
Ever want to run your AWS lambda functions locally so you can debug efficiently? Well, the documentation for doing so isn’t in one nice, convenient location. Still, the tools ARE THERE. You just need instructions on what to set up and how. That’s what this article will attempt to help you accomplish.


I’m assuming a Windows and Visual Studio environment here. If that’s not your go-to, I’m imagining the adjustments are small. If you’d like to share your adjustments, I’m happy to update this article.

I’m also assuming you started your project with the AWS Lambda Project (.NET Core, C#) template.


Before you can debug, the following must be installed:

Lambda Mock Test Tool Install Shortcut

You can install the Mock Test Tool from the command line easily. Just open PowerShell and run the following command:

dotnet tool install -g Amazon.Lambda.TestTool-8.0

Note the -8.0 needs to match the .NET version. Here are some versions to choose from, which will update from time to time. See the Github repo in Pre-requisites for the latest table.

.NET Core VersionTool NuGet PackageTool executable
.NET Core 2.1 (Deprecated)Amazon.Lambda.TestTool-2.1dotnet-lambda-test-tool-2.1.exe
.NET Core 3.1 (Deprecated)Amazon.Lambda.TestTool-3.1dotnet-lambda-test-tool-3.1.exe
.NET 5.0 (Deprecated)Amazon.Lambda.TestTool-5.0dotnet-lambda-test-tool-5.0.exe
.NET 6.0Amazon.Lambda.TestTool-6.0dotnet-lambda-test-tool-6.0.exe
.NET 7.0 (Deprecated)Amazon.Lambda.TestTool-7.0dotnet-lambda-test-tool-7.0.exe
.NET 8.0Amazon.Lambda.TestTool-8.0dotnet-lambda-test-tool-8.0.exe
.NET 9.0Amazon.Lambda.TestTool-9.0dotnet-lambda-test-tool-9.0.exe

Configuring Your Project

In your project, you will need to make some adjustments in order to debug.

Update launchSettings.json

In the project’s launchSettings.json file, make sure you are pointing to the Mock Lamda Test Tool profile and environmentVariables are specified. Something like this:

  "profiles": {
    "Mock Lambda Test Tool": {
      "commandName": "Executable",
      "commandLineArgs": "--port 5050",
      "workingDirectory": ".\\bin\\$(Configuration)\\net8.0",
      "executablePath": "%USERPROFILE%\\.dotnet\\tools\\dotnet-lambda-test-tool-8.0.exe",
      "environmentVariables": {
        "AWS_LAMBDA_RUNTIME_API": "localhost:5050",
        "AWS_PROFILE": "default",
        "AWS_REGION": "us-east-2",
        "DYNAMODB_ENDPOINT": "http://localhost:8000"

The DYNAMODB_ENDPOINT is optional, and your tastes for naming environment variables may vary.

Make sure the workingDirectory and executablePath are set to the appropriate version of your installed .NET and Lambda Mock Test Tool versions.

Update aws-lambda-tools-defaults.json

You must also tell the Lambda Mock Test Tool where to find the function to point your requests. You can only test one function at a time (sorry), but it’s easy to update.

Populate the function-handler setting in the aws-lambda-tools-defaults.json file as follows:

  "Information": [
    "This file provides default values for the deployment wizard inside Visual Studio and the AWS Lambda commands added to the .NET Core CLI.",
    "To learn more about the Lambda commands with the .NET Core CLI execute the following command at the command line in the project root directory.",
    "dotnet lambda help",
    "All the command line options for the Lambda command can be specified in this file."
  "profile": "default",
  "region": "us-east-1",
  "configuration": "Release",
  "function-architecture": "arm64",
  "function-runtime": "dotnet8",
  "function-memory-size": 128,
  "function-timeout": 30,
  "function-handler": "assemblyName::fullClassPath::nameOfFunction",
  "framework": "net8.0",
  "package-type": "Zip"

See it there, on line 15? Populate it as follows:

  • assemblyName: The name of your assembly. For example, OhMyLambda.
  • fullClassPath: The full path of the class containing your function. For example, OhMyLambda.MyFunctionClass
  • nameOfFunction: The name of your function, such as Handler

So, if you had a class like this:

// Assembly attribute to enable the Lambda function's JSON input to be converted into a .NET class.
[assembly: LambdaSerializer(typeof(Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.SystemTextJson.DefaultLambdaJsonSerializer))]

namespace OhMyLambda.Functions;

public class MyFunctionClass(IAmazonDynamoDB dynamoDbClient)
    public MyFunctionClass() : this(CreateDynamoDbClient()) { }

    public async Task<APIGatewayProxyResponse> Handler(APIGatewayProxyRequest request, ILambdaContext context)
          ... more code here ...

…then your function-handler line would look like:

  "function-handler": "OhMyLambda::OhMyLambda.Functions.MyFunctionClass::Handler",

All good? Let’s continue.

Before You Debug

Before debugging, make sure you see Mock Lambda Test Tool as your startup option. You should also have DynamoDb running if it’s needed.

