ILS 2021 Panama – Ignite, Inspire and Engage

November 2021

IEEE Women In Engineering
International Leadership Summit
Panamá 2021


IEEE Women in Engineering​

IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is a global network of IEEE members and volunteers dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists, and inspiring girls around the world to follow their academic interests in a career in engineering and science. Our goal is to facilitate the recruitment and retention of women in technical disciplines globally. We envision a vibrant community of IEEE women and men collectively using their diverse talents to innovate for the benefit of humanity.

International Leadership Summit

Las Cumbres Internacionales de Liderazgo de Mujeres en Ingeniería de IEEE (WIE ILS) brindan oportunidades regionales para fomentar la creación de redes, la tutoría y la colaboración. Con el liderazgo y la creatividad de nuestros organizadores voluntarios, WIE continuará el programa WIE ILS en 2021 como parte del portafolio de iniciativas globales que se enfocan en Empoderamiento, Emprendimiento, Liderazgo y Tecnología Emergente / Futura.


Nuestras Panelistas

Jessica Young

Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Country Manager UNDP Panama

Ilya de Marotta

Engineer/Marine Industry/Operations/Management

Ligia Castro

Advisor on Climate Change at Ministry of Environment of Panama

Mónica Lupiañez

Managing Director, Head of Renewables en InterEnergy

Rosilena Lindo

Subsecretaria Nacional de Energía de Panamá en Secretaria Nacional de Energía de Panamá

Nadia Correa

COMMERCIAL MANAGER at PanAm Generating Ldt.

Adriana Angarita

Software Engineer/Dean/Educator/Innovation in Education

Lourdes Navarro

Consultor / Recursos Humanos / Estrategia / Emprendimiento

Nelly Valdivieso

Senior UX/UI Designer at Banco General en Banco General

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