Submission #44111948 - AtCoder Grand Contest 063

Submission #44111948

Source Code Expand

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
using pint = pair<int, int>;
using pll = pair<long long, long long>;
template<class T> inline bool chmax(T& a, T b) { if (a < b) { a = b; return 1; } return 0; }
template<class T> inline bool chmin(T& a, T b) { if (a > b) { a = b; return 1; } return 0; }

#define REP(i, n) for (long long i = 0; i < (long long)(n); ++i)
#define REP2(i, a, b) for (long long i = a; i < (long long)(b); ++i)
#define COUT(x) cout << #x << " = " << (x) << " (L" << __LINE__ << ")" << endl
template<class T1, class T2> ostream& operator << (ostream &s, pair<T1,T2> P)
{ return s << '<' << P.first << ", " << P.second << '>'; }
template<class T> ostream& operator << (ostream &s, vector<T> P)
{ for (int i = 0; i < P.size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) { s << " "; } s << P[i]; } return s; }
template<class T> ostream& operator << (ostream &s, deque<T> P)
{ for (int i = 0; i < P.size(); ++i) { if (i > 0) { s << " "; } s << P[i]; } return s; }
template<class T> ostream& operator << (ostream &s, vector<vector<T> > P)
{ for (int i = 0; i < P.size(); ++i) { s << endl << P[i]; } return s << endl; }
template<class T> ostream& operator << (ostream &s, set<T> P)
{ for(auto it : P) { s << "<" << it << "> "; } return s; }
template<class T> ostream& operator << (ostream &s, multiset<T> P)
{ for(auto it : P) { s << "<" << it << "> "; } return s; }
template<class T1, class T2> ostream& operator << (ostream &s, map<T1,T2> P)
{ for(auto it : P) { s << "<" << it.first << "->" << it.second << "> "; } return s; }

// 4-neighbor (or 8-neighbor)
const vector<int> dx = {1, 0, -1, 0, 1, -1, 1, -1};
const vector<int> dy = {0, 1, 0, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1};

// Union-Find
struct UnionFind {
    vector<int> par;

    UnionFind() { }
    UnionFind(int n) : par(n, -1) { }
    void init(int n) { par.assign(n, -1); }
    int root(int x) {
        if (par[x] < 0) return x;
        else return par[x] = root(par[x]);
    bool issame(int x, int y) {
        return root(x) == root(y);
    bool merge(int x, int y) {
        x = root(x); y = root(y);
        if (x == y) return false;
        if (par[x] > par[y]) swap(x, y); // merge technique
        par[x] += par[y];
        par[y] = x;
        return true;
    int size(int x) {
        return -par[root(x)];

ostream& operator << (ostream& s, UnionFind uf) {
    map<int, vector<int> > res;
    for (int i = 0; i < uf.par.size(); ++i) {
        int r = uf.root(i);
    for (map<int, vector<int> >::iterator it = res.begin(); it != res.end(); ++it) {
        s << endl;
        for (int j = 0; j < (int)it->second.size(); ++j) {
            s << it->second[j] << ", ";
    return s << endl;

// modint
template<int MOD> struct Fp {
    long long val;
    constexpr Fp(long long v = 0) noexcept : val(v % MOD) {
        if (val < 0) val += MOD;
    constexpr int getmod() const { return MOD; }
    constexpr Fp operator - () const noexcept {
        return val ? MOD - val : 0;
    constexpr Fp operator + (const Fp& r) const noexcept { return Fp(*this) += r; }
    constexpr Fp operator - (const Fp& r) const noexcept { return Fp(*this) -= r; }
    constexpr Fp operator * (const Fp& r) const noexcept { return Fp(*this) *= r; }
    constexpr Fp operator / (const Fp& r) const noexcept { return Fp(*this) /= r; }
    constexpr Fp& operator += (const Fp& r) noexcept {
        val += r.val;
        if (val >= MOD) val -= MOD;
        return *this;
    constexpr Fp& operator -= (const Fp& r) noexcept {
        val -= r.val;
        if (val < 0) val += MOD;
        return *this;
    constexpr Fp& operator *= (const Fp& r) noexcept {
        val = val * r.val % MOD;
        return *this;
    constexpr Fp& operator /= (const Fp& r) noexcept {
        long long a = r.val, b = MOD, u = 1, v = 0;
        while (b) {
            long long t = a / b;
            a -= t * b, swap(a, b);
            u -= t * v, swap(u, v);
        val = val * u % MOD;
        if (val < 0) val += MOD;
        return *this;
    constexpr bool operator == (const Fp& r) const noexcept {
        return this->val == r.val;
    constexpr bool operator != (const Fp& r) const noexcept {
        return this->val != r.val;
    friend constexpr istream& operator >> (istream& is, Fp<MOD>& x) noexcept {
        is >> x.val;
        x.val %= MOD;
        if (x.val < 0) x.val += MOD;
        return is;
    friend constexpr ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const Fp<MOD>& x) noexcept {
        return os << x.val;
    friend constexpr Fp<MOD> modpow(const Fp<MOD>& r, long long n) noexcept {
        if (n == 0) return 1;
        if (n < 0) return modpow(modinv(r), -n);
        auto t = modpow(r, n / 2);
        t = t * t;
        if (n & 1) t = t * r;
        return t;
    friend constexpr Fp<MOD> modinv(const Fp<MOD>& r) noexcept {
        long long a = r.val, b = MOD, u = 1, v = 0;
        while (b) {
            long long t = a / b;
            a -= t * b, swap(a, b);
            u -= t * v, swap(u, v);
        return Fp<MOD>(u);

