Rohit Nayak
Head of Product , Softvision Info Solutions Corp.Bio
Rohit Nayak brings 15 years experience in Identity and Access Management space, working with multiple clients including Sony and identity startups inclusing JumpCloud as a Sr. Product Manager for Cloud Directories. Currently, Rohit leads Identity program for Sony Pictures and is a cofounder of Softvision corp, where he is building a passwordless timesheet product in adiditon to IAM services. Rohit has an MBA from Michigan Ross, a top business schools, with interests not only in technical concepts of identity, but also in building cost -benefit analysis models for getting buyin for a passwordless product like softvision TAAS. With multiple proof-of-conecepts for decentralized identity products built in the past for a stealth venture, his interests are in creating the right business centric models for Identity Management concepts.