create additional sessions or modify/delete existing sessions as needed.
  5. You can view all your authored papers and sessions by going to My Dashboard in the main navigation menu. Here, you can also see other papers in which you have expressed interest, as well as sessions for which you have registered.

How to get started as a non-author

  1. Sign up for an AuthorConnect account.
  2. Go to the Papers page and locate papers of interest using the search/filter boxes at the top of the page. Click on the paper title to access the page for that paper.
  3. On the paper page, you can view and register for any existing AuthorConnect sessions that have been created by the paper authors.
  4. If a session has not been created, or none of the available sessions works for you, you can send a message to the paper authors by clicking “Request to connect with paper authors.” You can send the pre-generated message or modify it as needed.
  5. On the My Dashboard page, you can view all papers in which you have expressed interest as well as sessions for which you have registered.