Starting DynamoDb

If you also need DynamoDb to be running, you should start it before debugging. If you have installed DynamoDb Local from the link above, you need to get AWS Credentials and THEN start it.

To get AWS credentials for the local instance, open PowerShell and run aws configure and use the following credentials:

  • AWS Access Key ID [None]: fakeMyKeyId
  • AWS Secret Access Key [None]: fakeSecretAccessKey
  • Default Region Name [None]: fakeRegion
  • Default output format [None]: (just hit enter)

This will take care of being able to access DynamoDb locally with the proper credentials

Once the credentials have been set, you can launch DynamoDb as follows:

java -D”java.library.path=./DynamoDBLocal_lib” -jar DynamoDBLocal.jar -sharedDb

I added this to a batch file to quickly run it from File Explorer.

This will launch DynamoDb. You can press Control-C to end its process when you’re done.


You should be all set now. Simply launch the debugger and you should see the Mock Lambda Test Tool appear in your default web browser. It will look something like this:

If you don’t see your function details, or the top two dropdowns are empty, you have an error in your configuration. Make sure that function-handler is correct!

Triggering the Lambda

So how do you send the payload and trigger the Lambda? Amazon has you covered – just select API Gateway AWS Proxy from the Example Requests dropdown. Then, fill in the “body” with the proper JSON-formatted-as-string. Hit Execute Function, and the request will be made and should trigger your debug breakpoint, assuming you’ve set one.

The End

That’s it! You should be able to debug now! I hope this helped. If you have any updates or questions, feel free to hit me up. You can find me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aurirahimzadeh

Microsoft Copilot really impressed me with its skills today. I’m not a pro designer by any means. I paid to have Liq designed by a college student, and they did a pretty good job. I was left to do the HTML and CSS – gladly. But I had to add a lot of features to the site this weekend. And they had bare-bones design. So, I wondered… 

What if I prompted Copilot… “Make this page look professional.”

And it did. Check out these Before and Afters.

My admin dashboard:

My edit page, which I asked it to split the “create” and “edit” to only be visible when creating/editing.



Prompt: “make this page look professional and make sure the Create form is only visible when creating and the Edit form is only visible when editing”

It even explained what it would do! (this is in Visual Studio, btw)

Certainly not a comprehensive redesign. It’s basic Bootstrap. But for quick tune-ups, especially when I’ve just done the bare minimum HTML + CSS, wow. I wonder if I could next try “Make this page look like the other pages” to implement a theme?

Have you tried this? Taken it to the next level? Lemme know…

Did you know the same bottle of bourbon can taste spicy or sweet depending on where it’s aged? I ran this experiment to show you how easy it is to find just the right taste profile with Four Roses Single Barrel and a little bit of label reading. All the same “bottle” at 100 proof, just different aging locations, and a world of difference. Dive in and learn how to tune in your tastes…

This is also my first attempt at a vertical video… Still learning how best to deliver in that format. Remember when that used to be verboten, aka VVS (Vertical Video Syndrome)?

Liq, my free bourbon + whiskey + tequila + mezcal + other spirit collecting and tasting app, was recently featured on the way cool Final Third Cigar Lounge Podcast. We discuss Liq, Final Third’s recent Jack Daniels Single Barrel Rye pick, and experiment with how the barrel location during aging affects its taste.

Enjoy the video (below) or the Podcast! And check Liq out at https://liq.live.

Finally… my bourbon, whiskey, tequila, mezcal, wine, whatever you want to drink + taste + collect app… Liq… is now available for both mobile platforms. What an adventure!

But first, download today:

If you have feedback, or want new features, report them here: https://liq.feedbear.com/boards/feature-requests-bugs

And now on to the app review trials…

The App Request

Originally, Liq was a website – https://liq.live. It was the easiest place to start, and start figuring out what people want. Plus, any updates I push would be immediately available to everyone. No waiting on app updates, supporting older versions, writing an API and more advanced caching infrastructure… And no app store reviews to get through, which can be troublesome in some cases.

But my users have spoken! “We want an app!” So I got to work a couple months ago and started building. Thankfully, most of the code was reusable. I found out quickly, the mobile app was the way to go. I could guarantee the experience. I could code for phones vs. tablets. And I could make it insanely simple to have such a useful tasting + collection tool anywhere users went.

Once it was done and tested – thanks Club Marzipan! – I was ready to submit. I’ve done this countless times. Every time, you cross your fingers… Let the story begin.

The iOS Story

Usually, Apple App Review is the tough part. Who knows what unknown rule you might break when submitting your first app release. Once you’re past that, the untrusting eyes are mostly off you. But still… you have to get over that first hurdle.

My initial submission was rejected. Apple found a bug I had never tested for, and they rightfully rejected the app. But not only did they reject it for the bug, they rejected it saying it’s nothing better than a website and I should add native features.

Well, that wasn’t fair, but I could see their point. Because of the bug, you couldn’t use the app. So, you wouldn’t see any of the features. I thanked them for reporting the bug, and that I disagreed about the “native” part. When working properly, Liq uses many native features. Native camera. Native photo access. Native sharing. Plus it’s, well, a native compiled app. Basically, every native feature Facebook uses except Location and Video, neither of which I need. Apple wrote back it doesn’t matter, but I ignored that – I told them “you’ll see in my next upload.”

