ASABE - American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers > Get Involved > Sections & Districts

ASABE is broken down into five geographic districts and each district has a district representative who holds a position on the Membership Development Council. They act as the voice of sections, keeping in close communication with section chairs within their district and have the ability to provide direct feedback to the MDC. See the sections within districts here.

All ASABE and CSBE-SCGAB members living in the U.S. and Canada are assigned a local section based on where they live.  Most sections are bound by state lines, but a few cross state/US/Canadian boundaries. A description of states/counties is included on section pages that share boundaries.

While not every section is active at this time, most that are, hold local section meetings and events of interest to members. From technical tours and business meetings to fundraisers and socials, section meetings allow time for information sharing, networking and fellowship at the local level. Click on a section/NABEC links below to discover more about local activities.