// Binomial coefficient
template<class T> struct BiCoef {
    vector<T> fact_, inv_, finv_;
    constexpr BiCoef() {}
    constexpr BiCoef(int n) noexcept : fact_(n, 1), inv_(n, 1), finv_(n, 1) {
    constexpr void init(int n) noexcept {
        fact_.assign(n, 1), inv_.assign(n, 1), finv_.assign(n, 1);
        int MOD = fact_[0].getmod();
        for(int i = 2; i < n; i++){
            fact_[i] = fact_[i-1] * i;
            inv_[i] = -inv_[MOD%i] * (MOD/i);
            finv_[i] = finv_[i-1] * inv_[i];
    constexpr T com(int n, int k) const noexcept {
        if (n < k || n < 0 || k < 0) return 0;
        return fact_[n] * finv_[k] * finv_[n-k];
    constexpr T fact(int n) const noexcept {
        if (n < 0) return 0;
        return fact_[n];
    constexpr T inv(int n) const noexcept {
        if (n < 0) return 0;
        return inv_[n];
    constexpr T finv(int n) const noexcept {
        if (n < 0) return 0;
        return finv_[n];

//const int MOD = 1000000007;
const int MOD = 998244353;
using mint = Fp<MOD>;
BiCoef<mint> bc;

int main() {
    int N;
    string S;
    cin >> N >> S;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) S += "AB";
    set<int> alr;
    int res = 0, aback = -1, bback = -1;
    for (int k = 1; k <= N; ++k) {
        if (k % 2 == 1) {
            // Alice's turn (place B)
            while (bback < 0 || S[bback] != 'B') ++bback;
            while (alr.count(res)) ++res;
        } else {
            // Bob's turn (place A)
            while (aback < 0 || S[aback] != 'A') ++aback;
            while (alr.count(res)) ++res;
       // cout << "-------------" << endl; COUT(k); COUT(aback); COUT(bback); COUT(alr); COUT(res);
        cout << (S[res] == 'A' ? "Alice" : "Bob") << endl;

Submission Info

Submission Time
Task A - Mex Game
User drken
Language C++ (GCC 9.2.1)
Score 300
Code Size 7290 Byte
Status AC
Exec Time 400 ms
Memory 13204 KB

Compile Error

./Main.cpp: In function ‘std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, UnionFind)’:
./Main.cpp:63:23: warning: comparison of integer expressions of different signedness: ‘int’ and ‘std::vector<int>::size_type’ {aka ‘long unsigned int’} [-Wsign-compare]
   63 |     for (int i = 0; i < uf.par.size(); ++i) {
      |                     ~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Judge Result

Set Name Sample All
Score / Max Score 0 / 0 300 / 300
AC × 3
AC × 30
Set Name Test Cases
Sample 01_sample_01.txt, 01_sample_02.txt, 01_sample_03.txt
All 01_sample_01.txt, 01_sample_02.txt, 01_sample_03.txt, 02_small_01.txt, 02_small_02.txt, 02_small_03.txt, 02_small_04.txt, 03_rand_01.txt, 03_rand_02.txt, 03_rand_03.txt, 03_rand_04.txt, 03_rand_05.txt, 04_max_rand_01.txt, 04_max_rand_02.txt, 04_max_rand_03.txt, 04_max_rand_04.txt, 04_max_rand_05.txt, 05_half_half_01.txt, 05_half_half_02.txt, 05_half_half_03.txt, 05_half_half_04.txt, 05_half_half_05.txt, 06_hand_01.txt, 06_hand_02.txt, 06_hand_03.txt, 06_hand_04.txt, 06_hand_05.txt, 06_hand_06.txt, 06_hand_07.txt, 06_hand_08.txt
Case Name Status Exec Time Memory
01_sample_01.txt AC 8 ms 3440 KB
01_sample_02.txt AC 2 ms 3436 KB
01_sample_03.txt AC 2 ms 3460 KB
02_small_01.txt AC 3 ms 3512 KB
02_small_02.txt AC 3 ms 3492 KB
02_small_03.txt AC 3 ms 3440 KB
02_small_04.txt AC 2 ms 3500 KB
03_rand_01.txt AC 40 ms 4224 KB
03_rand_02.txt AC 216 ms 8980 KB
03_rand_03.txt AC 198 ms 8312 KB
03_rand_04.txt AC 256 ms 9972 KB
03_rand_05.txt AC 156 ms 7364 KB
04_max_rand_01.txt AC 390 ms 13112 KB
04_max_rand_02.txt AC 375 ms 13048 KB
04_max_rand_03.txt AC 386 ms 13108 KB
04_max_rand_04.txt AC 374 ms 13108 KB
04_max_rand_05.txt AC 378 ms 13048 KB
05_half_half_01.txt AC 383 ms 13108 KB
05_half_half_02.txt AC 389 ms 13168 KB
05_half_half_03.txt AC 400 ms 13036 KB
05_half_half_04.txt AC 387 ms 13112 KB
05_half_half_05.txt AC 397 ms 13132 KB
06_hand_01.txt AC 380 ms 13040 KB
06_hand_02.txt AC 374 ms 13036 KB
06_hand_03.txt AC 377 ms 13140 KB
06_hand_04.txt AC 387 ms 13104 KB
06_hand_05.txt AC 379 ms 13168 KB
06_hand_06.txt AC 384 ms 13204 KB
06_hand_07.txt AC 385 ms 13100 KB
06_hand_08.txt AC 381 ms 13040 KB