I fixed the bug – again, thanks Apple, that was a good catch! – and re-uploaded. They came back about a day later with a new rejection reason. The bug was resolved, so that issue was removed, as was the “native” issue – phew! – that would have been an unnecessary rewrite. This time they pointed out I had no way to request account deletion. Fair point. I got to work.

I had the accout deletion fixed within a few hours. I tested the heck out of it. It worked great. I resubmitted and hoped for the best.

Two days later is was approved. w00t!

I did have some additional fixes. I let the original version get out there – it was only going to be out for a day – while I fixed some more bugs and tightened things up. Apple Reviews go much faster when you already a published verison of the app. I submitted the update and it was reviewed and approved the same day. Boom, proof.

Now, on to Android…

The Android Story

Usually, Google Play – the Android store – submission is a slam dunk. Google appears to use AI and another automated code-analysis system. I recall it being named something like The Bouncer. I don’t recall the exact name – it’s been a long time and I imagine things have changed. Anyway, given Apple’s issues were largely just Apple requirements, I figured I’d be reviewed within a day. You never know though!

I started to worry when the review had taken more than 2 days. A status of In Review for more than a few hours is uncommon. I was concerned. Alas, the rejection email came in. And it wasn’t what I expected:

First, I don’t know what “all parts of the metadata” means. I think it’s telling me my provided app screenshots and what’s in the app don’t match its description. Specifically, “track your bottles” and “see what you’ve tasted.” Let’s look at their screenshot:

So that’s their “proof” my app is misleading. But what’s this? Their screenshots show exactly what my app description details. Tastings and Collection. It’s all right there.

I’m guessing this is just a case of AI making a mistake judging my app. I don’t blame Google – they probably get a lot of submissions, and have minimal resources to look at them. Remember all those layoffs?

I submitted an appeal. They said it would take 2 days.

I received an email saying it might take longer than 2 days. OK, let’s be patient.

One week later, I finally received a notice that my appeal was accepted. All I had to do – though it wasn’t entirely clear in the email – was resubmit my app. I did that and started to wait.

Two days later, it still was In Review. “Oh, no…” I was thinking to myself… Not this again… Don’t reject me again, AI.

Thankfully, a few days after, my app was finally approved. Wow, unexpected. But I’m happy 😀🎉

Enjoy my app!

From a recent LinkedIn Insight – aka “give us your advice in 750 characters or less” – submission:


You’re tasked with integrating VR into a web app on a tight budget. How can you make it happen?

My response:

Ask why. Before you even get started, analyze the costs and the alternatives. Align those with the needs of the stakeholders. VR has such a small market penetration the spend may not be worth it. Others have mentioned 360 video, which is also viewable on a phone, tablet, and regular browser – that may be a better alternative. [Almost] every project that is heavy on content tends to receive the content late. That translates to possible dev work that doesn’t align with the content, or rework you can’t afford when the content shows up in the wrong, non-translatable format. Hence my suggestion you look for alternatives.

TLDR History Lesson: 3D has tried making a market for decades, and failed every time. 30% of humans can’t view 3D w/o nausea.

I had the opportunity to present Intro to Blazor at the Indy .NET Consortium last night. Here’s the video and presentation link for your enjoyment 🙂

Direct Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r6h7cYdzRM

Presentation Link: https://we.tl/t-EnCpKYx8sa

From a recent LinkedIn contribution:

Be mission-focused and be prepared.

Pick – or at least know – your team ahead of time.

Delegate to those best suited.

If you’re also a contributor, delegate your weaknesses.

Make it about the Vision, the Mission, and the Team. Connect with your people. You can’t succeed if it’s not all three.

If the team believes in the vision and the mission, they’ll work to believe in you. If they already believe in you, they’ll trust your vision and work to make the mission succeed. Trust them to follow through. If you run into trouble, ask THEM why, not just yourself. Correct as necessary.

When you have to be a leader, it’s about Vision, Mission, and Team. It may be hard getting the hang of it. As you see success, it’ll come easier.

From a recent LinkedIn contribution I wrote:

Communicate. Communicate. Communicate. Communicate as if you were in the same office. Communicate and have a conversation immediately if work items / task descriptions are not clear. Don’t just @mention someone, then spin in your chair or grab coffee while waiting for them to respond. Communicate and participate in all meetings. Your camera should be on. 70% of communication is non-verbal. Communicate the way you would expect someone in the office, or standing across from you, would communicate with you. Don’t hold others to communication standards you’re not upholding yourself. That’s unfair. You’ve got this – now, go be a team player!

My thoughts, originally posted on LinkedIn:

Documentation must be part of your process. If you’re documenting everything when you’re leaving, you’ve failed everyone. Just like workouts, make documentation routine, and you’ll do it every time. It’s OK to reject pull requests that are missing documentation. Perhaps make proof of documentation part of closing any Feature or Epic. If people complain, ask them how they react when entering a project with no, little, or poor documentation. They tend to change their tune when looking in the mirror.