Yale retired faculty are eligible for library borrowing privileges at no charge. Users may use either their Yale University ID card or receive a borrowing card from the Sterling Memorial Library service desk. Please visit the service desk at Sterling Memorial Library to set up your extended access. Hours are available here.
Yale retired faculty library privileges include:
Book loan period: 1 year or date of account expiration, whichever is the lesser amount
Number of books/loans: 1000 items
Number of Yale Film Archive items: 50 items
Services: Borrow Direct, Interlibrary Loan, Scan and Deliver and Mail to Address
Reciprocal Borrowing Options: Borrow Direct Plus On-Site Borrowing
Building access: until closing
Access to public computers: log-in to public computer terminals
Emeritus Faculty only:
Remote access to electronic resources
Access to the Yale Secure Wi-Fi
Faculty and staff that were previously employed at Yale, but retired from a different institution are not eligible as part of this program. Please consult the Visitors section for information on what privileges are available.
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